How to archive a giant postgres table? - sql

We have a postgres table called history which is almost 900GB and continpusly increasing 10GB per day.
This is table is being accessed by a microservice (carts). We have postgres replication setup (one Master and one Slave).
2 Instances of the microservice is running in production, where 1 instance uses the master postgres connection to write and read data for some endpoints
and 1 another instance is using postgres slave connection to just the read the data alone.
Table definition:
id - uuid
data - jsonb column
internal - jsonb column
context - jsonb column
created_date - date
modified_date - date
Now in the above table data and internal column is loaded with big json for every row. We have came to a conclusion on null'ing the data and internal
column will reduce the total space consumption by this table.
How to archive this giant table? (meaning only cleaning up data and internal column alone).
How to achieve this without zero down time / performance degradation?
Approaches tested as of now.
Using pg_repack (this is best idea so far, but the issue here is once pg_repack is done then entire new table needs to get synced with slave instance which is causing WAL overhead).
Just nullify the data and internal column alone - Problem with this approach is just increases the table size due to postgres follows MVCC pattern.
Using Temp table and clone the data
Create a UNLOGGED table - historyv2
Copy the data from the original table to the historyv2 table without data and internal
then switch the table to LOGGED. ( I guess this will also cause the WAL overhead)
then rename the tables.
Can you guys give me some pointers on how to achieve this?
Postgres Version: 9.5

I always feel that questions like these conflate a few different ideas, which makes them seem more complicated than they should be. What does minimal performance impact mean? Generating lots of WAL may increase file i/o and cpu and network usage, but in most cases does not affect the system enough to have a client-facing impact. If no downtime is the most important thing, you should focus on optimizing for that, and not worry about what the process is to get there (within reason).
That said, if I woke up in your shoes, I would work first set up partitions for data going forward using table-inheritance, so that the data could be more easily segmented and worked on in the future. (This isn't entirely necessary, but probably makes your life easier in the future). After that, I would write a script to slowly go through the old data and creating new partitions with the "nulled out" data, interleaving partition creation, deletion of data, and vacuums against the main table. Once that is automated, you can let it churn slowly or during off-hours until it is done. You might need to do a final repack or vacuum full on the parent once all the data is moved, but it's probably ok even without it. Again, this isn't the simplest idea, probably not the fastest way to do it (if you could have downtime), but in the end, you'll have the schema you want without causing any service disruptions.


Is it possible to implement point in time recovery (PITR) in PostgreSQL for a single table?

Let's say I have a database with lots of tables, but there's one big table that's being updated regularly. At any given point in time, this table contains billions of rows, and let's say that the table is updated so regularly that we can expect a 100% refresh of the table by the end of each quarter. So the volume of data being moved around is in the order tens of billions. Because this table is changing so constantly, I want to implement a PITR, but only for this one table. I have two options:
Hack PostgreSQL's in-house PITR to apply only for one table.
Build it myself by creating a base backup, set up continuous archiving, and using a python script to execute the log of SQL statements up to a point in time (or use PostgreSQL's EXECUTE statement to loop through the archive). The big con with this is that it won't have the timeline functionality.
My problem is, I don't know if option 1 is even possible, and I don't know if option 2 even makes sense (looping through billions of rows sounds like it defeats the purpose of PITR, which is speed and convenience.) What other options do I have?

How many temporary/staging tables to use during the transform step of ETL?

My first thought is to first load data from S3 to a temporary table, apply the necessary transformations and then INSERT INTO target, final table. All the tables would have the same columns and are in Redshift.
However, how big of a performance hit would there be because of using multiple UPDATEs? Would it be better to split UPDATEs and filtering between multiple temporary tables for daily batch processing.
Instead of S3 -> TEMP -> FINAL, the flow would look like S3 -> TEMP1 -> ... -> TEMPN - > FINAL, where "->" would be "INSERT INTO".
Also, is it better to create temporary tables (CREATE TEMP TABLE) on the spot and dropping them every day, or use persisting temporary tables that would be truncated every day. I think using persisting temp tables would be the better choice as it allows me to check how the data looked as it was loaded and transformed that day.
As you are seeing there are lots of ways to run an update process and which is better will depend on factors that are not presented here. First off let's clarify what a TEMP table is and differentiate it from a staging table. A temp table only lives as long as the current session (connection) is active. If the connection drops then so does the TEMP table. A staging table is a permanent table used for staging data which more closely matches what you are describing you parts of your question. I'll use these two terms to be clear about which is being made (TEMP or staging).
Your question revolves around how big of a performance hit it would be to have a series of tables in the ETL (ELT?) process to improve, I expect, diagnosability / debug-ability. This is a fine goal but there are some downsides as with all tradeoffs in the real world.
If this is correct these tables will need to be staging tables as TEMP tables will disappear when the ETL session ends.
Saving a bunch of staging tables when one could be used has some downsides but how big these are depends on you situation. If your cluster is fairly idle and the ETL data payload isn't huge then the impact to the ETL process of the extra tables will be real but not large (a couple of seconds or less). These impacts are mostly around setting up (or truncating) the staging or TEMP tables. But if your cluster is running other workloads when ETL runs then the impact can be much larger.
You see there are many "resources" in a Redshift cluster that all need to be shared by everything running on the database. Some like memory allocation can be (somewhat) controlled through the WLM. Others cannot. The two biggies are network bandwidth and disk bandwidth. There is a fixed capacity to these bandwidths in Redshift and even though they are high, they are finite. There are other limits to Redshift's ability to execute a total workload but these in my experience are the big two.
Every time you create a table, TEMP or permanent, the data is stored to disk. This means a write to disk as well as distributing the data per the distribution settings of the table. Then when the table is accessed the data needs to be read from disk. All this unneeded data movement will have some impact, how large will depend on how big it is and what else is going on at the time. So you see the impact will be moderately small up to very large depending on a lot of factors, not the least of which is how many tables are you creating. The cost of doing this will need to be offset by the benefit of having these extra tables which is a business decision.
A common pattern is to load (COPY) data to a temp or staging table and then extract the DELETE patterns to one staging table and the INSERT data to another. Once the deletes and inserts are applied to then save these tables with a date stamp in the name and possibly unloaded to S3. After a while these sets of data are deleted, 1 month is common. This way you can figure out 'what happened' if things go sideways. This plus good database backups can be used to recover from code bugs.
Your secondary question is about whether it is better to drop and recreate or truncate. There have been a number of performance improvements to both of these statements. With a grain of salt, I'll offer my slightly dated experience comparing these. Both are fast but I saw drop and recreate as slightly faster (fewer dependencies to manage). That said the main difference is in how they interoperate with other aspects of the database. DROP will fail if there are dependent views (unless cascaded) and table permissions will be lost. DROP cannot be run in a transaction block and since it needs an exclusive lock on the table can be held off my another session reading the table. TRUNCATE can run in a transaction block but will force a commit so transaction changes will become visible to all. It is usually these differences that made the decision about TRUNCATE vs. DROP and there are other options such as DELETE and ALTER TABLE APPEND that have their own set of plusses and minuses.
So I'd generally advise against creating more tables than are actually needed in the ETL process when all needs are weighed (including performance and business needs). You may have excess capacity now but usually Redshift clusters get busier over time. The guiding principal here is don't move large amounts of data more times than is necessary.

Oracle - Failover table or query manipulation

In a DWH environment for performance reasons I need to materialize a view into a table with approx. 100 columns and 50.000.000 records. Daily ~ 60.000 new records are inserted and ~80.000 updates on existing records are performed. By decision I am not allowed to use materialized views because the architect claims this leads to performance issues. I can't argue the case anymore, it's an irrevocable decision and I have to accept.
So I would like to make a daily full load in the night e.g. truncate and insert. But if the job fails the table may not be empty but must contain the data from the last successful population.
Therefore I thought about something like a failover table, that will be used instead if anything wents wrong:
IF v_load_job_failed THEN failover_table
ELSE regular_table
Is there something like a failover table that will be used instead of another table depending on a predefined condition? Something like a trigger that rewrites or manipulates a select-query before execution?
I know that is somewhat of a dirty workaround.
If you have space for (brief) period of time of double storage, I'd recommend
1) Clone existing table (all indexes, grants, etc) but name with _TMP
2) Load _TMP
3) Rename base table to _BKP
4) Rename _TMP to match Base table
5) Rename _BKP to _TMP
6) Truncate _TMP
ETA: #1 would be "one time"; 2-6 would be part of daily script.
This all assumes the performance of (1) detecting all new records and all updated records and (2) using MERGE (INSERT+UPDATE) to integrate those changed records into base table is "on par" with full load.
(Personally, I lean toward the full load approach anyway; on the day somebody tweaks a referential value that's incorporated into the view def and changes the value for all records, you'll find yourself waiting on a week-long update of 50,000,000 records. Such concerns are completely eliminated with full-load approach)
All that said, it should be noted that if MV is defined correctly, the MV-refresh approach is identical to this approach in every way, except:
1) Simpler / less moving pieces
2) More transparent (SQL of view def is attached to MV, not buried in some PL/SQL package or .sql script somewhere)
3) Will not have "blip" of time, between table renames, where queries / processes may not see table and fail.
ETA: It's possible to pull this off with "partition magic" in a couple of ways that avoid a "blip" of time where data or table is missing.
You can, for instance, have an even-day and odd-day partition. On odd-days, insert data (no commit), then truncate even-day (which simultaneously drops old day and exposes new). But is it worth the complexity? You need to add a column to partition by, and deal with complexity of reruns - if you're logic isn't tight, you'll wind up truncating the data you just loaded. This does, however, prevent a blip
One method that does avoid any "blip" and is a little less "whoops" prone:
1) Add "DUMMY" column that always has value 1.
2) Create _TMP table (also with "DUMMY" column) and partition by DUMMY column (so all rows go to same partition)
-- Daily script --
3) Load _TMP table
4) Exchange partition of _TMP table with main base table WITHOUT VALIDATION INCLUDING INDEXES
It bears repeating: all of these methods are equivalent if resource usage to MV-refresh; they're just more complex and tend to make developers feel "savvy" for solving problems that have already been solved.
Final note - addressing David Aldridge - first and foremost, daily refresh tables SHOULD NOT have logging enabled. In recovery scenario, just make sure you have step to run refresh scripts once base tables are restored.
Performance-wise, mileage is going to vary on this; but in my experience, the complexity of identifying and modifying changed/inserted rows can get very sticky (at some point, somebody will do something to base data that your script did not take into account; either yielding incorrect results or performance obstacles). DWH environments tend to be geared to accommodate processes like this with little problem. Unless/until the full refresh proves to have overhead above&beyond what the system can tolerate, it's generally the simplest "set-it-and-forget-it" approach.
On that note, if data can be logically separated into "live rows which might be updated" vs "historic rows that will never be updated", you can come up with a partitioning scheme and process that only truncates/reloads the "live" data on a daily basis.
A materialized view is just a set of metadata with an underlying table, and there's no reason why you cannot maintain a table in a manner similar to a materialized view's internal mechanisms.
I'd suggest using a MERGE statement as a single query rather than a truncate/insert. It will either succeed in its entirety or rollback to leave the previous data intact. 60,000 new records and 80,000 modified records is not much.
I think that you cannot go far wrong if you at least start with a simple, single SQL statement and then see how that works for you. If you do decide to go with a multistep process then ensure that it automatically recovers itself at any stage where it might go wrong part way through -- that might turn out to be the tricky bit.

What's the fastest way to copy data from one table to another in Django?

I have two models -
ChatCurrent - (which stores the messages for the current active chats)
ChatArchive - (which archives the messages for the chats that have ended)
The reason I'm doing this is so that the ChatCurrent table always has minimum number of entries, making querying the table fast (I don't know if this works, please let me know if I've got this wrong)
So I basically want to copy (cut) data from the ChatCurrent to the ChatArchive model. What would be the fastest way to do this. From what I've read online, it seems that I might have to execute a raw SQL query, if you would be kind enough to even state the Query I'll be grateful.
Additional details -
Both the models have the same schema.
My opinion is that today they are not reason to denormalize database in this way to improve performance. Indexes or partitioning + indexes should be enought.
Also, in case that, for semantic reasons, you prefer have two tables (models) like: Chat and ChatHistory (or ChatCurrent and ChatActive) as you say and manage it with django, I thing that the right way to keep consistence is to create ToArchive() method in ChatCurrent. This method will move chat entries to historical chat model. You can perform this operation in background mode, then you can thread the swap in a celery process, in this way online users avoid wait for request. Into celery process the fastest method to copy data is a raw sql. Remember that you can encapsulate sql into a stored procedure.
Edited to include reply to your comment
You can perform ChatCurrent.ToArchive() in method:
class ChatCurrent(model.Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Model, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if self.closed:
def ToArchive(self):
from django.db import connection, transaction
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert into blah blah")
#self.delete() #if needed (perhaps deleted on raw sql)
Try something like this:
INSERT INTO "ChatArchive" ("column1", "column2", ...)
SELECT "column1", "column2", ...
FROM "ChatCurrent" WHERE yourCondition;
and than just
DELETE FROM "ChatCurrent" WHERE yourCondition;
The thing you are trying to do is table partitioning.
Most databases support this feature without the need for manual book keeping.
Partitioning will also yield much better results than manually moving parts of the data to a different table. By using partitioning you avoid:
- Data inconsistency. Which is easy to introduce because you will move records in bulk and then remove a lot of them from the source table. It's easy to make a mistake and copy only a portion of the data.
- Performance drop - moving the data around and the associated overhead from transactions will generally neglect any benefit you got from reducing the size of the ChatCurrent table.
For a really quick rundown. Table partitioning allows you to tell the database that parts of the data are stored and retrieved together, this significantly speeds up queries as the database knows that it only has to look into a specific part of the data set. Example: chat's from the current day, last hour, last month etc. You can additionally store each partition on a different drive, that way you can keep your current chatter on a fast SSD drive and your history on regular slower disks.
Please refer to your database manual to know the details about how it handles partitioning.
Example for PostgreSQL:
Partitioning refers to splitting what is logically one large table into smaller physical pieces. Partitioning can provide several benefits:
Query performance can be improved dramatically in certain situations, particularly when most of the heavily accessed rows of the table are in a single partition or a small number of partitions. The partitioning substitutes for leading columns of indexes, reducing index size and making it more likely that the heavily-used parts of the indexes fit in memory.
When queries or updates access a large percentage of a single partition, performance can be improved by taking advantage of sequential scan of that partition instead of using an index and random access reads scattered across the whole table.
Bulk loads and deletes can be accomplished by adding or removing partitions, if that requirement is planned into the partitioning design. ALTER TABLE NO INHERIT and DROP TABLE are both far faster than a bulk operation. These commands also entirely avoid the VACUUM overhead caused by a bulk DELETE.
Seldom-used data can be migrated to cheaper and slower storage media.
def copyRecord(self,recordId):
copyEmailDetail= CopyEmailDetail()
for field in emailDetail.__dict__.keys():
copyEmailDetail.__dict__[field] = emailDetail.__dict__[field]"Record Copied %d"
As per the above solutions, don't copy over.
If you really want to have two separate tables to query, store your chats in a single table (and for preference, use all the database techniques here mentioned), and then have a Current and Archive table, whose objects simply point to Chat objects/

Persistent temp tables in SQL?

Is it possible to have a 'persistent' temp table in MS-SQL? What I mean is that I currently have a background task which generates a global temp table, which is used by a variety of other tasks (which is why I made it global). Unfortunately if the table becomes unused, it gets deleted by SQL automatically - this is gracefully handled by my system, since it just queues it up to be rebuilt again, but ideally I would like it just to be built once a day. So, ideally I could just set something like set some timeout parameter, like "If nothing touches this for 1 hour, then delete".
I really don't want it in my existing DB because it will cause loads more headaches related to managing the DB (fragmentation, log growth, etc), since it's effectively rollup data, only useful for a 24 hour period, and takes up more than one gigabyte of HD space.
Worst case my plan is to create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
If you create a table as tempdb.dbo.TempTable, it won't get dropped until:
a - SQL Server is restarted
b - You explicitly drop it
If you would like to have it always available, you could create that table in model, so that it will get copied to tempdb during the restart (but it will also be created on any new database you create afterwards, so you would have to delete manually) or use a startup stored procedure to have it created. There would be no way of persisting the data through restarts though.
I would go with your plan B, "create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself."
How about creating a permanent table? Say, MyTable. Once every 24 hours, refresh the data like this:
Create a new table MyTableNew and populate it
Within a transaction, drop MyTable, and use rename_object to rename MyTableNew to MyTable
This way, you're recreating the table every day.
If you're worried about log files, store the table in a different database and set it to Recovery Model: Simple.
I have to admit to doing a double-take on this question: "persistent" and "temp" don't usually go together! How about a little out-of-the-box thinking? Perhaps your background task could periodically run a trivial query to keep SQL from marking the table as unused. That way, you'd take pretty direct control over creation and tear down.
After 20 years of experience dealing with all major RDBMS in existence, I can only suggest a couple of things for your consideration:
Note the oxymoronic concepts: "persistent" and "temp" are complete opposites. Choose one, and one only.
You're not doing your database any favors writing data to the temp DB for a manual, semi-permanent, user-driven basis. Normal tablespaces (i.e. user) are already there for that purpose. The temp DB is for temporary things.
If you already know that such a table will be permanently used ("daily basis" IS permanent), then create it as a normal table on a user database/schema.
Every time that you delete and recreate the very same table you're fragmenting your whole database. And have the perverse bonus of never giving a chance for the DB engine optimizer to assist you in any sort of crude optimization. Instead, try truncating it. Your rollback segments will thank you for that small relief and disk space will probably still be allocated for when you repopulate it again the next day. You can force that desired behavior by specifying a separate tablespace and datafile for that table alone.
Finally, and utterly more important: Stop mortifying you and your DB engine for a measly 1 GB of data. You're wasting CPU, I/O cycles, adding latency, fragmentation, and so on for the sake of saving literally 0.02 cents of hardware real state. Talk about dropping to the floor in a tuxedo to pick up a brown cent. 😂