Persistent temp tables in SQL? - sql

Is it possible to have a 'persistent' temp table in MS-SQL? What I mean is that I currently have a background task which generates a global temp table, which is used by a variety of other tasks (which is why I made it global). Unfortunately if the table becomes unused, it gets deleted by SQL automatically - this is gracefully handled by my system, since it just queues it up to be rebuilt again, but ideally I would like it just to be built once a day. So, ideally I could just set something like set some timeout parameter, like "If nothing touches this for 1 hour, then delete".
I really don't want it in my existing DB because it will cause loads more headaches related to managing the DB (fragmentation, log growth, etc), since it's effectively rollup data, only useful for a 24 hour period, and takes up more than one gigabyte of HD space.
Worst case my plan is to create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

If you create a table as tempdb.dbo.TempTable, it won't get dropped until:
a - SQL Server is restarted
b - You explicitly drop it
If you would like to have it always available, you could create that table in model, so that it will get copied to tempdb during the restart (but it will also be created on any new database you create afterwards, so you would have to delete manually) or use a startup stored procedure to have it created. There would be no way of persisting the data through restarts though.

I would go with your plan B, "create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself."

How about creating a permanent table? Say, MyTable. Once every 24 hours, refresh the data like this:
Create a new table MyTableNew and populate it
Within a transaction, drop MyTable, and use rename_object to rename MyTableNew to MyTable
This way, you're recreating the table every day.
If you're worried about log files, store the table in a different database and set it to Recovery Model: Simple.

I have to admit to doing a double-take on this question: "persistent" and "temp" don't usually go together! How about a little out-of-the-box thinking? Perhaps your background task could periodically run a trivial query to keep SQL from marking the table as unused. That way, you'd take pretty direct control over creation and tear down.

After 20 years of experience dealing with all major RDBMS in existence, I can only suggest a couple of things for your consideration:
Note the oxymoronic concepts: "persistent" and "temp" are complete opposites. Choose one, and one only.
You're not doing your database any favors writing data to the temp DB for a manual, semi-permanent, user-driven basis. Normal tablespaces (i.e. user) are already there for that purpose. The temp DB is for temporary things.
If you already know that such a table will be permanently used ("daily basis" IS permanent), then create it as a normal table on a user database/schema.
Every time that you delete and recreate the very same table you're fragmenting your whole database. And have the perverse bonus of never giving a chance for the DB engine optimizer to assist you in any sort of crude optimization. Instead, try truncating it. Your rollback segments will thank you for that small relief and disk space will probably still be allocated for when you repopulate it again the next day. You can force that desired behavior by specifying a separate tablespace and datafile for that table alone.
Finally, and utterly more important: Stop mortifying you and your DB engine for a measly 1 GB of data. You're wasting CPU, I/O cycles, adding latency, fragmentation, and so on for the sake of saving literally 0.02 cents of hardware real state. Talk about dropping to the floor in a tuxedo to pick up a brown cent. 😂


Is it possible to implement point in time recovery (PITR) in PostgreSQL for a single table?

Let's say I have a database with lots of tables, but there's one big table that's being updated regularly. At any given point in time, this table contains billions of rows, and let's say that the table is updated so regularly that we can expect a 100% refresh of the table by the end of each quarter. So the volume of data being moved around is in the order tens of billions. Because this table is changing so constantly, I want to implement a PITR, but only for this one table. I have two options:
Hack PostgreSQL's in-house PITR to apply only for one table.
Build it myself by creating a base backup, set up continuous archiving, and using a python script to execute the log of SQL statements up to a point in time (or use PostgreSQL's EXECUTE statement to loop through the archive). The big con with this is that it won't have the timeline functionality.
My problem is, I don't know if option 1 is even possible, and I don't know if option 2 even makes sense (looping through billions of rows sounds like it defeats the purpose of PITR, which is speed and convenience.) What other options do I have?

Postgres extracting data from a huge table based on non-indexed column

We have a table on production which has been there for quite some time and the volume of that table is huge(close to 3 TB), since most of the data in this table is stale and unused we are planning to get rid of historical data which does not have any references.
There is a column "active" with type boolean which we can use to get rid of this data, however this column is not indexed.
Considering the volume of the table i am not too sure whether creation of a new index is going to help, i tried to incrementally delete the inactive rows 100K at a time but still the volume is so huge that this is going to take months to clear up.
The primary key of the table is of type UUID, i thought of creating a new table and inserting only the valued with active="true" as
is_active = true;
But as expected this approach also fails because of the volume and keeps running like forever.
Any suggestions approaches would be most welcome.
When you need to delete a lot of rows quickly, partitioning is great......... when the table is already partitioned.
If there is no index on the column you need, then at least one full table scan will be required, unless you can use another index like "date" or something to narrow it down.
I mean, you could create an index "WHERE active" but that would also require the full table scan you're trying to avoid, so... meh.
First, DELETE. Just don't, not even in small bits with LIMIT. Not only will it write most of the table (3TB writes) but it will also write it to the WAL (3 more TB) and it will also update the indexes, and write that to the WAL too. This will take forever, and the random IO from index updates will nuke your performance. And if it ever finishes, you will still have a 3TB file, with most of it unallocated. Plus indexes.
So, no DELETE. Uh, wait.
Scenario with DELETE:
Swap the table with a view "SELECT * FROM humongous WHERE active=true" and add triggers or rules on the view to redirect updates/inserts/delete to the underlying table. Make sure triggers set all new rows with active=true.
Re-create each index (concurrently) except the primary key, adding "WHERE active=true". This will require a full table scan for the first index, even if you create the index on "active", because CREATE INDEX WHERE doesn't seem to be able to use another index to speed up when a WHERE is specified.
Drop the old indices
Note the purpose of the view is only to ensure absolutely all queries have "active=true" in the WHERE, because otherwise, they wouldn't be able to use the conditional indices we just created, so each query would be a full table scan, and that would be undesirable.
And now, you can DELETE, bit by bit, with your delete from mytable where id in ( select id from mytable where active = false limit 100000);
It's a tradeoff, you'll have a large number of table scans to recreate indices, but you'll avoid the random IO from index update due to a huge delete, which is the real reason why you say it will take months.
Scenario with INSERT INTO new_table SELECT...
If you have inserts and updates running on this huge table, then you have a problem, because these will not be transferred to the new table during the operation. So a solution would be to:
turn off all the scripts and services that run long queries
lock everything
create new_table
rename huge_table to huge_old
create a view that is a UNION ALL of huge_table and huge_old. From the application point of view, this view replaces huge_table. It must handle priority, ie if a row is present in the new table, a row with the same id present in the old table should be ignored... so it will have to have a JOIN. This step should be tested carefully beforehand.
Then, let it run for a while, see if the view does not destroy your performance. At this point, if it breaks, you can easily go back by dropping the view and renaming the table back to its old self. I said to turn off all the scripts and services that run long queries because these might fail with the view, and you don't want to take a big lock while one long query is running, because that will halt everything until it's done.
add insert/update/delete triggers on the view to redirect the writes to new_table. Inserts go directly to the new table, updates will have to transfer the row, deletes will have to hit both tables, and UNIQUE constraints will be... interesting. This will be a bit complicated.
Now to transfer the data.
Even if it takes a while, who cares? It will finish eventually. I suppose if you have a 3TB table, you must have some decent storage, even if that's these old spinning things that we used to put data on, it shouldn't take more than a few hours if the IO is not random. So the idea is to only use linear IO.
Fingers crossed hoping the table does not have a big text column that is stored in separate TOAST table that is going to require one random access per row. Did you check?
Now, you might actually want it to run for longer so it uses less IO bandwidth, both for reads and writes, and especially WAL writes. It doesn't matter how long the query runs as long as it doesn't degrade performance for the rest of the users.
Postgres will probably go for a parallel table scan to use all the cores and all the IO in the box, so maybe disable that first.
Then I think you should try to avoid the hilarious (for onlookers) scenario where it reads from the table for half a day, not finding any rows that match, so the disks handle the reads just fine, then it finds all the rows that match at the end and proceeds to write 300GB to the WAL and the destination table, causing huge write contention, and you have to Ctrl-C it when you know, you just know it in your gut that it was THIS CLOSE to finishing.
create bogus_table just like mytable but without indices;
insert into bogus_table select * from mytable;
10% of "active" rows is still 300GB so better check the server can handle writing a 300GB table without slowing down. Watch vmstat and check if iowait goes crazy, watch number of transactions per second, query latency, web server responsiveness, the usual database health stuff. If the phone rings, hit Ctrl-C and say "Fixed!"
After it's done a few checkpoints, Ctrl-C. Time to do the real thing.
Now to make this query take much longer (and therefore destroy much less IO bandwidth) you can add this to the columns in your select:
pg_sleep((random()<0.000001)::INTEGER * 0.1)
That will make it sleep for 0.1s every million rows on average. Adjust to taste while looking at vmstat.
You can also monitor query progress using hacks.
It should work fine.
Once the interesting rows have been extracted from the accursed table, you could move the old data to a data warehouse or something, or to cold storage, or have fun loading it into clickhouse if you want to run some analytics.
Maybe partitioning the new table would also be a good idea, before it grows back to 3TB. Or periodically moving old rows.
Now, I wonder how you backup this thing...
OK, I have another idea, maybe simpler, but you'll need a box.
Get a second server with fast storage and setup logical replication. On this replica server, create an empty UNLOGGED replica of the huge table with only one index on the primary key. Logical replication will copy the entire table, so it will take a while. A second network card in the original server or some QoS tuning would help not blowing up the ethernet connection you actually use to serve queries.
Logical replication is row based and identifies rows by primary key, so you absolutely need to manually create that PK index on the slave.
I've tested it on my home box right now and it works very well. The initial data transfer was a bit slow, but that may be my network. Pausing then resuming replication transferred rows inserted or updated on the master during the pause. However, renaming the table seems to break it, so you won't be able to do INSERT INTO SELECT, you'll have to DELETE on the replica. With SSDs, only one PK index, the table set to UNLOGGED, it should not take forever. Maybe using btrfs would turn the random index write IO into linear IO due to its copy on write nature. Or, if the PK index fits in shared_buffers, just YOLO it and set checkpoint_timeout to "7 days" so it doesn't actually write anything. You'll probably need to do the delete in chunks so the replicated updates keep up.
When I dropped the PK index to speed up the deletion, then recreated it before re-enabling replication, it didn't catch up on the updates. So you can't drop the index.
But is there a way to only transfer the rows you want to keep instead of transferring everything and deleting, while also having the replica keep up with the master's updates?... It's possible to do it for inserts (just disable the initial data copy) but not for updates unfortunately. You'd need an integer primary key so you could generate bogus rows on the replica that would then be updated during replication... but you can't do that with your UUID PK.
Anyway. Once this is done, set the number of WAL segments to be kept on the master server to a very high value, to resume replication later without missing updates.
And now you can run your big DELETE on the replica. When it's done, vacuum, maybe CLUSTER, re-create all indexes, etc, and set the table to LOGGED.
Then you can failover to the new server. Or if you're feeling adventurous, you could replicate the replica's table back on the master, since it will have the same name it should be in another schema.
That should allow for very little downtime since all updates are replicated, the replica will always be up to date.
I would suggest:
Copy the active records to a temporary table
Drop the main table
Rename the temporary table to the main table name

avoiding write conflicts while re-sorting a table

I have a large table that I need to re-sort periodically. I am partly basing this on a suggestion I was given to stay away from using cluster keys since I am inserting data ordered differently (by time) from how I need it clustered (by ID), and that can cause re-clustering to get a little out of control.
Since I am writing to the table on a hourly I am wary of causing problems with these two processes conflicting: If I CTAS to a newly sorted temp table and then swap the table name it seems like I am opening the door to have a write on the source table not make it to the temp table.
I figure I can trigger a flag when I am re-sorting that causes the ETL to pause writing, but that seems a bit hacky and maybe fragile.
I was considering leveraging locking and transactions, but this doesn't seem to be the right use case for this since I don't think I'd be locking the table I am copying from while I write to a new table. Any advice on how to approach this?
I've asked some clarifying questions in the comments regarding the clustering that you are avoiding, but in regards to your sort, have you considered creating a nice 4XL warehouse and leveraging the INSERT OVERWRITE option back into itself? It'd look something like:
Assuming that your table isn't hundreds of TB in size, this will complete rather quickly (inside an hour, I would guess), and any inserts into the table during that period will queue up and wait for it to finish.
There are some reasons to avoid the automatic reclustering, but they're basically all the same reasons why you shouldn't set up a job to re-cluster frequently. You're making the database do all the same work, but without the built in management of it.
If your table is big enough that you are seeing performance issues with the clustering by time, and you know that the ID column is the main way that this table is filtered (in JOINs and WHERE clauses) then this is probably a good candidate for automatic clustering.
So I would recommend at least testing out a cluster key on the ID and then monitoring/comparing performance.
To give a brief answer to the question about resorting without conflicts as written:
I might recommend using a time column to re-sort records older than a given time (probably in a separate table). While it's sorting, you may get some new records. But you will be able to use that time column to marry up those new records with the, now sorted, older records.
You might consider revoking INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE privileges on the original table within the same script or procedure that performs the CTAS creating the newly sorted copy of the table. After a successful swap you can re-enable the privileges for the roles that are used to perform updates.

How to archive a giant postgres table?

We have a postgres table called history which is almost 900GB and continpusly increasing 10GB per day.
This is table is being accessed by a microservice (carts). We have postgres replication setup (one Master and one Slave).
2 Instances of the microservice is running in production, where 1 instance uses the master postgres connection to write and read data for some endpoints
and 1 another instance is using postgres slave connection to just the read the data alone.
Table definition:
id - uuid
data - jsonb column
internal - jsonb column
context - jsonb column
created_date - date
modified_date - date
Now in the above table data and internal column is loaded with big json for every row. We have came to a conclusion on null'ing the data and internal
column will reduce the total space consumption by this table.
How to archive this giant table? (meaning only cleaning up data and internal column alone).
How to achieve this without zero down time / performance degradation?
Approaches tested as of now.
Using pg_repack (this is best idea so far, but the issue here is once pg_repack is done then entire new table needs to get synced with slave instance which is causing WAL overhead).
Just nullify the data and internal column alone - Problem with this approach is just increases the table size due to postgres follows MVCC pattern.
Using Temp table and clone the data
Create a UNLOGGED table - historyv2
Copy the data from the original table to the historyv2 table without data and internal
then switch the table to LOGGED. ( I guess this will also cause the WAL overhead)
then rename the tables.
Can you guys give me some pointers on how to achieve this?
Postgres Version: 9.5
I always feel that questions like these conflate a few different ideas, which makes them seem more complicated than they should be. What does minimal performance impact mean? Generating lots of WAL may increase file i/o and cpu and network usage, but in most cases does not affect the system enough to have a client-facing impact. If no downtime is the most important thing, you should focus on optimizing for that, and not worry about what the process is to get there (within reason).
That said, if I woke up in your shoes, I would work first set up partitions for data going forward using table-inheritance, so that the data could be more easily segmented and worked on in the future. (This isn't entirely necessary, but probably makes your life easier in the future). After that, I would write a script to slowly go through the old data and creating new partitions with the "nulled out" data, interleaving partition creation, deletion of data, and vacuums against the main table. Once that is automated, you can let it churn slowly or during off-hours until it is done. You might need to do a final repack or vacuum full on the parent once all the data is moved, but it's probably ok even without it. Again, this isn't the simplest idea, probably not the fastest way to do it (if you could have downtime), but in the end, you'll have the schema you want without causing any service disruptions.

When this query is performed, do all the records get loaded into physical memory?

I have a table where i have millions of records. The total size of that table only is somewhere 6-7 GigaByte. This table is my application log table. This table is growing really fast, which makes sense. Now I want to move records from log table into backup table. Here is the scenario and here is my question.
Table Log_A
Insert into Log_b select * from Log_A;
Delete from Log_A;
I am using postgres database. the question is
When this query is performed Does all the records from Log_A gets load in physical memory ? NOTE: My both of the above query runs inside a stored procedure.
If No, then how will it works ?
I hope this question applies for all database.
I hope if somebody could provide me some idea on this.
In PostgreSQL, that's likely to execute a sequential scan, loading some records into shared_buffers, inserting them, writing the dirty buffers out, and carrying on.
All the records will pass through main memory, but they don't all have to be in memory at once. Because they all get read from disk using normal buffered reads (pread) it will affect the operating system disk cache, potentially pushing other data out of the cache.
Other databases may vary. Some could execute the whole SELECT before processing the INSERT (though I'd be surprised if any serious ones did). Some do use O_DIRECT reads or raw disk I/O to avoid the OS cache affects, so the buffer cache effects might be different. I'd be amazed if any database relied on loading the whole SELECT into memory, though.
When you want to see what PostgreSQL is doing and how, the EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) commands are quite useful. See the manual.
You may find writable common table expressions interesting for this purpose; it lets you do all this in one statement. In this simple case there's probably little benefit, but it can be a big win in more complex data migrations.
BTW, make sure to run that pair of queries wrapped in BEGIN and COMMIT.
Probably not.
Each record is individually processed; this particular query doesn't need to have knowledge of any of the other records to successfully execute. So the only record that needs to be in memory at any given moment is the one currently being processed.
But it really depends on whether or not the database thinks it can do it faster by loading up the whole table. Check the execution plan of the query.
If your setup allows it, just rename the old table and create a new empty one. Much faster, obviously, as no copying is done at all.
The LIKE clause copies the structure of the (now renamed) old table. INCLUDING ALL includes defaults, constraints, indexes, ...
Foreign key constraints or views depending on the table or other less common dependencies (but not queries in plpgsql functions) might be a hurdle for this route. You would have to recreate those to have them point to the new table. But a logging table like you describe probably carries no such dependencies.
This acquires an exclusive lock on the table. I assume, typical write access will be INSERT only in your case? One way to deal with concurrent access would then be to create the new table in a different schema and alter the search_path for your application user. Then the applications starts to write to the new table without concurrency issues. Of course, you wouldn't schema-qualify the table name in your INSERT statements for this to take effect.
CREATE SCHEMA log20121018;
CREATE TABLE log20121018.log_a (LIKE log20121011.log_a INCLUDING ALL);
ALTER ROLE myrole SET search_path = app, log20121018, public;
Or alter the search_path setting at whatever level is effective for you:
globally, per database, per role, per session, per function ...