On iOS 13 my app view show gray color view - statusbar

My app is in objective c , It is quite old app. I want to hide top bar from screen, I have hide status bar but its view is still display.
I am not sure what is it and how to hide or change color of it. I want to change color of this gray color view to white, if it is not possible then I want to hide it.
Can any one know about it?
In Info.plist file I have "View controller-based status bar appearance" key and Set "No", "Status bar is initially hidden" key with "YES". In "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method add "[application setStatusBarHidden:YES];".


When presenting a WKInterfaceController, how can I change the color of the title used to dismiss the controller?

In my watch app, after presenting a controller with presentControllerWithNames:contexts:, is it possible to change the color of the title in the status bar? For example, in Apple's WatchKit Catalogue sample they have a controller they present modally with "Dismiss" set as the title. In storyboard, the title for this controller appears to have the global tint applied to it, but when running the app in the simulator, the color defaults to white.
If possible, how can I make a presented WatchKit controller respect the global tint color?
edit: Attaching a screenshot for clarity.
Yes, Global Tint is the answer.
go to storyboard file
select the interface controller desired to be colored
click 'Utilities'
click 'File Inspector'
Find 'Global Tint', then use 'RGB sliders' under 2nd Tab of the Color pane
With the current WatchKit SDK, the global tint color does not apply on the WKInterfaceControllers title that are presented modally. I am not sure if this is a bug in the beta version or a feature... I hope Apple will fix this.
It is possible to change the global tint color. You can change the global color in the "Show the File Inspector" Storyboard.
Sorry I don't have the 10 reputation points required to post a screenshot. ^^

How to make the status bar translucent in iOS 7?

In my app, I have some webviews. A transparent status bar doesn't look good for full screen webview. I want to make the status bar TRANSLUCENT, just like the game center.
I notice that the status bar would be drawn translucent if there is a navigation bar under it. But I want a translucent status bar BY ITSELF.
Is there any way to do this?
If you look at the Human Interface Guidelines section about the Status Bar it recommends (emphasis mine on the section most related to your question):
Prevent scrolling content from showing through the status bar. As
users scroll, you don’t want them to see a confusing mix of app
content and status bar items in the status bar area. To give users the
impression of spaciousness while still ensuring maximum readability,
make sure the status bar has a background that obscures the content
behind it. Here are a few ways to keep scrolling content from showing
through the status bar:
Use a navigation controller to display content. A navigation controller automatically displays a status bar background and it ensures that its content views don’t appear behind the status bar. (To learn more about navigation controllers, see “Navigation
Create a nondistracting custom image—such as a gradient—and display it behind the status bar. To ensure that the image stays behind the status bar, you could use a view controller to keep the image above a scrolling view or you could use a scrolling view to keep it pinned to the top.
Position content to avoid the status bar area (that is, the area defined by the app’s statusBarFrame property). If you do this, you should use the window’s background color to provide a solid color behind the status bar.
As the status bar is totally transparent and any content can go on top of it, I just create an empty UIToolbar that is 20px height which just looks like a perfect translucent background for the status bar.
This is not an ultimate solution, but it really helps and it is very easy to implement when you don't need a real tool bar.
Thanks to Apple that they do not provide an option to set the status bar from transparent to translucent.
In Xcode 6, create top, bottom, left, right constrains and set the
- constants to 0
- priorities to 749.
- Don't forget to UNCHECK the "Constrain to margins" check box.
How to create constrains?
At the bottom right of your storyboard window, there's four buttons. The second from your left has the constrains. Please google about constrains in Xcode 6 since it's a kinda new feature.
Hope this help,

How to change the status bar color when opening MFSideMenu

When I open the MFSideMenu the status bar doesnt change color to black and the text color to white in iOS7. I have set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to YES and NO and both dont change the status bar color.
I have a similar problem. I did a little workaround by adding 20px light gray view at the top of right view controller.
It is not a solution but looks better.
You can check out code at:
"Darken status bar background color when side menu opens"

How to add a bar on top of the iphone screen (below status bar)?

Can someone advise me on how I can implement a "touch to return to call" type of UI as seen in the screenshot below?
My intention is to display the bar on top when my application receives a notification.
Any guide or resources on this will be greatly appreciated
There is several ways how you can place something below your status bar.
1. You can add UIView to UIWindow and position it to be under status bar. Set status bar style to black translucent, so the underneath view will be visible. Resize rootViewController appropriately, so it won't overlap your view.
2. Also, you can set wantsFullScreenLayout property of your rootViewController to true, so it'll cover the entire screen and manage view hierarchy inside it. You also need to set status bar style to black translucent.
Alternatively, you can add views above status bar, but I don't think that this is a good user experience. Here is how you can do that: Add UIView Above All Other Views, Including StatusBar

Why and how do I change my buttons style, my the other compose button is fine?

I've changed my navigation bar style to black opaque but my done button remains blue, yet the compose button is fine / black.
Why is is happening and more importantanly how do I fix this ?
The buttons was added in IB and shows blue there, while the nav bar is black.
The best thing to do is to make sure you're using the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone system button item, unaltered. If you really want to change the appearance of your Done button, you will need to assign a custom view to the bar button item's customView property. Then you'll be able to control every aspect of its appearance.