Amazon Product API not return Fulfilled Offer - price

I am using Amazon Product API and invoking ItemLookup service.
I want to extract the best lower price, I am not able to find what is the exact field to read ( I know camelcamelcamel able to use the correct field).
I wonder if someone worked with the service and can share his experience.
There are 3 options:
lowest price by third party but with shipping ( i dont want this result )
lowest price sold by amazon (i dont want this result )
lowest third party fulfilled by amazon ( i want this result )
I want the lowest price that is super saver or prime.
I dont find any combination in ItemLookup parameters to get this info.
API return the lowest price for amazon or not for amazon that's all.
My current request look parameters is:
idType: 'ASIN',
itemId: PCodes,
responseGroup: 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,OfferFull',
condition: 'New'
I expect to get response with the lowest fulfillment price


Shopify API get Total Returns/Refunds

I am trying to get the Net Sales of orders of our Shopify store on daily basis. I can do it with the Orders API, but there seems to be a mismatch for the refunds returned by the API and the refunds/returns that show up in the dashboard.
In fact, the API doesnt show any refunds for the orders at all but there does seem to be some amount deducted from the Total Sales of Orders which make the actual Net Sales for that particular day.
I can retrieve the orders for one day by this example URL. I iterate through all the orders and add up each Order's amount which gives an exact number of Total Sales which match up to the number in the dashboard. But this Total Sales value doesnt take into account the refunds/returns.
There is a refunds in the returned json for each order as well in the above call but that is empty for all the objects.
I have explicitly tried to retrieve the refunds as well by following API call but it also returns empty for all the orders.
You may have a look at the Dashboard Sales image for one day. Please note in this image, I can get the exact value for Total Orders from the API but can not retrieve a single refund/return for any of the order.
Would you be having an idea what are these Refunds/Returns shown in the Dashboard? If so, is there a way how can I accurately calculate the Refunds/Returns by the API as well, so I can accurately calculate the Total Sales for one day?
You should be working with Transactions. Specifically, the refund transactions. An Order has many transactions. So given some order, you can get at the interesting transactions, and calculate your important values, like Net. I have aced this for many clients, as Shopify does not report this type of value very well. So I generate reports with Net, refunds, taxes, etc, providing much clearer guidance than the standard Shopify reports.

How to retrieve Square orderIds for Call to BatchRetrieveORders

I want to retrieve a list of orders using the Square API. The call to retrieve orders is a POST call with a String array of order_ids however I'm not sure where I can get this information. In the docs they said I can use the ListTransactions endpoint to get this information but I'm not able to find the order_id within the response.
The documentation to retrieve Orders located at:
see sample response of ListTransactions:
The Orders API does not support listing of orders. To access order
details, you will need to fetch the order's ID by querying
transactions using the ListTransactions and RetrieveTransaction
endpoints, and then fetching the order using the BatchRetrieveOrders
The goal is to get a list of recent transactions/orders that list out exactly what was purchased. The Transactions model doesn't contain Items whereas the Orders model does.
The Transaction object will include an order_id field if you included it during the Charge request. If you did not pass the order_id to the Charge request, then it will not show up.
Furthermore - just for clarity's sake, if you use Square Point of Sale, or if you haven't included the order_id previously but still would like to view itemizations for transactions, please look at V1 ListPayments which will include it even if there's no order_id.

Retrieve ISBN from eBay listing via Shopping API

I'm trying to use the eBay shopping API to try and retrieve the ISBNs from listings for books. I already have the eBay IDs for the listings which I'm interested in. Likely that most will have the ISBNs included in the Item Specifics for the listing (some won't, these can be disregarded).
One would therefore assume that retrieving the Item Specifics from the API would give the ISBN as a value, but it appears that the output gives pretty much everything apart from the ISBN. For example, the following API request gives lots of interesting detail about the listing, apart from the ISBN itself:
I haven't had much joy searching the API docs for a solution to getting this particular element from the listing - does anybody have a solution for this? Or if it simply isn't possible to get the ISBN via the API cleanly, is there an alternative method? (This is for very small scale personal use.)
ISBN, UPC, EAN and suchlike come under the productID field.
This field is returned by using the Details value of IncludeSelector. So the url you would want is:
To get the ISBN form a catalogue product you need to use the productID value to make a request to the Product API.
You need to call getProductDetails with the input:
You can use ISBN10 or ISBN13 as the value of datasetPropertyName depending on which one you want.

Get seller items count by various criteria

I want to retrieve the total number of items of a seller, by various aspects like number of all items, number of active items, number of sold items, number of returned items, etc. I just need the count, not the complete item details. Couldn't find any good API for that.
GetMyeBaySelling does return the items by various aspects but it returns the complete item details. I can't find any option to 'exclude' item details from the results, so that only pagination is returned that gives the total count.
What other method in the eBay API can I use to achieve this purpose?
In order to get the number of items only you can add an OutputSelector to the GetMyeBaySelling call. For you purpose <OutputSelector>TotalNumberOfEntries</OutputSelector> would be sufficient. But you are able to add more OutputSelectors according to your needs. For most of the eBay Trading API calls the OutputSelector field is available.
I've created an example for the GetMyeBaySelling call in our API playground with the OutputSelectors "TotalNumberOfEntries" and "Summary". Feel free to modify the call and see the result directly in the response area. For example if you don't need the Summary just remove the field from the request.

ebay getOrders API

I am building a .net service to getOrders from ebay. my service runs fine, however I dont know how should I handle data.
For example I am using CreateTimeTo and CreateTimeFrom Filter to return orders from past 24 hours. I save them into my database, now some orders return no Address info.
My question is, Whats the best way to hadnle/update already imported orders into my database. Say for example order imported into my system wa without shiping info, and customer completed shipping info after a week, how would I update that order in my system?
I would definitely use modtimefrom modtimeto filter. Ih this way you can get all order that have been modiefied in last "x interval". This way you will get either new orders and modified (checkout complete - paid - shipped) and so on. My favourite filter anyway is NumberOfDays. This one acts as ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo but is way more simple and you don't have to deal with dates.
An order without address means buyer has not completed checkout (no payment selected so no shipping address as well yet).
Once buyer completes checkout or order is mark as paid the entire address will be avaible.
You can get buyer default address shipping by using call GetSellerTransaction
I hope i understood your question and to be helpful.