ebay getOrders API - ebay-api

I am building a .net service to getOrders from ebay. my service runs fine, however I dont know how should I handle data.
For example I am using CreateTimeTo and CreateTimeFrom Filter to return orders from past 24 hours. I save them into my database, now some orders return no Address info.
My question is, Whats the best way to hadnle/update already imported orders into my database. Say for example order imported into my system wa without shiping info, and customer completed shipping info after a week, how would I update that order in my system?

I would definitely use modtimefrom modtimeto filter. Ih this way you can get all order that have been modiefied in last "x interval". This way you will get either new orders and modified (checkout complete - paid - shipped) and so on. My favourite filter anyway is NumberOfDays. This one acts as ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo but is way more simple and you don't have to deal with dates.
An order without address means buyer has not completed checkout (no payment selected so no shipping address as well yet).
Once buyer completes checkout or order is mark as paid the entire address will be avaible.
You can get buyer default address shipping by using call GetSellerTransaction
I hope i understood your question and to be helpful.


Need help on implementing this Use-Case Scenario in NetSuite Oracle

I am very new to E-Commerce World.
I have a use case scenario that I want to Implement in Oracle NetSuite.
But I am not sure how to move forward with it.
Use-Case Scenario:
A Sales Order has a few Line Items & Among them, a few are out of stock.
The 3PL currently I am dealing with accepts only one Unique Sales Order ID as an Identifier.
I want to fulfill the items that are currently in stock and Later on, when the Inventory gets updated I want to fulfill the remaining Items back-ordered in the Sales Order.
But the fulfillment should happen only after the customer has paid for the Items.
Can anyone let me know? How can I achieve this?
Thank you.
You will probably need some customisation to achieve this. I don't know the full set of processes you're working with, but as a general approach, I would suggest the following:
Set up a payment term that says the customer must prepay.
Set up a script to run on your fulfilments, handle "prepay" customers.
You'll also want to check your settings in Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Order Management. Look for the option on sales orders and fulfilment. You'll probably want to default your fulfilment to available quantity only. You may want to prevent overage on your fulfilments.
When the script executes on your fulfilment, it should execute "before load". The script will need to check the sales order it's fulfilling. If the term is "prepay", the script should then check if a payment has been made against the sales order. You'll potentially need to consider deposits and paid invoices. If the script finds no payments, then it should block the fulfilment.
I'm working on the assumption that you will create a fulfilment with a "Picked" status to send to your warehouse. When they confirm the "goods-out", you will want some sort of feedback loop from your 3PL to set the fulfilment to "Shipped" and update your tracking numbers.
I hope this helps.

picqer get orders from specific date

I want to know if there is a way to look back at orders from a few days ago with the picqer API.
Looking at the filters and stuff on their website it doesn't look like you can with only the API. Is there a way to do it anyway?
(i am working with vue.js and axios for my requests idk if this is relevant)
Casper from Picqer here. At this moment we do not have a filter for orders until a specific date. But if you are only looking for orders from the last few days, you could cycle trough the orders (100 items per request) until the date you want to get the orders from.
We have a suggestion noted for filtering orders in the API for a specific date. Did you notify our support team about this? Then we will notify you when that filter is available.
These are the filters we have active for the orders endpoint at this moment: https://picqer.com/en/api/orders#filters

Retrieve customer related to payment

Anyone know if it's possible to retrieve the customer name related to a transaction from the API?
I see it under "Paid by" if I follow the "payment_url" in the connect v1 https://connect.squareup.com/v1/{{location_id}}/payments/{{payment_id}} endpoint but can't see to find it anywhere else
Background: I'm working on a ticketing system that breaks out items by item_category so a kitchen gets only food items and the bar gets only drink items.
I have queues and itemized tickets by category BUT I can't seem to find the customer's name anywhere
You'll need to utilize the V2 Transactions API. When you call ListTransactions or RetrieveTransaction (ListTransactions), the Transaction object will have an array of Tenders, tenders, which has a field called customer_id. With this id, you will be able to pass it to RetrieveCustomer (RetrieveCustomer) to find out their name. Note that if you're not explicitly filling out their name, the name might not be available (an "instant profile" (Instant Profiles) will be created with whatever information can be retrieve from the card used to pay).
Update: Alternatively, as suggested by #Dan, would be to strip the payment_url from a V1 RetrievePayment (RetrievePayment) which includes the transaction_id at the end of the URL: https://squareup.com/dashboard/sales/transactions/TRANSACTION_ID. This is more efficient as you won't need to loop through transactions, and allow you to send it straight to RetrieveTransaction.

How do I access all the information for a Square transaction?

I am a student (so I am pretty new to all of this stuff) trying to create a database for a coffee shop that uses Square for their register and website. I want the database to update with all the information from a transaction every time one is completed.
I have a webhook that gets me the IDs every time a transaction completes, I can send the transaction ID to the Square API with an http request and get back information about the payment, but I still cannot figure out how to get the rest of the transaction information. We want to query the database about what kinds of items are being sold when and with what modifiers, but so far the only way I can get that is through downloading a csv file with the item line information from the Square Dashboard.
If there is a way to get the line item information in some kind of way that can be automatically added to the database, I would really appreciate the help. I have been looking for a solution and cannot find it on my own.
For in-person payments the only way to see itemizations is to use V1 ListPayments (or RetrievePayment).
In order to see itemizations for online payments, you must utilize Square's Orders API. The workflow would be:
Create an order (CreateOrder) with line_items (can be ad-hoc, or use Catalog ids). Save the order_id for the next step.
When calling Charge, pass in the order_id from the previous step.
Once you are successfully attaching the order_id's, when you retrieve a transaction you will be able to call the BatchRetrieveOrders endpoint with the order_id to see the itemizations.
V1 Payments
Orders Overview
Orders Reference

Openerp MRP module: assigning employees to work orders

In the MRP module, I would like to assign different employees to the work orders of a manufacturing order, so I can tarck the amount of hours and the cost for every employee (beause they will have different service products with different costs) and create analytic journal items based on this.
My question is: Is there any option or extra module for this or should I customize the MRP module?
Thanks in advance.
I see this question is from some time ago but I would like to know if you found and answer?
This is a long winded reply, but I am also needing this capability and searching any such existing module or planning develop this capability
Currently and soon to be completed is a new module with many enhancements to manufacturing order>>work order lines these include.
The ability to link a BOM component/consumed products to a routing work line on the BoM Component lines.
A constraint where by MFG Work Orders can only start when the component/consumed products assigned to them are available. This gives ability to start individual work orders as there individual consumed component products become available and to stage multiple works orders from many manufacturing orders base on which products have been picked and transfer to production.
The ability to define a constraint that previous work orders in sequence must complete before a work order can start.
New statuses on work order that waiting for product, waiting for previous work and ready.
The ability to assign warehouse locations to routing work center lines and to generate Internal Pickings not just to a specific Manufacturing orders but also to Work center work orders so that pickings can be schedule to all the current jobs needing consumable products.
What I am also planning in phase 2 of this development are feature similar to your question
allowing to define group of employees link to Routing work center lines. many2many from routing work center to employees
adding to search view on the Work Orders List View for search and group by for assigned employee or employee group.
Add ability to assign an employee to a work order
If logged in as other than the assigned employee Attempts to set work order to In Progress system will warn that they are not the assign employee for this work order. constraint can be overridden if user has manger permission he has choice to reassign work to himself or start work for the assigned employee.
Adding linkage to hr_timesheet so that time when work order is in progress is entered on employees time sheet.
Have logic that confirms employee is signed in on attendance or will automatically sign them in when a work order assigned to them is set to In Progress.
To have work order status set to paused automatically when assigned employees signs out in time sheet attendance.
to log time work was in progress on their Time sheet when work is set to pause or Finished