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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to push a fallback language param to every route if not found in url
for example when I enter: /page
router should redirect me to: /en/page
how can I do that with nuxt and i18n....?
Add strategy: "default" to your i18n config in nuxt.config.js so it's going to look like this:
i18n: {
strategy: "default"
And now if there won't be a language param in your route a defaultLocale language param will be automatically added to your url.
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Closed 3 months ago.
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i am doing a feature that is "get text from image" and i used "react-native-tesseract-ocr".
although i read document and followed it but i still get the error. when i print TesseractOcr this is null.
i can not call recognize in TesseractOcr (TesseractOcr.recognize)
how can i fix it (
the problem may be that you have not linked the package
$ react-native link react-native-tesseract-ocr
add the import to start
import TesseractOcr, { LANG_ENGLISH } from 'react-native-tesseract-ocr';
test this finction
await TesseractOcr.recognize(imageSource, LANG_ENGLISH, {});
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Closed 3 years ago.
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i started using API Platform together with Symfony and i don't know how to add a route, can anybody point me to the right direction?
its quite simple..
You first create your Entity like
php bin/console Make:Entity
and then you just have to add some decorator to it like this
* #ApiResource()
Please read this starter guide which should help you with your question:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to achieve progressive rendering in VueJS, only in client side?
If you build a project, progressive web applications is recommended as vuejs-templates/pwa or Normally, the lazy loading code will use these. Lazy Loading in Vue using Webpack's Code Splitting
If it is preload, it will use preload-webpack-plugin
This example a good project : vue-hackernews-2.0
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello i want to make a friendly url from the url which is really complex.
My current url is:
When a user go on the url I wanna to make it as:
is it possible?
Is not. I would need as:
Visit Apache document
Here you will find how to rewrite .htaccess mod rewrite.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm making a Shopify app that uses jquery-ui and its CSS libraries. I'm wondering how I load those since Shopify renders the app's page using the liquid template of the store.
You can add the js and css links in the template.