where i could find latest binary distribution of jss7 - restcomm

I try to install mobicents-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7
but - found many src distributions, i don't want to go down the road - compiling the whole src tree.
Many docs point some urls - that i should look mobicents-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-*-zip.
On github jss7-8.0.0-179 is a source distrib.
any working link with binary?
going with source build - is a little pain to do a proof of concept...
if it matters:
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
java version "1.7.0_221"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u221-b02)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.221-b02, mixed mode)

Seems all the binary have been removed from repo. You might to get binaries if you have it installed before now.


Where to download Hotspot JVM? Different from Oracle's JVM?

I read a few posts about JVM at Stack Overflow and would like to download a binary copy of the Hotspot JVM, yet I am not able to find it on http://www.java.net.
Beside that, what is the difference between Hotspot JVM and JVMs found at Oracle
Is Oracle JVM good for a production website?
This SO question may clear up your questions regarding "What is JVM, Hotspot and OpenJDK".
JVM means Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is the underlying runtime that executes java bytecode. There are multiple different implementations out there, all implementing the Java Virtual Machine Specification
HotSpot is the most used implementation of the JVM concept. It is used in both, Oracle JDK and OpenJDK. Oracle's JDK can be downloaded on oracle's website, currently http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. This is "the typical JVM you will find on a normal user's windows machine".
OpenJDK is the open source project maintaining and impelmenting the HotSpot JVM, but also many other projects beside the JVM such as Graal or VisualVM. On Ubuntu for example you can install this OpenJDK (current version 8) by running sudo apt-get install openjdk8.
While this explaination is not really perfect, it may be good enough to understand that there is no big difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK. If you are interested in a little more info on this, have a look at the SO question Differences between Oracle JDK and Open JDK
JDK / JVM sourcecode:
If you are interested in the source code, OpenJDK is the way to go. Here you can find the current OpenJDK 8 (which includes the HotSpot JVM). Its source code can be found here. It also states how to download the source code:
The jdk8u-dev forest for ongoing development can be cloned using this command: hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u-dev;cd jdk8u-dev;sh get_source.sh .
The corresponding master forest jdk8u can be cloned using this command: hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u;cd jdk8u;sh get_source.sh .
In addition, the source code for the last release, 8u66, is available by cloning the 8u master forest : http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u and using the 'jdk8u66-b17' mercurial tag.

Error while running Jprofile8

I am getting following error while running /tmp/jprofiler8/bin/jpenable
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.
The version of the JVM must be at least 1.6 and at most 1.7.
Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.
You can also try to delete the JVM cache file
I have also set INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to suitable JVM.
Java version on my machine is 1.4.2.
Can anyone please suggest what might be wrong or missing?
Unfortunately you did not mention details about your environment, so I don't know which Linux distribution you use.
There are some options though:
install a current JRE alongside the installer for JProfiler
As you can't install or update Java, you could provide a JRE in a kind of "portable application" setup. Simply unzip the server jre Oracle provides or (if you are not on an x64 architecture) unzip the jdk you also can download from Oracle.
But if the code you want to profile is limited to your pre-installed Java 1.4 you will run into another problem, because as far as I know Java 1.5 is the minimum JProfiler expects
use a different machine for profiling
Unless your code depends heavily on the environment you run it in you can even take a Windows 8.1 machine and profile the code there. Code that is slow is slow on any operating system. Or make use of a different Linux computer.

Pharo 2.0 not running on CentOS 6.6

I am trying to run my pharo2.0 application on CentoOS which was previously been installed in a mac. The original version is pharo2.0 so I need to run the same image CentoOS too, but I get an error which says this below :
/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by xxxxx)
Should I be trying to upgrade the CentoOS and see if pharo2.0 works or port my whole application to a later version of pharo?
There is now a VM build especially for systems with an older libc version. In fact there is a build for Centos specifically (which has a slight variation in linkages from Debian), the latest version of which is permalinked here. See http://pharo.org/download#custom for more info.

No unprofiled JVM found

I have WebSphere 7 Aplication Server. There is Java VM 1.6 installed. Linux.
Java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pxa6460sr10fp1-20120321_01(SR10 FP1))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Linux amd64-64 jvmxa6460sr10fp1-20120202_101568 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20120202_101568
JIT - r9_20111107_21307ifx1
GC - 20120202_AA)
JCL - 20120320_01
I try to use jProfiler, using trial lisence. But don't want to change something on the server this time.
So I download jprofiler for linux to my server.
Then I run bin/jpenable and it says that:
No unprofiled JVM found
Now I don't know what to do, googling doesn't give any useful result. Can You tell me in what way I must search a problem? May be incorrect path or something else. I hope You'll understand my english (it is not so good).
Have a look at this help pdf, in specifically check out Attach to local JVM session.
Also, have a look at this answer and this question.
hope it will help..

Creating a Mono binary install package for CentOS 5.2

I'm new to Linux but have to port a asp.net app to Linux platform. (CentOS 5.2)
I downloaded the mono source files and manually build them on my dev box, because there's no aviable Binary package for CentOS 5.2 (almost the same as RedHat), the app works well on the dev box.
The next step is to setup the production server, which has minimal libraries installed.
My question is... how to make the Mono binary files into a install package so I don't need to download and build them in the production server.
(My dev box is the same configuration as the production one)
I have tried to copy all mono related files into the server, but with no luck... May I missed some files or some settings...
You can still get binary RPMS here
Recently, Mono announced support for RHEL/CentOS. You can get packages from them here.