How to Lock a Package Version from Nuget Updates -

I am using Aspose to do some doc management and our license only gives us a year of updates, which now has expired. So when, in typical fashion, we update our packages and get the latest version of Aspose it breaks our app. Is there a way to lock down those packages from showing up in the Nuget Package Updates list, or at least to prevent changes to the versions via the the Nuget Update process? I looked at various Nuget and Microsoft references and didn't see anything, but am hoping someone here knows some secret sauce?

The two ways I can think to do this:
Create a new Nuget package that you dont rev that contains the references you want to lock. that way they would just never show up in the update list.
Create a test like #mason suggested. I would start with code that finds the assembly with the name you want to lock then you can check its version. you can either write it as an exact match (easist) or not to exceed a specific version (more work but you could use an earlier version)

I know this question is old but there is an attribute you can add in the packages.config file that locks the version as Matt Ward answered here:
Restrict nuget package updates to current versions for some packages
For us it was the UmbracoCms package that had breaking changes in the next version.
<package id="UmbracoCms" version="7.15.5" allowedVersions="[7.15.5]" targetFramework="net472" />
You can find more information about version restrictions here

One way is to just stop using NuGet for it and reference the DLLs manually.
Look in the bin folder (where your compiled project is) and copy any Aspose.* files to a new folder in your project directory.
Uninstall the Aspose NuGet packages.
In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click 'References' -> 'Add Reference' -> 'Browse' -> 'Browse' and pick the DLLs from the folder you created in step 1.


"Downgraded" MS dll disappears on upgrade - Windows Installer

We have developed an application that is distributed through Windows Installer, created with the use of WiX, where our customers can upgrade from any older version to the newest.
Our latest version however, deletes 2 dll's, and this is only rectified through a reinstall.
Details on the NuGet packages
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions was upgraded from Nuget Version and File version 1.0.20622.1351 to Nuget version and File version
Similar changes happened to file versioning of System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from Nuget version to Nuget version
So by changing how the File version was calculated, MS effectively changed the version to a downgrade of the previous (from 20622 to 4 on the build version).
Why the dll's are removed on upgrade
Some call it a bug, and some call it a feature, but what happens, is that the MSI has a step where it records all the files that needs to be upgraded, it then uninstalls the current version, and then only installs the files that was unchanged or bumped in version - any downgrades are left out.
Question: How do we get around it?
We are shipping this product to a lot of different customers, with very varied technical skills, so an upgrade better work, or we will be flooded with support issues. Are there anything I can change, without actually disabling features like the ability for the MSI to rollback in case of errors, which I have seen as a trade off for others solving the same issue.
You have a few options. One is to change where you schedule RemoveExistingProducts. Another is to use REINSTALLMODE=AMUS instead of the default OMUS. Another is to do version lying on the offending DLLs so that they always get reinstalled. (Author the file element so the version is 65535.0.0.0 or something like that.)
It's an MSI feature... the bug is in Nuget releasing a newer DLL with a lower version #. That breaks MSI's component rules and default file versioning rules.
This might help:
and basically Chris is correct, and:
The RemoveExistingProducts placement should be before the costing actions which cause the error.
Another alternative is to open the files with Visual Studio and alter the file versions in the resources so that the rules are followed. File version would not affect assembly version. Just run Visual Studio, then File-Open File, and the Resources section will show where you can change the version.
It's also very likely that a repair will restore the missing files because the missing files "break" the product install. That's easy to test. If that is really the case, then it will repair automatically (and just once) if the app starts with a shortcut, or you can arrange for the shortcut to be advertised. If not, I've seen people use MsiProvideComponent () to make sure the files exist because that will do the repair/install.

Wix major upgrade, replace files regardless of newer file version

My WiX installer (Wix 3.10, MSI 4.5) uses MajorUpgrade for updating. The files to be installed are harvested with heat.exe in pre-build. The current (older) msi file contains a file nlog.dll (which came with a NuGet package v4.1.0) that has a file version of, a product version of 4.1.0 and last write time of 2015-09-01.
Since the nlog team ran into some strong naming issues, they published an updated NuGet package v4.1.1, containing an updated nlog.dll with its file version decreased back to while its product version has been increased to 4.1.1, last write time is 2015-09-14.
Now I'm running into a related issue as Robbie did here: wix major upgrade not installing all files: When I install the new msi package and the major upgrade is performed, the present nlog.dll (which is newer according to its file version, but older according to its file date and product version) is being removed, but the new nlog.dll isn't installed.
However, using Schedule="afterInstallExecute" or Schedule="afterInstallFinalize" as suggested won't do the trick for me. Instead of removing the newer file and not installing the older one as in Robbie's case, it doesn't overwrite the present file, and just leaves it in place.
Long story short, I would like my installer to simply install all files that come with it, regardless of any file/product/assembly versioning stuff. There are valid circumstances in which replacing a newer file with an older one is desired. Can't you just tell the installer engine to ignore file versions/dates? If not, what are my options?
You can set the REINSTALLMODE property to AMUS instead of OMUS. This will affect all components globally.
The other trick is to use "version lying". This is where you author the file element with a higher version. Using heat can make this difficult as now you have to transform the XML before compiling it.
Of course the real solution is to hit the nlog team over the head. But based on what I've seen from them over the years it'll never happen. Perhaps you just use a resource editor to hack the DLL and 'fix' the version #. That's assuming you don't need it strong named. This feels dirty and a possible CM nightmare to me though.
Or just dump nlog. :)
If this is a major upgrade and you want everything to be uninstalled before the new product is installed, then you schedule RemoveExistingProducts after InstallInitialize or InstallValidate. That does the uninstall first.
I can't tell if you're getting the "disallowing install..." issue or not, but if you are, and there are other clients of the Dll (it's shared with other installed products) then I'd see if that Dll has support for private copies so you can have you own private copy for your product. If it is shared with other products I wouldn't use version lying - I'd open the Dll with Visual Studio "open as file" and change the version! Make that your latest shared version, so every package that installs it can just use it.
If it's not shared with other products and you're just running into that MSI quirk, then make your own upgrade element and schedule RemoveExistingProducts before CostInitialize, which is what is deciding not to install. That works, but it's before MigrateFeatureStates so you will lose feature migration in your major upgrade.

How to create an update package using installation project

I've packaged my project with an installer project and installed it on my pc. Now, how can I make an update patch if I want to update my installed program? I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I've tried to Google on this issue but instructions are unclear to me.
One way to do it is as follows:
If the installer package installs your application into the fixed location, i.e. when user can't select where to install, you can always have your update package go to that same location and replace your assemblies.
If the location is dynamic, your initial installation needs to leave some registry keys/values related to the location. Then your update package can get the location from the registry and replace the assemblies based on that data.

Using nuget within VS solution with only database dbproj projects to reference other dbproj files

So I have a Visual Studio solution which contains 3 database (.dbproj) projects. These projects need to reference other sql projects from other solutions, which I have packaged and uploaded to nuget. How can I manage these external packages / references in Visual Studio within the dbproj's?
Right clicking the database project within visual studio doesn't give me the "Manage NuGet Packages..." option.
I can Manage NuGet Packages for Solution to at least download the required packages to the solution root but at the project level, where the references are required I'd have to manually manage the references within each projects' references and update manually any time the package is updated so the reference points to the correct versioned package directory.
Is there a better way to do this for dbproj references for database projects in Visual Studio??
I ended up following the same path, creating NuGet packages of the referenced databases and then manually (via command line) installing them at the standard \package location. Then correcting the database references manually in the IDE
There is a work item for this functionality, go vote it up. There is a fork of the functionality already developed that sounds like it is fairly feature complete. You might try it out.

ClickOnce deployment minumum required version auto-increment with MSBuild

We current do manual builds/publish from Visual Studio 2010 and we require users to always be running the latest version (check before startup and minimum required version set). I am working on scripting our deployment out and have no issues using msbuild to build/publish. However, I have not found a way to auto-increment the minimum required version when msbuild runs. What are my options to automatically bump this when publishing via msbuild?
I did see quite a few articles on this topic here, but they seemed to be specific to VS and not MSBuild.
Updating the MinimumRequiredVersion Automatically
Introduction to Project Editor
In Solution Explorer, right click on your project and select unload project.
Once the project has become unavailable, right click again and select edit <project_name>.<lang> proj.
Introduction to MSBuild
Properties use key/value pairs to extract information
Using the property name as an alias, you can use $(OutputPath) to obtain the value for the element <OutputPath>.\bin</OutputPath>
We’ll use the following properties generated for a ClickOnce deployment
MSBuild Tasks can be specified in the project (*.proj) file and invoked during a build event.
FormatVersion is a built-in task for .NET 4.0 and later that formats the ApplicationVersion and ApplicationRevision into a single version number.
Copy and Paste the following code into the opened project file as a child element to the root <Project> element.
<Target Name="AutoSetMinimumRequiredVersion" BeforeTargets="GenerateDeploymentManifest">
<FormatVersion Version="$(ApplicationVersion)" Revision="$(ApplicationRevision)">
<Output PropertyName="MinimumRequiredVersion" TaskParameter="OutputVersion" />
<FormatVersion Version="$(ApplicationVersion)" Revision="$(ApplicationRevision)">
<Output PropertyName="_DeploymentBuiltMinimumRequiredVersion" TaskParameter="OutputVersion" />
This code will take ApplicationVersion and ApplicationRevision as parameters in the Format Version task and will save the output by overwriting the MinimumRequiredVersion with the full publish version.
Save and reload your project. Every ClickOnce deployment will now automatically update to the most recently published version.
Many thanks to Kev for their answer which I have basically rehashed here with a little bit of added clarification for any beginners. Here's a blog post I made about the issue that expands even more on my answer here.
Right now, I'm leaning towards updating the MinimumRequiredVersion via a custom command-line utility that will simply read in the project file and increment it. It's the only option I've come up with for scripting out my build.
I'm not sure if you're going about this the best possible way.
I would recommend using a continuous integration (CI) server like Team City that is responsible for deployments. If having the latest version of the source code is a requirement for publishing, then that is probably something you should build into a well-tested CI build configuration, and take away from the hands of the potentially forgetful/occasionally error-prone users.
Since you are wanting to publish using MSBuild and not Visual Studio, I assume you are publishing from a build server or using some sort of script. You can use the Set-ProjectFilesClickOnceVersion PowerShell script to both set the ClickOnce Application Version as well as force the Minimum Required Version to be the latest version. You would want to do this before running MSBuild. My blog describes in more detail how to setup your build server to accommodate publishing ClickOnce applications.