How to set navigation params properly - react-native

I use react-navigation for navigation in my app. I have some modal view (SomeComponent) and I wanna set custom title during presenting animation. The problem is that title is changing but after presenting animation is finished.
I've tried set params in other component lifecycle callback but it didn't work.
I don't want to set this parameter with navigate function because I don't have full data to set it.
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
title: navigation.getParam("customTitle"),
componentDidMount() {
this.props.navigation.setParams({ customTitle: "Some custom title" })
I wanna set title before animation is finished.

Try to set the params in the getDerivedStateFromProps method as this is the method that is fired after the constructor and before any render methods


How to navigate in mobx store using react navigation?

I can use this.props.navigation from screen component to navigate. How should I do the similar in mobx store file? Or should I perform navigation in store?
I read the Navigating without the navigation prop article, but it seems only works for screen components, right?
Someone says use global variable to store a this.props.navigation reference and use it anywhere, but I don't like the idea...
Yes either:
forward the navigation class to the store when calling the method:
// add nivagation parameter to store fucntion:, this.props.navigation);
Or you can singleton the navigator (warning only works for one ofc):
return <Navigator ref={(nav) => = nav} />;
after this is rendered it will set the navigator property in the store.
But I would suggest to store all your routing state also in a routing store like this:
This way you always have easy access to the navigation state and you can be sure everything properly re-renders. (when in render function in components also depends on navigation changes!)
You can keep all your states including navigation state in mobx store.
For example:
// sourced and modified from
class NavigationStore {
#observable headerTitle = "Index"
#observable.ref navigationState = {
index: 0,
routes: [
{ key: "Index", routeName: "Index" },
// NOTE: the second param, is to avoid stacking and reset the nav state
#action dispatch = (action, stackNavState = true) => {
const previousNavState = stackNavState ? this.navigationState : null;
return this.navigationState = AppNavigator
.getStateForAction(action, previousNavState);
// NOTE: the top level component must be a reactive component
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context)
// initialize the navigation store = new NavigationStore()
render() {
// patch over the navigation property with the new dispatch and mobx observed state
return (
<AppNavigator navigation={addNavigationHelpers({
addListener: () => { /* left blank */ }
Then you can directly call the dispatch action of the store to navigate to a new screen.
Send this one this.props.navigation as a parameter to the store. Then use as you use on the component side.
in the LoginStore
#action login = (navigation) => { navigation.navigate('Page');}

Way to dynamically set a React Navigation screen title using MobX store value?

On my default React Navigation tab screen I'd like to set the screen's title to a value from a MobX store. It's my understanding that the only way to do this is to pass the value via a param--so I can't just put the MobX value in the 'title: ' field... but as this is the 'default' screen I'm not passing it anything.
Default screen:
export default class HomeScreen extends Component {
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation, screenProps }) => ({
title: `This is ${navigation.state.params.title}`,
I've attempted to make use of setParams during componentWillMount, but console.log shows me it must be happening too late, so I get an empty object in the title.
Any idea how to do this?
Had the same problem today and figured it out.
Simply change your navigationOptions to a function instead of an object, that way it will re-evaluate on state changes. Here's the fix for you, as described by the manual at
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
const { params = {} } = navigation.state;
const title = `This is ${params.title}`;
return { title };

While coming back from react navigation componentWillMount doesn't get called

I have used react-navigation and on clicking hardware back button in android, I come back to previous component but componentWillMount doesn't get called. How do I ensure that componentWillMount is called?
componentWillMount will not trigger when you entering new screen / back to the screen.
my solution is using event navigator handler
you can implement your 'componentWillMount' codes while 'willAppear' event id triggered, see this implementation:
export default class ExampleScreen extends Component {
constructor(props) {
onNavigatorEvent(event) {
switch( {
case '`willAppear`':
// { implement your code on componentWillMount }
case 'didAppear':
case 'willDisappear':
case 'didDisappear':
case 'willCommitPreview':
Does this answer from #bumbur help you? It defines a global variable that tracks if nav state has changed. You could insert a piece of code to see if you're in the specific tab that you are interested in. With that you could trigger a call to componentWillMount() ?
If you don't want to use redux, this is how you can store globally
information about current route, so you can both detect a tab change
and also tell which tab is now active.
export default () => <MyTabNav
ref={(ref) => { this.nav = ref; }}
onNavigationStateChange={(prevState, currentState) => {
const getCurrentRouteName = (navigationState) => {
if (!navigationState) return null;
const route = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index];
if (route.routes) return getCurrentRouteName(route);
return route.routeName;
global.currentRoute = getCurrentRouteName(currentState);

Change ex-navigation bar title after component was mounted

Ex-navigation allows defining navigation bar title using static route
static route = {
navigationBar: {
title: 'title'
I'd need to set navigationBar title programmatically after the component was mounted since it depends on data received from a server. How can I do it?
I've tried using props.route.config, but that only works when called in componentDidMount() but not later in component lifecycle.
this.props.route.config.navigationBar.title = 'new title'
Use the updateCurrentRouteParams as described here in the doc
class ProfileScreen extends React.Component {
static route = {
navigationBar: {
title(params) {
return `Hello ${}`;
callMeLatter() {
this.props.navigator.updateCurrentRouteParams({name: "Jon Doe"})

Refresh Component on navigator.pop()

I'm using React Native's Navigator. Is there anyway to refresh the component so when I pop back to it, it'll make a new API call and grab the updated data to display in the component. I found a few similar questions, but no good answer...
Adding Api Call in callBack using a subscription. sovles the issue
componentDidMount() {
this.willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
() => {
componentWillUnmount() {
You can send a callback function to nextscene from previous one as a prop.
name: *nextscene*,
passProps: {
text: response,
callBack: this.callback
async callback(){
await ....//make new api request grab the udpated data
Then in your nextscene you call callback method and then pop. You can also send parameters
When pop () to refresh before a page is not a good idea
You can try DeviceEventEmitter object
previous page DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('xxx', callback) in componentDidMount
current page DeviceEventEmitter.emit('xxx', anythingInCallback...) before pop()
ps:previous pageDeviceEventEmitter.removeAllListeners('xxx') in componentWillUnmount
I doubt you're still looking for an answer to this, but holy crap has this kept me up tonight. I'm very new to React Native, but I finally had some success.
The React Navigation API docs have a section for adding event listeners! Check it out! I shared some of my own code below too.
This is an example event handler in a Component that is the top screen of the StackNavigator stack. It grabs the current state and saves to the backend using an API call. After completion, StackNavigator's pop is called.
handleSubmit = () => {
const { value, otherValue } = this.state
addThingToDatabase({ value, otherValue })
.then(() => this.props.navigation.pop())
Now over to the other Component which is the screen "underneath" in the StackNavigator stack. This is screen being shown after the "pop". Here's what I used to have in ComponentDidMount.
componentDidMount() {
const { index } = this.props.navigation.state.params
getAllThingsFromDatabase({ index })
.then(({ arrayOfThings }) => this.setState({
But the Component wouldn't update with the new thing, until addListener! Now I have pretty much the same code except it's in the constructor. I figured I only need to run it one time, and I need to store it too.
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context)
this.state = {
index: null,
arrayOfThings: []
this.willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
(payload) => {
const { index } = payload.state.params
getAllThingsFromDatabase({ index })
.then(({ arrayOfThings }) => this.setState({
Note that the docs also mention unsubscribing the event listener using the .remove() function. I put that in ComponentWillUnmount().
componentWillUnmount() {
There are four different events to subscribe to. I went with willFocus thinking it'll update before the screen is seen.
You should save the state of the page and emit an action in componentDidMount since it is invoked immediately after a component is mounted.
Since your component has been already mounted you should listen ComonentWillReceiveProps instead.
The simple way is to use react native navigation resetTo function. It will replace the top item and pop to it.
If we do like this componentWillReceiveProps will call. So we can provide the API calls in that function and make it simple.
for more details