Call script after gitlab ci - gitlab-ci

I have started to work with gitlab ci and I am still new to CI in general. I currently want to call a script after a successful test build of my master branch. This script will notify my server to do a pull, build and restart.
I can not use kubernetes or docker, as the project lead doesn't want to use them.
I can do the scipt and such, but the gitlab ci config documentation is confusing and I cant seem to find an option on how to call the script after it finished.

Stupid of me asking. Its as simple as defining a new stage after the last stage and call the script there.

If you want to do a simple task at the end of a pipeline, try the after_script directive. There is also a before_script counterpart.
Docs at:


Is there a better way to disable/skip a job in a GitLab CI pipeline than commenting everything out?

I have a job in a GitLab CI pipeline that I want to temporarily disable because it is not working. My test suites are running locally but not inside docker, so until I figure that out I want to skip the test job or the test stage.
I tried commenting out the stage, but then I get an error message from the CI validation: test job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, deploy, .post
So I can simply comment out the entire job, but I was wondering if there was a better way?
Turns out, there is! It's quite at the end of the very thorough documentation of GitLab CI:
Instead of using comments on the job or stage, simply prefix the job name with a dot ..
Example from the official documentation:
- run test

Why do I care which gitlab runner runs my pipeline

I have a gitlab-ci.yml file which I have inherited. And I have a local gitlab server running on my laptop. I have managed to create several gitlab runners and kickoff this inherited pipeline -- which gets immediately stuck. The error I am getting is:
...because you dont have any active runners online or available with any of these tags assigned to them: sometag
I have pieced together that the gitlab-ci.yml file references several tags and if there is a runner with a given tag, the runner will pickup my pipeline --- but why do I need this control (or hassle, more like it). What does it matter which runner runs my pipeline? Do i need to closely examine the gitlab-ci.yml file and based on that make some special runner for it ?
After I have modified my runners and gave them the missing tags, I am still getting the same error. Looking at the runner API results, the results do show that where it says "online" it shows "null". What does it mean? How do I make this runner "online"
There may be several runner, which will have different executors set up and thus, have different functionalities. So, the best practice is to give tags in gitlab-ci.yml file to run the jobs on particular runner.
In order to bring your runner online, you can go in the server where that particular gitlab runner is installed, and in the restart the gitlab-runner service using gitlab-runner restart with the user you have installed the runner or root user.
Sometimes, it might happen that you have changed the tags or added some tags to the runner using Gitlab UI but the same tags has not been saved in config.toml file. (config.toml file stores the gitlab-runner configurations. More details here
So, in this particular case, you have to go the server where the gitlab-runner is installed, and modify the tags in config.toml file and then restart the gitlab-runner service. If everything goes well, you can see the runner is online in Gitlab UI.

In GitlabCI - How can we trigger a build/pipeline if a specific build/pipeline is completed successfully?

We are using GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.8.7-ee 075705a and trying to use Gitlab CI.
Here is my scenario:-
I've two repositories repo1 and repo2 and I'm setting up two pipelines pipeline1 and pipeline2.
Now I'm looking for an option where I can configure pipeline2 to trigger a build if pipeline1 build is successful. One more thing, I need to get the version number of the pipeline1 in pipeline2
Note:- I know we can trigger pipeline2 from pipeline1 but I need other way around.
Please suggest.
A couple of options.
Use the gitlab api to do this (triggers).
Use webhooks to do this.
gitlab webhooks docs
gitlab triggers docs
with this. you can get any data / meta data for your stack.
and can automagically call it/set it on any condition.
This can also be done if your stack is using aws (CLI) and (or) Jenkins
Some sections that may interest you in gitlab triggers docs
When used with multi-project Pipelines
When a pipeline depends on the artifacts of another Pipeline
Triggering a pipeline from a webhook
Using cron to trigger nightly (or pretty much *ly) pipelines

One Gitlab CI runner per project?

We upgraded from Gitlab 7.11.4 to 9 in one fell swoop (by accident). Now we are trying to get CI set up the way it use to run for us before. I understand that CI is an integrated thing now.
One of my coworkers got a multi-runner thing going. The running command looks like so:
/usr/bin/gitlab-ci-multi-runner run --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
But previously we had 1 runner for each project and we had a user associated for each project. So, if we have 2 projects called "portal" and "engine", we would have users created thusly:
And being users, they would have home folders like:
In the older version of CI, you'd have a config.yml with the url of CI and the runners token. Now you have config.toml.
I want to "divorce" the engine runner from this multi setup which runs under user "gitlab-runner" and have its own runner that runs under "gitlab-runner-fps-engine".
Easy to do? Right now since all of this docker business is new to us, we're continuing on to use "shell" as our executor in gitlab, if that information is useful.
There are at least two ways you can do it:
Register a specific runner in each of the projects and disable the shared runners.
Use tags to specify the job must be run on a specific runner. This way you can have some CI jobs run on your defined environment while others (like lint for example) can be run on tagged shared runners.

Atlassian Bamboo: First plan with a simple job of downloading a local git repo

I just downloaded the free trial of Bamboo continuous integration server, and created the first plan with nothing but downloading the source code from the git. I have a local git repository on the bamboo machine so the git URL is pointing to a local path.
The problem is that when I run the job, it never finishes even after waiting for an hour. This is the last lines of the activity log:
07-Apr-2011 20:03:23 Checking out revision f9dc82500914333ed4bbdae5ed038771fd658c3c.
07-Apr-2011 20:03:23 Creating local git repository in '/home/bob/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/DEV-DEV-1/.git'.
From the shell I can go to the directory shown in the log and see that the source code were cloned correctly to the bamboo working directory. But the job will never finish and the log will not have any more update from here. I have to manually terminate the job. Any ideas? Do I miss something?
Just a guess, since the Bamboo instance we have at work pulls from Accurev and not Git, and I've never run into this problem myself - but it may be hung because there isn't a builder defined for that plan. You might try defining a builder (even if it's one that you know will fail) just to see if it makes it to that next step.
I had very similar problem.
It's not very original solution but I just uninstalled bamboo and installed it again.. Now it works now