Upgrade Monit 5.25.3 to 5.26 ... configure/make install - monit

I have installed Monit like described here:
Now i want to upgrade. What is the right/best way ? Do this process again ?
Thx for help

You can use monit precompiled binary instead of building from source.
1. Check current monit
root#x-arm:~# monit --version
This is Monit version 5.25.1
root#x-arm:~# which monit
2. Download precompiled binary, based on your arch
root#x-arm:~# wget https://mmonit.com/monit/dist/binary/5.26.0/monit-5.26.0-linux-arm64.tar.gz
root#x-arm:~# tar zxvf monit-5.26.0-linux-arm64.tar.gz
3. Replace with latest version
root#x-arm:~# cp monit-5.26.0/bin/monit /usr/bin/monit
root#x-arm:~# monit --version
This is Monit version 5.26.0
Built with ssl, with ipv6, with compression, with pam and with large files
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Upgrade Apache 2.4.6 to 2.4.27 without losing config

I wan to updage my currently active apache v2.4.6 to latest ver 2.4.27. (CentOS 7)
I know how to install from stracth but I just want to upgrade the version with my configurations remain stil.
Would it be okay to remove whole httpd content with /etc/httpd, /run/httpd, and /usr/lib64/httpdwith takin configuration backup, then install 2.4.27 from scratch and paste the old config files?
Thank you in advance for any guidance
You can backup everything and add CodeIT rpm repo:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d && wget https://repo.codeit.guru/codeit.el7.repo
yum install -y epel-release
yum upgrade httpd
Please also be sure to merge your SSL configuration and mpm defaults to have new features like HTTP/2 protocol support enabled.

centos 7 get latest apache package

This question comes from my lack of understanding of package managers,
I run yum list and get httpd-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64
Build date: Mon Jul 18 17:32:11 2016
I did yum update && yum install httpd, will this get me the latest version of httpd?
where can I check online to confirm my package/build is the latest?
how can I periodically install security patches for my version of httpd?
[centos ~]$ httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
Server built: Jul 18 2016 15:30:14
[centos ~]$ rpm -q --changelog httpd | more
* Mon Jul 18 2016 CentOS Sources <bugs#centos.org> - 2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4
- Remove index.html, add centos-noindex.tar.gz
- change vstring
- change symlink for poweredby.png
- update welcome.conf with proper aliases
As Aaron mentioned, package managers like yum will only apply security patches as they prioritise stability (with security) over new features.
So after you do a "yum update" you will be on a patched version of httpd 2.4.6 which should have all the required security patches right up to the latest httpd release (2.4.23 at time of writing) but none of the other non-security changes (e.g. http/2 support or any of the other features and bug fixes unless security related).
So it's not really 2.4.6 anymore, despite the name, but at same time it's definitely not 2.4.23 either.
You can confirm the patches have been applied by running this command (as detailed here):
rpm -q --changelog httpd | more
Or perhaps, to check for a specific CVE:
rpm -q --changelog httpd | grep CVE-Number
And the vulnerabilities fixed in each version of Apache httpd (which should be back ported within a short space of time by Red Hat/Centos) are here:
https://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities_24.html or here: https://www.cvedetails.com/version-list/45/66/1/Apache-Http-Server.html
The best way to periodically install security updates is to do a "sudo yum update" regularly or consider installing yum-cron to do this for you. There is still some debate as to whether this should be fully automated in prod.
yum uses only the repositories it is configured to use; not just any RPM on the internet. That would be dangerous. If you have an up-to-date version of CentOS, they will release security updates for httpd. Once installed, a yum update will bring in patches.
CentOS is an Enterprise-level OS. They don't always have the "latest and greatest." You'll see they will stay with the same version, e.g. 2.4, but apply patches to it. The next major release of the OS would then have a more current version, e.g. 3.x. There are few exceptions, like Firefox, where they will stay with the ESR versions.

Install Older Version of Mono

Today my Ubuntu updated Mono to It will not allow a certain program I absolutely need to run. How can I down-grade it to I have tried...
sudo apt-get install mono-complete=
That doesn't work.
Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-xamarin.list and change:
deb http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian wheezy main
deb http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian wheezy/snapshots/ main
That will pin it to version
FYI: Make sure that you do not have any alpha/beta repos for mono in any of your /etc/apt/sources/list.d/xxxxx.list files.
Basic Steps to Downgrade:
sudo apt-get remove mono-complete
# Edit your mono-xamarin.list and pin it to the version of your choice.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Accessing older releases If for some reason you want to pin an older
version of Mono rather than updating to the latest, you can modify the
Debian repository to “wheezy/snapshots/X.XX.X” instead of “wheezy”.
For example, “wheezy/snapshots/3.10.0” will lock you to that version.
These snapshots will cease receiving updates as soon as the next major
Mono version gets uploaded - for example, as soon as Mono 3.12 gets
uploaded, 3.10 will never receive updates.
On RPM distributions, force the package version in your package
manager - all older versions are published in the YUM metadata and
should be available.
Ref: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux/#accessing-older-releases
Ref: Versions available:
If, like me, you followed the official guide: https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/ then you would have added an apt key and created
You can keep the key, but remove the file above using sudo rm -r /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list
Then make sure you follow the best answer above by editing the mono-xamarin.list file for the version you want and remove the version of mono you have.
Then apt update, then install mono-complete. An easy way to know you are correctly downloading and compiling a different version is that apt will prompt you asking if you want to download the files, and the size will be different.
Hope this helps someone, this last step made it work for me.
My system is Ubuntu 18.04.

I just installed graphite on my mac, but some fonts are huge

I just installed graphite on OSX, and managed to get the web app running this command:
python /opt/graphite/bin/run-graphite-devel-server.py /opt/graphite
I'll eventually move it to ubuntu, but in the mean time, some fonts are enormous:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I chased this down to an issue with the newest version of cairo. I removed cairo and installed 1.12.6. I posted the instructions here gist.github.com/relaxdiego/7539911
Its the cairocffi that handles the fonts and other display parameters. Sometimes installing only cairo doesn't work. In the above case you should always troubleshoot by ensuring proper and complete installation of the cairocffi package. By complete I mean all the dependencies for cairocffi.
The frequently required are:
1. libffi-devel (for rpm based operating systems)
sudo yum install libffi-devel
2. libffi-dev (for debian based operating systems)
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
3. parse_lookup
sudo pip install parse_lookup
This is the Github page for cairocffi.

Apache Response Time Monitoring in Hyperic

I seem to be having a hard time getting the Apache module for Hyperic to compile in Ubuntu 8.10. Has anyone had any luck getting it to work? Does anyone have a precompiled version?
I am running Hyperic HQ version 4.1.2 build #1053, Apache 2.2.x
I got it to work by doing the following:
Symbolically link aclocal and automake old hard coded version to your current version (replace version numbers 1.11 to your own):
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/aclocal-1.11 /usr/bin/aclocal-1.6
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/automake-1.11 /usr/bin/automake-1.6
Rename a conflicting header file:
sudo mv /usr/include/openssl/asn1.h /usr/include/openssl/asn_1.h
Run the installer:
sudo ./build_apache_snmp.sh -r 2.0 /usr/bin/apxs2
Once it is finished make sure you follow the directions located at ./README
Once you have confirmed that the SNMP service is working (using the snmpwalk application that the readme file refers to), reverse the steps above to revert system changes just needed to compile the plugin.