Deployment of keras layer UpSampling2D to tensorRT - tensorflow

Kears/TensorFlow layer UpSampling2D() cannot be deployed to TensorRT (known behavior).
I am trying to find a solution by replacing the layer UpSampling2D() by other Keras layer with parallel behaviour.
Theoretically Conv2DTranspose() should do the work, by setting specific weights and fixing the weights of the layers in training.
I am looking for some help on how to do that.

I did a test run by replacing all the UpSampling 2D() with Conv2DTranspose() in my model and then converted it to UFF. (I only trained the model for 1 epoch to save time).
The converter then complained about DataFormatVecPermute instead.
Converting conv2d_transpose_1/conv2d_transpose-0-VecPermuteNHWCToNCHW-LayoutOptimizer as custom op: DataFormatVecPermute
Warning: No conversion function registered for layer: DataFormatVecPermute yet.
And the parser in C++ couldn't parse this model successfully either.


Partially restore weights in TF2

I trained a resnet model whose final layer has 3 outputs (multiclass classification). I want to use these model weights to pretrain a regression model which has the exact same architecture except the last layer, which has 1 output.
This seems like a very basic use case, but I do not see how to do this. Restoring a checkpoint gives an error since the architectures are not the same (mismatched shape). All other solutions I have found are either for TF1 (eg or using Keras .h5 restore.
How can I do this in TF2?

Cannot load tflite model, Did not get operators or tensors in subgraph 1

I have converted a tf model to tflite, and applied quantization in the process, but I cannot load it. The error was raised when I try to do interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(tflite_model_path), the error message was:
ValueError: Did not get operators or tensors in subgraph 1.
Also during quantization, I got lots of these INFO messages for every dense layer in my model:
2021-09-06 04:38:40.879693: I tensorflow/lite/tools/optimize/] Skipping quantization of tensor bert_token_clssfification/classifier/Tensordot/Shape that is not type float.
These messages confuse me greatly, because I'm sure those weights are of type float32. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
I figured out the cause in my case. It was because I have dropout layers in my model, and I'm using an input tf.bool tensor to explicitly control the training/inference mode of the dropouts layers. Dropout is not currently supported in tflite, and because I'm explicitly controlling the dropout behaviour, the tflite conversion cannot remove the dropout operations.
The correct way to use dropout is to pass the training kwarg during model invocation: out = model(input_batch, training=True).

Set batch size of trained keras model to 1

I am having a keras model trained on my own dataset. However after loading weights the summary shows None as the first dimension(the batch size).
I want to know the process to fix the shape to batch size of 1, as it is compulsory for me to fix it so i can convert the model to tflite with GPU support.
What worked for me was to specify batch size to the Input layer, like this:
input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape, batch_size=1, dtype='float32', name='images')
This then carried through the rest of the layers.
The bad news is that despite this "fix" the tfl runtime still complains about dynamic tensors. I get these non-fatal errors in logcat when it runs:
E/tflite: third_party/tensorflow/lite/core/ != nullptr was not true.
E/tflite: Attempting to use a delegate that only supports static-sized tensors with a graph that has dynamic-sized tensors (tensor#26 is a dynamic-sized tensor).
E/tflite: Ignoring failed application of the default TensorFlow Lite delegate indexed at 0.
The good news is that despite these errors it seems to be using the GPU anyway, based on performance testing.
I'm using:
Hopefully, they'll fix the runtime so it doesn't matter whether the batch size is 'None'. It shouldn't matter for doing inference.

ValueError: Unknown layer: AnchorBoxes quantization tensorflow

I am applying quantization to a SSD model. The gist is attached. There is a custom object called "AnchorBoxes" which is added while loading the model. This works fine when I don't do quantization. But when I apply quantization, this custom object is not recognized.
I tried a work around.
def apply_quantization_to_conv2D(layer):
if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.layers.Conv2D):
return tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_annotate_layer(layer)
return layer
# Use `tf.keras.models.clone_model` to apply `apply_quantization_to_dense`
# to the layers of the model.
annotated_model = tf.keras.models.clone_model(
)'quantize_ready_model_20_01_Conv2D.h5', include_optimizer=True)
# Now that the Dense layers are annotated,
# `quantize_apply` actually makes the model quantization aware.
#quant_aware_model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply(annotated_model)
I commented this line quant_aware_model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply(annotated_model) in the above code as it was throwing the error ValueError: Unknown layer: AnchorBoxes
Instead I saved the model after applying quantization to the Conv2D layers as below
def apply_quantization_to_conv2D(layer):
if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.layers.Conv2D):
return tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_annotate_layer(layer)
return layer
# Use `tf.keras.models.clone_model` to apply `apply_quantization_to_dense`
# to the layers of the model.
annotated_model = tf.keras.models.clone_model(
annotated_model.summary()'quantize_ready_model_20_01_Conv2D_1.h5', include_optimizer=True)
# Now that the Dense layers are annotated,
# `quantize_apply` actually makes the model quantization aware.
#quant_aware_model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply(annotated_model)
#quant_aware_model.compile(optimizer=adam, loss=ssd_loss.compute_loss)
Then I loaded the model hoping that the loaded quantized model as below will have the custom_objects attached to it.
with tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_scope():
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./quantize_ready_model_20_01_Conv2D_1.h5', custom_objects={'AnchorBoxes': AnchorBoxes})
Finally I applied the quantize_apply to the new loaded_model which has quantized layers.
quant_aware_model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply(loaded_model)
which again resulted in the same error
ValueError: Unknown layer: AnchorBoxes
System information
TensorFlow version (installed from source or binary): TF 2.0.0
TensorFlow Model Optimization version (installed from source or binary): 0.5.0
Describe the expected behavior
When I run quantize_apply(model), the model should become quantization aware
Describe the current behavior
Throwing an error on the custom objects
Code to reproduce the issue
The issue was fixed after passing the custom layer like this AnchorBoxes': AnchorBoxes in the below code.
with quantize_scope(
{'DefaultDenseQuantizeConfig': DefaultDenseQuantizeConfig,
'AnchorBoxes': AnchorBoxes}):
# Use `quantize_apply` to actually make the model quantization aware.
quant_aware_model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply(annotated_model)

Fused activation functions of conv ops should be NONE but they are RELU6

I am trying to convert a frozen mobilenet_v1 graph to tflite. I'm interested in the conversion process and not just the quantized tflite model, so I'm comparing my converted model to one already made by tensorflow. The difference between them is that my conv2d nodes have a relu6 activation function while the correct model's conv2d nodes don't have any activation function. How should I go about fixing this problem?
I should also mention that I'm converting to a fully quantized tflite model by using tensorflow's quantization-aware training and activating the quantization flags upon conversion to tflite.