Filtering with substrings and watching for change but no update - vue.js

I am working with substrings and watchers in vuejs. I have an issue. In my data model, I will end up having about 20 states that all have a code added to each of them. I filter out the code to just the first letters--that way I should be able too write some conditional render that will display the state name which would be indicative of the code. For instance if I have NY9830 OR NY83793, the substring cuts it down to just NY and I am trying to make the text update to New York. Its not updating and I added a watch to the v-model. I will have like 20 conditions for different states so, the easiest way to do this would be helpful.
new Vue({
el: "#liveapp",
data: function() {
return {
Office: 'NY006 '
methods: {
watch: {
stateValue: function() {
if ( == "NY") {
alert("display New York");
this.stateValue = "New York";
} else if ( == "LA") {
alert("display Louisiana");
this.stateValue = "Louisiana";
filters: {
liveSubstr: function(string) {
return string.substring(0, 2);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="liveapp">
<p v-model="stateValue">{{ Office | liveSubstr}}</p>

If I'm reading your question correctly, what I think you want is a filter that can transform an office code like "NY9830" into a full state name like "New York".
You can back the filter with a map of state abbreviations to full-names. For example
const states = new Map([
['NY', 'New York'],
['LA', 'Louisiana'],
['TX', 'Texas']
Vue.filter('state', value => {
return states.get(value.substring(0, 2)) || 'Unknown'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({ offices: [] }),
created() {
// simulate remote request
setTimeout(() => {
this.offices = ['NY9830', 'NY83793', 'LA7474', 'TX0894']
}, 1000)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="office in offices" :key="office">
{{ office }} - {{ office | state }}


display data set based on string content using vuejs

I want to display the designated data that is found for a particular code match. I have a data set that will come in model. I want if the data-set, subject property has the first 2-3 characters found in it, to display the corresponding name. Based on the first 3 characters begins with LA_, which is found in the first index, only the first set of content should appear (Name: Library Arts Department: ACSF-LA Identifier: 6774). I know i would need to slice the character off, with string slice, but what if sometimes the name has like LAX_ (SO I want to be sure to check if the subjects have any that match--). So basically to check everything before the first "_"
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
todos: [{"Name":"Library Arts","Identifier":"6774","Code":"AACSF-LA","Subjects":["LA_","AEL","APC","GAP","FAC","GLM","GS","MPT","PRO","WNM"]},
{"Name":"Violin Dance","Identifier":"6169","Code":"Avvv-VA","Subjects":["VA","VL","VPC","AAP","YAC","XLM","GXS","XPT","IRO","CNM"]}
methods: {
toggle: function(todo){
todo.done = !todo.done
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<h2>Name: {{Name}}</h2>
<li v-for="todo in todos">
Name: {{todo.Name}} <br>
Department: {{todo.Code}}<br>
Identifier: {{todo.Identifier}}
Create a computed property that uses Array.prototype.filter on the todos[]. The callback to filter() receives each array item, and returns true if the item should be in the result. In this callback, you can check if each item contains the leading characters (before the underscore) in the search string (LA in your example):
export default {
computed: {
computedTodos() {
const searchLetters = this.Name.split('_')[0].split('') /* get characters of first part of string before underscore */
.filter(x => /\w/.test(x)) /* keep only letters */
return this.todos.filter(item => {
/* check if each letter appears in order within the item's name */
let i = 0
return searchLetters.every(letter => {
i = item.Name.indexOf(letter, i)
return i > -1
Then update the template to use the computed prop instead of todos[]:
<!-- <li v-for="todo in todos"> -->
<li v-for="todo in computedTodos">
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
todos: [{"Name":"Library Arts","Identifier":"6774","Code":"AACSF-LA","Subjects":["LA_","AEL","APC","GAP","FAC","GLM","GS","MPT","PRO","WNM"]},
{"Name":"Violin Dance","Identifier":"6169","Code":"Avvv-VA","Subjects":["VA","VL","VPC","AAP","YAC","XLM","GXS","XPT","IRO","CNM"]}
computed: {
computedTodos() {
const searchLetters = this.Name.split('_')[0].split('').filter(x => /\w/.test(x))
return this.todos.filter(item => {
let i = 0
return searchLetters.every(letter => {
i = item.Name.indexOf(letter, i)
return i > -1
methods: {
toggle: function(todo){
todo.done = !todo.done
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input v-model="Name">
<h2>Name: {{Name}}</h2>
<li v-for="todo in computedTodos">
Name: {{todo.Name}} <br>
Department: {{todo.Code}}<br>
Identifier: {{todo.Identifier}}

Cant store api data called by axios in array through mounted, unless clicking on <Root> element from vue devtools (in browser)

i'm using axios to get data from api and store in an array after mounting then run a search query in the array later on, but it's not working unless i click on Root element in browsers Vue developer tools, after i click on vue Root element from vue dev tool everything works fine.Here is my code..
<script type="module">
const vueApp = new Vue({
el: "#pos",
data: {
searchTerm: "",
allProducts: [],
selectedProducts: [],
suggestions: []
mounted: function (){
axios.get("api/products").then( res => this.allProducts = );
methods: {
this.suggestions = [];
if(!this.searchTerm) return;
this.suggestions = this.allProducts.filter(sP=>(sP.prod_name).includes(this.searchTerm));
//HTML below------------------
<div id="pos">
<input type="text" v-model="searchTerm">
<ul v-for="match in suggestions">
<li #click="select(match)">
<tr v-for="(product,i) in selectedProducts">
const vueApp = new Vue({
el: "#pos",
data: {
searchTerm: "",
allProducts: [],
selectedProducts: [],
suggestions: []
mounted: function() {
axios.get("api/products").then(res => this.allProducts =;
methods: {
select(item) {
this.suggestions = [];
computed: {
matches() {
if (!this.searchTerm) return;
this.suggestions = this.allProducts.filter(sP => (sP.prod_name).includes(this.searchTerm));
<div id="pos">
<input type="text" v-model="searchTerm">
<ul v-for="match in suggestions">
<li #click="select(match)">
As I mentioned in the comments on your question, this is an error I cannot seem to understand how you are getting. I sense there is information that we are not being presented with.
As such, here is a quick "working" example of fetching items from the mounted lifecycle hook in a component. Note: If you are creating the component via a Single-File Component (.vue files) then don't worry too much about the declaration, pay attention only to the data and mounted methods.
const App = Vue.component('App', {
template: `<div>
<input v-model="searchTerm" type="search">
{{items.length}} results fetched
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
items: []
mounted() {
//Timeout used to mimic axios query
setTimeout(()=> this.items= [1,2,3,4], 1000)
const app = new App({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">Placeholder</div>
The code you have given us after your update seems to be working just fine. See the below snippet.
I noticed you are looping over suggestions but that value is never updated anywhere in your given code.
const vueApp = new Vue({
el: "#pos",
data: {
searchTerm: "",
allProducts: [],
selectedProducts: [],
suggestions: []
mounted: function() {
setTimeout(() => this.allProducts = [1,2,3,4,5], 1000);
methods: {
select(item) {
this.suggestions = [];
computed: {
matches() {
if (!this.searchTerm) return;
this.suggestions = this.allProducts.filter(sP => (sP.prod_name).includes(this.searchTerm));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="pos">
<input type="text" v-model="searchTerm">
<ul v-for="match in suggestions">
<li #click="select(match)">
{{allProducts.length}} results loaded
mounted: function(){
var _self = this;
axios.get("api/products").then( res => _self.allProducts = );

How do I trigger a recalculation in a Vue app?

I'm working on a project with Vue and VueX. In my component, I have a calculated method that looks like this:
isWatched() {
console.log('check watch');
if (! return false;
return[] === true;
And in my store, I have the following:
addWatch(state, event) {
console.log('add',; = {,
[event]: true,
However, this doesn't trigger a recalculation. What's going on?
Try changing return[] === true;
return this.$store.commit("addWatch",;
The code you have shown is correct, so the problem must be elsewhere.
I assume by 'calculated method' you mean computed property.
Computed properties do not watch their dependencies deeply, but you are updating the store immutably, so that is not the problem.
Here is a bit of sample code to give you the full picture.
Add event numbers until you hit '2', and the isWatched property becomes true.
const mapState = Vuex.mapState;
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
watches: {}
mutations: {
addWatch(state, event) { = {, [event]: true };
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
numberInput: 0,
event: { id: 2 }
methods: {
addNumber(numberInput) {
this.$store.commit("addWatch", Number(numberInput));
computed: {
isWatched() {
if (! return false;
return[] === true;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div>Watches: {{ watches }}</div>
<div>isWatched: {{ isWatched }}</div>
<input v-model="numberInput" type="number" />
<button #click="addNumber(numberInput)">
Add new event

How to build a bridge of events between different components in Vue?

I need to solve it
1) click mainMidLeft component
2) after clicked, to move slideLeftTop component
The problem I dont quite understand how to do this in right way..
Is it okay to create in mainMidLeft a method where I will do somethik like this:
move: () => {
document.querySelector(`.slideLeftTop`).style.position .....
The best practice is to use Vuex State manager with computed methods (getters) and watchers
I have made a working example for you on jsfiddle.
For more info on how vuex works please go to Here
Please let me know if you need more help :)
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
mainMidLeftState: false,
getters: {
mainMidLeftState: state => state.mainMidLeftState,
mutations: {
toggleMainMidLeft: (state, payload) => {
state.mainMidLeftState = !state.mainMidLeftState
Vue.component('main-mid-left', {
data() {
return {
computed: {
mainMidLeftState() {
return this.$store.state.mainMidLeftState
methods: {
toggleMainMidLeft() {
// alert(this.mainMidLeftState)
Vue.component('slide-left-top', {
data() {
return {
computed: {
mainMidLeftState() {
return this.$store.state.mainMidLeftState
watch: {
mainMidLeftState: function(val) {
alert("YES, computed property changed and alert have been triggered by watcher in slide top left component")
methods: {
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
div {
color: black;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<!-- inlining the template to make things easier to read - all of below is held on the component not the root -->
<main-mid-left inline-template>
main mid left
<button v-on:click="toggleMainMidLeft()">toggle Main Mid Left State</button>
<div v-show="mainMidLeftState == true">State is true</div>
<div v-show="mainMidLeftState == false">State is false</div>
<slide-left-top inline-template>
slide left top
<div v-show="mainMidLeftState == true">State is true</div>
<div v-show="mainMidLeftState == false">State is false</div>
If you don't want to use vuex, you can create a new Vue instance as an event bus (I believe this is mentioned somewhere in the Vue tutorial):
const EventBus = new Vue()
Import EventBus to where you need it and you can send an event by:
EventBus.$emit('event-name', data)
And add the following script in created() of your receiver component:
EventBus.$on('event-name', ($event) => {
// Do something
I hope this helps |´・ω・)ノ

Filtering a list of objects in Vue without altering the original data

I am diving into Vue for the first time and trying to make a simple filter component that takes a data object from an API and filters it.
The code below works but i cant find a way to "reset" the filter without doing another API call, making me think im approaching this wrong.
Is a Show/hide in the DOM better than altering the data object?
<button v-on:click="filterCats('Print')">Print</button>
<div class="list-item" v-for="asset in filteredData">
<a>{{ asset.title.rendered }}</a>
export default {
data() {
return {
assets: {}
methods: {
filterCats: function (cat) {
var items = this.assets
var result = {}
Object.keys(items).forEach(key => {
const item = items[key]
if (item.cat_names.some(cat_names => cat_names === cat)) {
result[key] = item
this.assets = result
computed: {
filteredData: function () {
return this.assets
Is a Show/hide in the DOM better than altering the data object?
Not at all. Altering the data is the "Vue way".
You don't need to modify assets to filter it.
The recommended way of doing that is using a computed property: you would create a filteredData computed property that depends on the cat data property. Whenever you change the value of cat, the filteredData will be recalculated automatically (filtering this.assets using the current content of cat).
Something like below:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
cat: null,
assets: {
one: {cat_names: ['Print'], title: {rendered: 'one'}},
two: {cat_names: ['Two'], title: {rendered: 'two'}},
three: {cat_names: ['Three'], title: {rendered: 'three'}}
computed: {
filteredData: function () {
if ( == null) { return this.assets; } // no filtering
var items = this.assets;
var result = {}
Object.keys(items).forEach(key => {
const item = items[key]
if (item.cat_names.some(cat_names => cat_names === {
result[key] = item
return result;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button v-on:click="cat = 'Print'">Print</button>
<div class="list-item" v-for="asset in filteredData">
<a>{{ asset.title.rendered }}</a>