Creating a root computed value from component computed values? - vue.js

I'm somewhat new to Vue and I'm trying to figure out how to access computed values from components' computed values.
Please check out this Fiddle:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Largest area: {{ largest_area}}
Vue.component('floor', {
data: function () {
return {
width: 20,
height: 20
computed: {
area: function () {
return this.width * this.height;
template: '<tr><td><input type="number" v-model="width"></td>' +
'<td><input type="number" v-model="height"></td>' +
'<td>{{ area }}</td>' +
new Vue({
el: '#app',
computed: {
largest_area: function () {
// How to get this from component computed values...
return 0
How could I get the largest_area computed value by the computed value from within a number of components?

One possible solution is watching for area value changes in child component and emit value to parent
watch: {
area: {
handler() {
this.$emit('input', this.area)
immediate: true
then in parent
<floor #input="changeVal($event, 0)"></floor>
<floor #input="changeVal($event, 1)"></floor>
<floor #input="changeVal($event, 2)"></floor>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!',
areas: [0, 0, 0]
computed: {
largest_area: function () {
return Math.max(...this.areas)
methods: {
changeVal(val, index) {
this.$set(this.areas, index, val)
Demo here

You can use $refs for this Refer - Refs
Add a ref to your component wherever you import it and use it -
<MyComponent ref="child" />
Then you can access all it's property from your consuming component.
In your consuming component you can access it in $refs property like below
Add ref to floor
<floor ref="floor"></floor>
And then refer it
new Vue({
el: '#app',
computed: {
largest_area: function () {
return 0

You can turn your <floor> components into custom elements that can use v-model. Each <floor> can then emit the computed area to its parent which can collect and compute the maximum.
For example
Vue.component('floor', {
template: `<tr>
<td><input type="number" v-model="width" #input="update"></td>
<td><input type="number" v-model="height" #input="update"></td>
<td>{{ area }}</td>
data: () => ({ width: 20, height: 20 }),
computed: {
area() { return this.width * this.height }
methods: {
update() { this.$emit('input', this.area) }
created() { this.update() } // emit the initial value
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: { areas: [0, 0, 0] },
computed: {
largest_area () { return Math.max(...this.areas) }
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<floor v-for="(_, n) in areas" v-model="areas[n]" :key="n"></floor>
Largest area: {{ largest_area }}
Typically, to support v-model, your component would have a value prop. However, since your components initialise their own data, I have omitted that. The only real requirement is that your component emit an input event.


Vue - Render new component based on page count

I'm working on an onboarding process that will collect a users name, location, job , etc.
It needs to be one question per page but as an SPA so I currently have around 20 components to conditionally render.
Atm, I have a counter and Prev/Next buttons that decrease/increase the counter respectively. I'm then using v-if to check what number the counter is on and render the appropriate page.
Is there a better way around this that is less repetitive and bulky?
Any ideas appreciated!
data() {
return {
onboardingStep: 0,
methods: {
prevStep() {
this.onboardingStep -= 1;
nextStep() {
this.onboardingStep += 1;
<intro-step v-if="onboardingStep === 0"></intro-step>
<first-name v-if="onboardingStep === 1"></first-name>
<last-name v-if="onboardingStep === 2"></last-name>
Suggestion :
You can make your field components to show or hide based on the prev/next state. Dynamic components provide that platform in an efficient and simple way.
Syntax :
<component :is="componentName"></component>
Then, You can create each component instance dynamically by putting a watcher on components array.
watch: {
components: {
handler() {
this.components.forEach(cName => {
Vue.component(cName, {
template: `template code will come here`
Live Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
components: [],
onboardingStep: 0
mounted() {
this.components = ['intro-step', 'first-name', 'last-name'];
watch: {
components: {
handler() {
this.components.forEach(cName => {
Vue.component(cName, {
data() {
return {
modelName: cName
template: '<input type="text" v-model="modelName"/>'
methods: {
prevStep() {
this.onboardingStep -= 1;
nextStep() {
this.onboardingStep += 1;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="(cName, index) in components" :key="index">
<component :is="cName" v-if="index === onboardingStep"></component>
<button #click="prevStep" :disabled="onboardingStep < 1">Prev</button>
<button #click="nextStep" :disabled="onboardingStep === components.length - 1">Next</button>
You could create an array with all your component names in the right order.
const components = ['intro-step', 'first-name', 'last-name' ]
And then with a v-for loop set all the components in your template:
<template v-for="(component, index) in components" :key="component">
<component :is="component" v-if="index === onboardingStep">
Hope this helps.

Using v-model on a button?

When a button is clicked I wish to push it's name to an array. When the button is not clicked I want to remove it's name from an array.
I know how to do this with an #click that pushes/splices the array.
I would like to know if there's a simple way of binding the clicks of the button to the array, just like how a checkbox works with v-model. I understand you cannot use v-model on a button but if we were to make the button it's own component and use v-model on that...
<custom-button v-model="myArray"></custom-button>
Is there a way to make this work?
I would create the structure for the custom-button components like:
props: {
originalArray: {
required: true
return {
modifiedArray: => ({...x}))
methods: {
//do your logic on the modifiedArray
then you could use it like:
<custom-button :original-array="this.myArray" #changed="newArray => this.myArray = newArray" />
I would do it like this:
const CBtn = {
template: '#c-btn',
props: ['array', 'label'],
return {
ncTimeout: -1
arr_proxy: {
// shallow copy to not modify parent array indices
return this.array.slice()
methods: {
this.$emit('update:array', this.arr_proxy.concat(this.label))
this.ncTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{
let index = this.arr_proxy.findIndex(v => v === this.label)
this.arr_proxy.splice(index, 1)
this.$emit('update:array', this.arr_proxy)
}, 1000)
new Vue({
components: {
template: '#main',
return {arr: []}
<script src=""></script>
<template id="c-btn">
<template id="main">
<c-btn label="1" :array.sync="arr" ></c-btn>
<c-btn label="2" :array.sync="arr" ></c-btn>
<c-btn label="3" :array.sync="arr" ></c-btn>
<div id="app"></div>
So yes you can use v-model with in model option defined value: [propName] and event: [eventName] or the .sync modifier with 'update:[propName]' event.

How do I trigger a recalculation in a Vue app?

I'm working on a project with Vue and VueX. In my component, I have a calculated method that looks like this:
isWatched() {
console.log('check watch');
if (! return false;
return[] === true;
And in my store, I have the following:
addWatch(state, event) {
console.log('add',; = {,
[event]: true,
However, this doesn't trigger a recalculation. What's going on?
Try changing return[] === true;
return this.$store.commit("addWatch",;
The code you have shown is correct, so the problem must be elsewhere.
I assume by 'calculated method' you mean computed property.
Computed properties do not watch their dependencies deeply, but you are updating the store immutably, so that is not the problem.
Here is a bit of sample code to give you the full picture.
Add event numbers until you hit '2', and the isWatched property becomes true.
const mapState = Vuex.mapState;
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
watches: {}
mutations: {
addWatch(state, event) { = {, [event]: true };
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
numberInput: 0,
event: { id: 2 }
methods: {
addNumber(numberInput) {
this.$store.commit("addWatch", Number(numberInput));
computed: {
isWatched() {
if (! return false;
return[] === true;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div>Watches: {{ watches }}</div>
<div>isWatched: {{ isWatched }}</div>
<input v-model="numberInput" type="number" />
<button #click="addNumber(numberInput)">
Add new event

How to defer form input binding until user clicks the submit button?

I wanted to make a two-way data binding on my form input in Vue.js 2.3. However, I cannot use the v-model directive, because I want the data to be updated only on clicking the submit button. Meanwhile, the input value may be updated from another Vue method, so it should be bound to the data property text. I made up something like this jsFiddle:
<div id="demo">
<input :value="text" ref="input">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<p id="result">{{text}}</p>
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
text: ''
methods: {
update: function () {
this.text = this.$refs.input.value;
It works, but it does not scale well when there are more inputs. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this, without using $refs?
You can use an object and bind its properties to the inputs. Then, in your update method, you can copy the properties over to another object for display purposes. Then, you can set a deep watcher to update the values for the inputs whenever that object changes. You'll need to use this.$set when copying the properties so that the change will register with Vue.
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
inputVals: {
text: '',
number: 0
displayVals: {}
methods: {
update() {
this.copyObject(this.displayVals, this.inputVals);
copyObject(toSet, toGet) {
Object.keys(toGet).forEach((key) => {
this.$set(toSet, key, toGet[key]);
watch: {
displayVals: {
deep: true,
handler() {
this.copyObject(this.inputVals, this.displayVals);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="inputVals.text">
<input v-model="inputVals.number">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<input v-for="val, key in displayVals" v-model="displayVals[key]">
If you're using ES2015, you can copy objects directly, so this isn't as verbose:
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
inputVals: { text: '', number: 0 },
displayVals: {}
methods: {
update() {
this.displayVals = {...this.inputVals};
watch: {
displayVals: {
deep: true,
handler() {
this.inputVals = {...this.displayVals};
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="inputVals.text">
<input v-model="inputVals.number">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<input v-for="val, key in displayVals" v-model="displayVals[key]">
You can use two separate data properties, one for the <input>'s value, the other for the committed value after the OK button is clicked.
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="editText">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<p id="result">{{text}}</p>
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
editText: '',
text: ''
methods: {
update: function () {
this.text = this.editText;
Updated fiddle
With a slightly different approach than the other answers I think you can achieve something that is easily scalable.
This is a first pass, but using components, you could build your own input elements that submitted precisely when you wanted. Here is an example of an input element that works like a regular input element when it is outside of a t-form component, but only updates v-model on submit when inside a t-form.
Vue.component("t-input", {
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue" #input="onInput">
return {
internalValue: this.value,
wrapped: false
this.internalValue = newVal
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
if (!this.wrapped)
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
this.wrapped = true
Here is an example of t-form.
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
return {
isTriggeredForm: true,
for(let input of this.inputs)
Having those in place, your job becomes very simple.
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text2"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text3"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text4"></t-input><br>
This template will only update the bound expressions when the button is clicked. You can have as many t-inputs as you want.
Here is a working example. I included t-input elements both inside and outside the form so you can see that inside the form, the model is only updated on submit, and outside the form the elements work like a typical input.
Vue.component("t-input", {
props: ["value"],
template: `
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue" #input="onInput">
data() {
return {
internalValue: this.value,
wrapped: false
watch: {
value(newVal) {
this.internalValue = newVal
methods: {
update() {
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
onInput() {
if (!this.wrapped)
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
mounted() {
if (this.$parent.isTriggeredForm) {
this.wrapped = true
Vue.component("t-form", {
template: `
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
data() {
return {
isTriggeredForm: true,
inputs: []
methods: {
submit() {
for (let input of this.inputs)
register(input) {
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
text: "bob",
text2: "mary",
text3: "jane",
text4: "billy"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text2"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text3"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text4"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input>
<h4>Update Data</h4>
<button type="button" #click="text='jerome'">Change Text</button>

Focus input of freshly added item

So I have a list of items and list of inputs linked to each item via v-for and v-model.
I click a button and add new item to that list. I want to focus input which is linked to newly added item.
Can't figure out how to achieve this goal.
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item in sortedItems">
<input v-model="item">
<button #click="addItem">
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: []
methods: {
addItem: function() {
computed: {
sortedItems: function() {
return this.items.sort(function(i1, i2) {
return i1 - i2;
Here's fiddle with sorted list
Update: inspired by pkawiak's comment, a directive-based solution. I found that calling focus in the bind section didn't work; I had to use nextTick to delay it.
Vue.directive('focus-on-create', {
// Note: using Vue 1. In Vue 2, el would be a parameter
bind: function() {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: []
methods: {
addItem: function() {
computed: {
sortedItems: function() {
return this.items.sort(function(i1, i2) {
return i1 - i2;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item in sortedItems">
<input v-focus-on-create v-model="item">
<button #click="addItem">
Original answer:
Make your input a component so that you can give it a ready hook.
const autofocus = Vue.extend({
template: '<input v-model="item" />',
props: ['item'],
ready: function() {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: []
methods: {
addItem: function() {
components: {
computed: {
sortedItems: function() {
return this.items.sort(function(i1, i2) {
return i1 - i2;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item in sortedItems">
<autofocus :item="item"></autofocus>
<button #click="addItem">
I Like to extend #Roy's answer.
if you are using any UI framework then it will create DIV and within the DIV input tag will be created so this Snippet will handle that case.
Vue.directive('focus-on-create', {
bind: function(el) {
Vue.nextTick(() => {