Assert ONLY json .Net Object attributes name without values - fluent-assertions

Is that possible to assert just the json attribute names rather than values.
CartId = 0
ConvertedAt = null
Currency = BankCurrency
BaseCurrencyCode = null
BaseToGlobalRate = 0
BaseToQuoteRate = 0
GlobalCurrencyCode = null
CustomerIsGuest = False
Expected :
CartId = 418
ConvertedAt = 2019-07-22 04:01:49
Currency = BankCurrency
BaseCurrencyCode = null
BaseToGlobalRate = 1
BaseToQuoteRate = 1
GlobalCurrencyCode = "AUD"
CustomerIsGuest = False
So when compare above both actual and expected should tally.
Basically I wanted to compare above json .Net objects and check attribute names (structure) is correct rather than attribute values in there. If you see above actual and expected structure is tallying but not the values inside. I have used below but it still complaining.
TheReturnedContentModelIs(new UserResponse())
public async Task TheReturnedContentModelIs<T>(T expected)
var responseString = await ResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var actual = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(responseString);
opt => opt.Using<object>(_ => { })
.When(e => e.RuntimeType.IsValueType)
.Using<string>(_ => { })


how to add conditional where parameters to sql query in node js

I have the below method that aims to filter records from a table. But sometimes, the user might only select one filter or two. I want to add where conditions only for parameters that the user sends. At the moment, it filters with all conditions. One possibility I know is to use some conditions to concatenate the string if true but I do not think this is the best way.
Any better way of doing this?
// Retrieve hotels by filter
app.get('/filter', (request, response) => {
var name =;
var country =;
var freeWifi = request.query.freeWifi;
var freeParking = request.query.freeParking;
var restaurant =;
var pool = request.query.pool;
var gym = request.query.gym;
var airconditioning = request.query.airconditioning;
let query = `select * from hotels h inner join hotelFilters hf on = hf.hotelId where h.title like "%${isNullOrUndefined(name) ? '' : name}%"
and hf.freeWifi = ${freeWifi} and hf.freeParking = ${freeParking} and = ${restaurant} and hf.outdoorPool = ${pool}
and hf.airConditioning = ${airconditioning}
and hf.gym = ${gym}`;
connection.query(query, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
console.log(error, 'Error occurred with hotels/filter API...');
if (result.length > 0) {

Tarantool existing space migration

I need to add a parameter to existing space and keep the existing data.
space is created like this:
function create_user()
local space = box.schema.create_space('user', { engine = 'memtx' })
{ name = 'user_id', type = 'unsigned' },
{ name = 'name', type = 'string' },
{ name = 'is_active', type = 'boolean' },
space:create_index('users_id', { type = 'TREE', parts = { 'user_id', 'name' } })
i need to add the following parameters
{ name = 'is_online', type = 'boolean' }
{ name = 'session_id', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable = true }
how to write the required migration script?
it's my solution
function migrate_users()
local counter = 0
local space =
for _, tuple in space:pairs(
nil, {iterator=box.index.ALL}
) do
local user_tuple = tuple:totable()
user_tuple[4] = nil
user_tuple[5] = false
counter = counter + 1
if counter % 10000 == 0 then
{ name = 'user_id', type = 'unsigned' },
{ name = 'name', type = 'string' },
{ name = 'is_active', type = 'boolean' },
{ name = 'session_id', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable = true },
{ name = 'is_online', type = 'boolean' }
space:create_index('session_id', { type = 'TREE', unique = false, parts = { 'session_id' } })
it is better to use spacer immediately

Table, computed property and vuex data

I'm in need of help with computed properties .. it's hard to explain but I'll try ..
I have a table with filter and pagination that I created.
When I pass the data directly from a request the API works,
but when I have to work with data coming from vuex I'm having trouble ...
Because I do not know when the data will be filled in vuex
And then I use the computed property because the moment the vuex is filled it will capture the data ..
However as the function that fills the data is the same one that is executed when I click on the page I crash the process and the page stops working.
Below is the computed property:
if (this.url_get == '' && this.$store.state.table.list.length > 0){
this.total_data = this.$store.state.table.list.length
this.repos = this.$store.state.table.list
var filter = this.configs.filter.toString().toLowerCase()
var items = ''
if (filter == ''){
items = this.dados
items = this.repos
const list = this.$lodash.orderBy(items, this.configs.orderBy, this.configs.order)
this.reverse = 1;
if (this.$lodash.isEmpty(filter)) {
return list;
var result = this.$lodash.filter(list, repo => {
return repo[this.filter_term].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0
return result
And the function:
getPaginatedItems(data) {
var items = this.repos
var page = data
var per_page = 10
var offset = (page - 1) * per_page
var max_item = offset+per_page
var paginatedItems = this.$lodash.slice(items, offset, max_item)
var obj = {
offset: offset,
current_page: page,
per_page: per_page,
total: items.length,
total_pages: Math.ceil(items.length / per_page),
data: paginatedItems,
last: offset+paginatedItems.length,
max_item: max_item
this.pagination = obj
this.dados =
Request who fill the data in vuex
.then(res => {
if ( !== undefined && !== 0){
vmThis.isEditing = true
var d = {
this.$store.commit('SET_TABLE', d)
vmThis.isEditing = false
vmThis.$bus.$emit('processando',{val: false})

MVC model binder issues when posting data from knockout

I have a knockout model that I'm trying to post to an MVC4 controller. A simplified version looks like this:
var ItemModel = function (id, name) {
var self = this; = ko.observable(id); = ko.observable(name);
var Entry = function () {
var self = this;
self.Id = ko.observable();
self.areas = ko.observableArray([]);
var EntryModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.entry = new Entry(); = function () {
$.post("/Edit", ko.toJS(self.entry), function (data) {
If I add two areas to my model, like this:
viewModel.entry.areas.push(new ItemModel(1, "A"));
viewModel.entry.areas.push(new ItemModel(2, "B"));
and post it using I get two areas from the model binder, but no data in them (i.e. id = 0, name = "").
After some research I found that I'm posting data like this:
id = 1
name = test
area[0][id] = 1
area[0][name] = "A"
area[1][id] = 2
area[1][name] = "B"
and that MVC expects this:
id = 1
name = test
area[0].id = 1
area[0].name = "A"
area[1].id = 2
area[1].name = "B"
How do I get this posted as expected?
Your model contains the array so you have to stringify your model and send the resultant string to the controller. You can try this:
var EntryModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.entry = new Entry();
//toJSON function produce the JSON string representing entry model
var dataToSend = ko.toJSON(self.entry); = function () {
$.post("/Edit", dataToSend, function (data) {

How to create list of anonymous types in select clause?

Here is one of queries I am using in my project:
var carQuery = from cars in context.Cars
.Where(c => c.CarID==3)
from stockTypes in context.StockTypes
.Where(st => cars.StockTypeId == st.StockTypeID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from carUnit in context.Car_Units
.Where(cu => cu.CarId == cars.CarID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from carAttributes in context.Car_Attributes
.Where(ca => ca.CarId == cars.CarID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from attribute in context.Attributes
.Where(attr => attr.AttributeId==carAttributes.AttributeId).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
CarID = cars.CarID,
CarName = cars.CarName,
CarDescription = cars.CarDescription,
StockType = (stockTypes == null) ? null : new
StockTypeID = stockTypes.StockTypeID,
StockName = stockTypes.StockName
IsActive = cars.IsActive,
IsCab = cars.IsCab,
Unit = (carUnit == null) ? null : new
Id = carUnit.UnitId,
Name = carUnit.Unit.UnitName
Attributes = attribute
If the context.Attributes returns multiple rows, the whole resultset also returning multiple rows.
Is there any possibility to return a single car type with multiple attributes as a list of attributes to the car??
Please help.
You just need to move the attribute query inside the result set:
var carQuery = from cars in context.Cars
.Where(c => c.CarID==3)
from stockTypes in context.StockTypes
.Where(st => cars.StockTypeId == st.StockTypeID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from carUnit in context.Car_Units
.Where(cu => cu.CarId == cars.CarID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from carAttributes in context.Car_Attributes
.Where(ca => ca.CarId == cars.CarID).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
CarID = cars.CarID,
CarName = cars.CarName,
CarDescription = cars.CarDescription,
StockType = (stockTypes == null) ? null : new
StockTypeID = stockTypes.StockTypeID,
StockName = stockTypes.StockName
IsActive = cars.IsActive,
IsCab = cars.IsCab,
Unit = (carUnit == null) ? null : new
Id = carUnit.UnitId,
Name = carUnit.Unit.UnitName
Attributes =
from attribute in context.Attributes
.Where(attr => attr.AttributeId==carAttributes.AttributeId).DefaultIfEmpty()
.GroupBy(at => at.AttributeId)
select attribute