How to fix "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1" problem? - kotlin

I make database with SQLite in Kotlin, and then when i deleted the first data and then i deleted the last data the problem show up.
I've been trying to make id: Int = 0, but still not work
fun deleteCaption(caption: Caption){
val db = this.writableDatabase
// Delete Caption by ID
I expect when i deleted the first data and then i deleted the last data it's work but the actual that's no work

IndexOutOfBound means that you are trying to use an element that is too 'far' in the array.
For example, if you have an array of size 3, the possible index are : 0, 1, 2.
So you can't get array[3].
Are you sure your array is not empty ?
Are you removing entries of your array inside a forEach loop on your array ?


How to get size of specfic value inside array Kotlin

here is example of the list. I want to make dynamic where maybe the the value will become more.
val list = arrayListOf("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B") //Maybe they will be more
I want the output like:-
val result = list[i] + " size: " + list[i].size
So the output will display every String with the size.
A size: 3
B size: 2
C size: 1
If I add more value, so the result will increase also.
You can use groupBy in this way:
val result = list.groupBy { it }.map { it.key to it.value.size }.toMap()
Jeoffrey's way is better actually, since he is using .mapValues() directly, instead of an extra call to .toMap(). I'm just leaving this answer her since
I believe that the other info I put is relevant.
This will give a Map<String, Int>, where the Int is the count of the occurences.
This result will not change when you change the original list. That is not how the language works. If you want something like that, you'd need quite a bit of work, like overwriting the add function from your collection to refresh the result map.
Also, I see no reason for you to use an ArrayList, especially since you are expecting to increase the size of that collection, I'd stick with MutableList if I were you.
I think the terminology you're looking for is "frequency" here: the number of times an element appears in a list.
You can usually count elements in a list using the count method like this:
val numberOfAs = list.count { it == "A" }
This approach is pretty inefficient if you need to count all elements though, in which case you can create a map of frequencies the following way:
val freqs = list.groupBy { it }.mapValues { (_, g) -> g.size }
freqs here will be a Map where each key is a unique element from the original list, and the value is the corresponding frequency of that element in the list.
This works by first grouping elements that are equal to each other via groupBy, which returns a Map<String, List<String>> where each key is a unique element from the original list, and each value is the group of all elements in the list that were equal to the key.
Then mapValues will transform that map so that the values are the sizes of the groups instead of the groups themselves.
An improved approach, as suggested by #broot is to make use of Kotlin's Grouping class which has a built-in eachCount method:
val freqs = list.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()

check is the value exists in array Google Sheets scripting?

I need to check if the certain value exists in both arrays and if exists remove this element from the second array. I know that it exists.
taking the 1st element from array doubleTue, taking the index where is this value in amTue and pmTue then remove those by using splice command.
But now my code is having problem on getting the first value.
tried as in level array: var val = doubleTue[i]
and 2 level array: var val - doubleTue[i][0]
tried toString(), read()
for (var n=0; n<doubleTue.length; n++)
var val = doubleTue[i][0];
var val1 = amTue.indexOf(val);
if (val1!=-1) {amTue.splice(val1, 1);};
var val2=pmTue.indexOf(val);
if (val2!=-1) {pmTue.splice(val2, 1); };
the issue is found. i have used wrong variable for looping. hehe. copy past issue
thnks all

Google Sheets API (v4) - `AutoResizeDimensions` not working

I've got a system that generates and automatically maintains lots of spreadsheets on a Drive account.
Whenever I add data to the sheet I run a 'format' method to pass over and make sure everything is ok.
This generally does things like:
set the default font and size across the sheet
set up the heading row
freeze rows
In addition, I have the code below to make sure the first two columns (index 0 and 1) in the sheet are autoresizing to fit their contents. when I run it though, this element doesn't seem to make a difference. The font, column freezes etc all work.
Other notes:
I only want those 2 columns to auto-resize
the amount of rows in a sheet can vary
this job is appended to the end of several in requestList
My code:
requestList.Requests.Add(new Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.Data.Request()
AutoResizeDimensions = new AutoResizeDimensionsRequest()
Dimensions = new DimensionRange()
SheetId = Convert.ToInt32(sheetId),
Dimension = "COLUMNS",
StartIndex = 0,
EndIndex = 1
var updateRequest = sheetService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(requestList, spreadSheetId);
var updateResponse = updateRequest.Execute();
Could the order which I request the 'format' changes be affecting things maybe? Can anyone help?
As written in the documentation,
the start index is inclusive and the end index is exclusive.
So, For the first two columns, it should be
startIndex = 0,
endIndex = 2

TYPO3: Get the values in fluid from inline elements

I managed to create an own inline content element (on tt_content table) but when i try to get the values on the frontend via fluid, i get nothing.
I debugged the {data} variable and on the column that my data are saved, there is an integer. I suppose it reads the number of the content elements which were created on the foreign table (accordion). How can i get those values?
At this point the {data} variables reads the tt_content table and the column that has the integer reads the number of content elements on the table accordion.
I suppose no code is necessary. If it is necessary, feel free to comment the part of the code you would like to review.
Best regards
You need to add a DataProcessor to your TypoScript creating the content element, which fetch your accordion records. Example:
tt_content {
yourContentElementName < lib.contentElement
yourContentElementName.templateName = YourContentElementName
yourContentElementName.dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
10 {
if.isTrue.field = fieldInTtContentWithInteger
table = your_accordion_table
pidInList = this
where.field = uid
where.intval = 1
where.dataWrap = field_pointing_to_ttcontent_record = |
as = accordions

Specify local Dynamic in Grid

I would like to update specific parts of a Grid dynamically in different ways. Consider the following toy example: I have two rows: one must be updated one-by-one (a, b, c), as these symbols depend on different triggers; the second row depends on one single trigger (show) that allows displaying/hiding some data.
Now I know that I can wrap the whole Grid structure into Dynamic, and even specify which symbols to track, thus this example does what I want:
test = {0, 0};
Dynamic[Grid[{{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
If[show, Prepend[test, "test:"], {}]}, Frame -> All],
TrackedSymbols :> {show}]
Though for certain reasons I would like to have a locally specified Dynamic, that is only applied to the second row of the Grid.
For those who are wondering what ungodly situation would it be, just imagine the followings: show is used in any of a, b or c, and these I do NOT want to update when show is changing, their changes depend on other triggers. Why not remove then show from the symbols of the first row? Imagine, I can't, as show is present in a function that is used in a, b or c, and this function I cannot access easily.
Of course wrapping the first argument of If into Dynamic won't help here, as the Grid itself or any of its cells won't become dynamic:
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
If[Dynamic#show, Prepend[test, "test:"], {}]
}, Frame -> All]
Furthermore, wrapping a row into Dynamic makes the given row invalid, as it does not have head List anymore:
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
Dynamic#If[show, Prepend[test, "test:"], {}]
}, Frame -> All]
Mapping Dynamic over the row does not work either because show is not updated dynamically:
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
Dynamic /# If[show, Prepend[test, "test:"], {}]
}, Frame -> All]
Also, wrapping Dynamic[If[...]] around list members work, but now I have to evaluate If 3 times instead of just 1.
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
Dynamic[If[show, #, ""]] & /# Prepend[test, "test:"]
}, Frame -> All]
Would like to know if there is any solution to overcome this particular problem by locally applying a Dynamic wrapper on a row.
Here is a solution using the Experimental ValueFunction
show = True;
test = {0, 0};
Now write your own little Dynamic update function on the side
row = {};
updateRow[x_, v_] := row = If[v, Prepend[test, "test:"], {}];
ValueFunction[show] = updateRow;
Now make the Grid, and now can use Dynamic on EACH row, not around the whole Grid, which is what you wanted:
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
Frame -> All
ps. I just read a post here by telefunkenvf14 that mentions this package and this function, which I did not know about, and when I saw this function, I remembered this question, and I thought it should be possible to use that function to solve this problem.
ps. I need to work more on placing the grid row correctly....
I can't figure how to splice the final row over the columns in the grid. Which is strange, as it has List head, yet it won't go across all the columns. It will only go in the first cell. Tried Sequence, SpanFromLeft, and such, but no luck. May be someone can figure this part out.
Here is my current trial:
row = {};
updateRow[x_, v_] := row = If[v, {"test:", 0, 0}, {}];
ValueFunction[show] = updateRow;
show = False;
f = Grid[{
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
Frame -> All
It seems it should be doable. I do not see what is the problem now...
As a temporary solution, I split the second row by force before hand. This made it possible to do what I want. Not sure if this meets the OP specifications or not (my guess is that it does not), but here it is:
ra = 0;
rb = 0;
rc = 0;
updateRow[x_, v_] :=
row = If[v, ra = "test:"; rb = 0; rc = 0, ra = ""; rb = ""; rc = ""]
ValueFunction[show] = updateRow;
show = False;
f = Grid[{
{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
{Dynamic#ra, Dynamic#rb, Dynamic#rc}
Frame -> All]
This is actually a comment on #Nasser's solution and suggested fix to avoid manual splitting of the second row, but because of space limitations in the comment area, I post it as answer. Will be happy to delete it as soon as Nasser confirms that it works and incorporates it into his answer.
The clue to a solution is found in the Possible Issues section of Item in the documentation:
If Item is not the top-most item in the child of a function that supports Item, it will not work.
I use this to modify #Nasser's solution in the following way. First, I need to change the definition of row so that for both values of show the length of row is the same.
row = {"", "", ""};
updateRow[x_, v_] := row = If[v, Prepend[test, "test:"], {"", "", ""}];
Experimental`ValueFunction[show] = updateRow;
The second change needed is to wrap each element of Dynamic#row with Item:
Grid[{{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
{Item[Dynamic#row[[1]]], Item[Dynamic#row[[2]]],
Item[Dynamic#row[[3]]]}}, Frame -> All]
Edit: Item wrapper is not really needed; it works just as well without it:
Grid[{{Dynamic#a, Dynamic#b, Dynamic#c},
{Dynamic#row[[1]], Dynamic#row[[2]],
Dynamic#row[[3]]}}, Frame -> All]