Summing in VBA with a variable column and range - vba

I know this question gets asked a lot but I haven't been able to find the answer I'm looking for. I'm trying to write a code that will be able to find a key term and then sum that column for a certain amount of rows.
I've tried simply replacing "G" in this code with my variable for the correct column (col) and I've made sure that my column variable is matching to the correct column.
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(G" & row & ":G" & subRow & ")"
The above, for example, works; but I would like it to look like this:
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(col" & row & ":col" & subRow & ")"
I've tried moving the col variable around in and outside of the quotes, and I can't seem to find a way to do it.
Thanks in advance.

Based on the case you have described, you would have to use R1C1 Reference Style:
Cells(subRow, col).FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUM(R" & row & "C" & col & ":R" & subRow & "C" & col")"

There is also a Cells(row, column).Resize(number of rows, number of columns) option :
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(" & Cells(row, col).Resize(subRow - row, 1).Address(0, 0) & ")"


IF AND Formula in VBA Code

Recently you guys helped me solve looping through a pivot table by inserting a dynamic formula next to a pivot table and auto filling down.
frml = "=if(" & myrange.Address(0, 0) & ">0.3%," & myrange2.Address(0, 0) & ","""")"
'where i want the formula to go
pt.ColumnRange.End(xlToRight).Offset(1, 0).End(xlToLeft).Offset(1, 1).formula = frml
I've tried updating this formula by adding
and then also adding in another range. Problem is the additional ( never shows up. I've also tried just adding "(" as it's own part but then the next part (the 'where the formula goes) stops working which makes no sense to me.
Can someone help me convert this formula into an ifand statement and also explain why the 'where the formula should go' part all of the sudden stops working?
In total, the new addition would look like this:
"if(and(" & myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%," & myrange3.address(0,0) & ">$100," & myrange2.address(0,0) & ","""")
to output this formula in the corresponding cell by the pivot table
the problem right now is adding that and part to the formula which would be d3. If those 2 statements work, then it should bring out a3, if not it will return nothing.
A couple of notes:
#Jeeped already answered the reason to your error - you need to add closing bracket ) to your AND.
I like to use Chr(34) to write down " inside formula strings.
I like to avoid comparing the formats inside the cell, just the values. So instead of myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%" I like using myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.003".
frml = "=IF(AND(" & myrange.Address(0, 0) & ">0.003," & myrange3.Address(0, 0) & ">100)," & myrange2.Address(0, 0) & "," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
You aren't closing off the AND clause with a ).
frml = "=if(and(" & myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%, " & myrange3.address(0,0) & ">$100), " & myrange2.address(0,0) & ", text(,))
text(,) is a good substitute for """" in a quoted string formula.

Writing a formula as Syntax in VBA

I want to run a rank formula across a range of cells. I am scratching my head as to why it's not working. Lastrow is just the formula that counts the number of rows.
Range("B1:B" & Lastrow).Formula = "=RANK(A1,Offset(" & Chr$(36) & "A1" & Chr$(36) & "," & Lastrow & ",0))"
I feel like it's something wrong with Chr$(36), but when I try Chr(36) it doesn't work either. (removing these chr(36)'s and just having Offset(A1... etc) works fine).
Thanks in Advance!
It's hard to see what you want to do. The line of VBA code below will, at least, work.
Range("B1:B" & LastRow).Formula = "=RANK(ROW(),$A1:$A$" & LastRow & ",0)"
Your issue seems to be with the RANK() function. It has 3 arguments, (1) the rank, (2) the range in which to find the rank and (3) Ascending/Descending. In your formula the first argument is missing and your "Offset(" & Chr$(36) & "A1" & Chr$(36) & "," & LastRow" doesn't describe a range, read as Offset($A1$,300 with closing bracket missing.
My above formula suggests the Row number as rank, meaning 1 for Row 1, 2 for Row 2 etc. but descending, as indicated by the 3rd argument (taken from your formula) and, as second argument a range in column A between A1 and the LastRow. It probably isn't what you wanted but I hope you will be able to tweak it.

Index/Match and sum a range based on match

Good morning. Have tried asking this several times with no success.
I have written VBA code with several index/matches.
pasterOH = "=IFERROR(IF(RC[-3]=""Subtotal"","""",IF(RC[-4]="""",INDEX(" & stapler & OH1 & "'!" & "C" & (Month(Worksheets("SEL Onsite OH").Cells(6, 6).Value) + 6) & ",MATCH(RC[-3], " & stapler & OH1 & "'!C3,FALSE),1),INDEX(" & stapler & OH1 & "'!" & "C" & (Month(Worksheets("SEL Onsite OH").Cells(6, 6).Value) + 14) & ",MATCH(RC[-4], " & stapler & OH1 & "'!C2,FALSE),1))),""0"")"
The code works fine to look up a cell in the column that I have specified and return a dollar value if it is a match.
Here is my issue: I need to be able to sum all of the dollar values to the left of the match. For example, in the picture I posted a simple picture of a table with index/match. In the formula the target is column E:E, whereby "tom' returns "5". What I am trying to do is if excel can find and match "tom" in column 5, it would sum B2,C3,D4,E5. I could write this if I knew what column "tom" would be in every time. I need to have a VBA solution that goes along with the pasterOH from above that will allow me to sum the values of column 7 (January) picked by my (Month(Worksheets("SEL Onsite OH").Cells(6, 6).Value) + 6)through whatever column the month happens to be.
For example, In May, the column I am looking up and returning a match to is column 11. I would like the code to start with the matching entry (our "tom" in this case), and sum the results of Jan- May (columns 7-11) and return that as the answer instead of tom's result only in May.
Hope that is clear. I posted a couple of times and found this answer, but don't know if it will apply or how to edit my VBA formula.
Thanks for any assistance
Extending a conditional index-match to sum across a range
Sample table pic
The formula you want is

VBA FormulaR1C1 property across new sheet and multiple columns

I'm afraid I can't wrap my head around the FormulaR1C1 property when trying to find multiple columns in another sheet, I have these formulas currently (very slowly) autofilling:
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(R2,LU!C[1]:C[5]),"""")"
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("G2:G" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("H2:H" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("I2:I" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("J2:J" & LastRow).Formula = _
"=COUNTIF(A:A,'Pivot Counter'!A7)"
You can see in the top formula, I've attempted it to no success. I keep getting an application defined error, but don't know enough about the property to fix it.
The formula
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).Formula ="=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,LU!A:E,2,true),"""")"
converted to R1C1 reference style is
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[-5],LU!C[-5]:C[-1],2,True),"""")"
To understand it completely considering the following:
the cell location where you enter the formula is the starting point
starting column is F
column A is 5 columns to the left of F, so A2 converts to RC[-5] (same row, 5 columns to the left of starting point (or think of 6th column (F) and move -5 from there))
same principle for the range lookup. You want to look in columns A:E in sheet LU. So -5 columns from column F (remember starting point is column F, even though it's now looking at a different sheet) to -1 column
Knowing this, you can convert the other formulas, even the COUNTIF.
Also, if you get stuck again, following #BruceWayne's suggestion of turning R1C1 reference style under Excel > Options > Formulas to see what the formula would be when you type in manually.

Specifying cells and sheets in formula using VBA

I need my macro to input the following formula:
Worksheets("U_NEDC_COLD_online_0").Cells(3, A).formula = "=IF(" & Worksheets (U_NEDC_COLD_online_0).Cells(3, AA).Value & "=" & Worksheets(U_NEDC_COLD_online).Cells(3, AA).Value & ";" & Worksheets(U_NEDC_COLD_online).Cells(3, A).Value & ";" & Worksheets(U_NEDC_COLD_online_0).Cells(3, A).Value & ")"
I've also tried the same formula with the ".Address" property and it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
The final formula should look like this:
=IF($AA3 = U_NEDC_COLD_online!$AA3; U_NEDC_COLD_online!A3; U_NEDC_COLD_online_0!A3)
PS: Worksheets("U_NEDC_COLD_online_0") is not the same as Worksheets(U_NEDC_COLD_online_0). (its not a typo)
Use commas instead of semicolons to separate the arguments of the IF statement.
Your formula appears to have a circular relationship; the formula is going into cell A3 and references cell A3... I'll leave that to you to work out.
Always use Option Explicit. Once you put that line at the top of your module, you'll get the error: Variable not defined for the variables: A, AA, and possibly U_NEDC_COLD_online and U_NEDC_COLD_online_0 that you probably intended to use as string literals. (see next bullet for a workaround)
If U_NEDC_COLD_online_0 is truly a variable/constant name and is not equal to the string literal that you use elsewhere (e.g. U_NEDC_COLD_online_0), you should really change the variable name to something else!
If the only reason you are dynamically building the formula is to accommodate variable row indexes, use this where the 3 can be replaced by a variable:
Worksheets("U_NEDC_COLD_online_0").Cells(3, 1).Formula = "=IF($AA" & 3 & "=" & "U_NEDC_COLD_online!AA" & 3 & ", U_NEDC_COLD_online!A" & 3 & ", A" & 3 & ")"
If you don't even need variable row indexes, just use this:
Worksheets("U_NEDC_COLD_online_0").Range(A3).Formula = "=IF($AA3=U_NEDC_COLD_online!AA3, U_NEDC_COLD_online!A3, A3)"