SQL Query - how do I order part of my data in alphabetical order, and part by id - sql

I have a small piece of data (15 records) where part of it I want ordered in alphabetical order, and part of it ordered by ID
Image 1 shows my data in the original order
After doing the query SELECT * FROM tableName ORDER BY code;
Image 2 shows my data now in alphabetical order, which is great however I would like the top 2 records to be ordered by id
Image 3 shows how I would like my data to look
Could someone help with my query please?

i assumed id is an integer. You can use conditional CASE in the ORDER BY clause.
Note for the first expression case when code in ('LUX-INT', 'LUX-CONT') then -id end desc, it will return id or NULL. As NULL will comes first in ORDER BY, I use DESC and negate the id value so that id is in ascending order
order by case when code in ('LUX-INT', 'LUX-CONT') then -id end desc, code

use case when
SELECT * FROM tableName ORDER BY case when code in ('LUX INT','LUX-CONT') then id else code end

I would write this as:
order by (case when code in ('LUX-INT', 'LUX-CONT') then 1 else 2 end), -- put the special codes first
(case when code in ('LUX-INT', 'LUX-CONT') then code end), -- order them alphabetically
id -- order the rest by id
This works regardless of the types and collations of the underlying columns.


How to determine the order of the result from my postgres query?

I have the following query:
time as "time",
when tag = 'KEB1.DB_BP.01.STATUS.SOC' THEN 'SOC'
when tag = 'KEB1.DB_BP.01.STATUS.SOH' THEN 'SOH'
end as "tag",
value as "value"
FROM metrics
("time" BETWEEN '2021-07-02T10:39:47.266Z' AND '2021-07-09T10:39:47.266Z') AND
(container = '1234') AND
(tag = 'KEB1.DB_BP.01.STATUS.SOC' OR tag = 'KEB1.DB_BP.01.STATUS.SOH')
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
ORDER BY time desc
This is giving me the result:
Sometimes the order changes of the result changes from SOH -> SOC or from SOC -> SOH. I'm trying to modify my query so I always get SOH first and than SOC.. How can I achieve this?
You have two times that are identical. The order by is only using time as a key. When the key values are identical, the resulting order for those keys is arbitrary and indeterminate. In can change from one execution to the next.
To prevent this, add an additional column to the order by so each row is unique. In this case that would seem to be tag:
order by "time", tag
You want to show the two most recent rows. In your example these have the same date/time but they can probably also differ. In order to find the two most recent rows you had to apply an ORDER BY clause.
You want to show the two rows in another order, however, so you must place an additional ORDER BY in your query. This is done by selecting from your query result (i.e. putting your query into a subquery):
select *
from ( <your query here> ) myquery
order by tag desc;
Try this:
order by 1 desc, 2
(order by first column descending and by the second column)

SQL Order By Except When You Don't

I want to retrieve a full table with some of the values sorted. The sorted values should all appear before the unsorted values. I though I could pull this off with a UNION but order by is only valid to use after unioning the table and my set of data isn't set up such that that is useful in this case. I want rows with a column value of 0-6 to show up sorted in DESC order and then the rest of the results to show up after that. Is there some way to specify a condition in the order by clause? I saw something that looked close to what I wanted to so but I couldn't get the equality condition working in sql. I'm going to try to make a query using WHEN cases but I'm not sure if there's a way to specify a case like currentValue <= 6. If anyone has any suggestions that would be awesome.
You could do something like this:
order by (case when currentValue <= 6 then 1 else 0 end) desc,
(case when currentValue <= 6 then column end) desc
The first puts the values you care about first. The second puts them in sorted order. The rest will be ordered arbitrarily.
Try this:
FROM yourdata
ORDER BY CASE WHEN yourColumn BETWEEN 0 AND 6 THEN yourColumn ELSE -1 End Desc
One RDBMS-agnostic solution would be to add a second field that takes the same value as the field you wish to sort when that field is less than or equal to six. Then just sort by that field.

How to Order only first 20 records in a resultset using SQL?

My requirement is to get the List of Diagnosis based on the most used Diagnosis. So, to achieve that I have added one Column named DiagnosisCounter in the tblDiagnosisMst Table of the database which increases by 1 for each Diagnosis the each time user selects it. So, my query is like below:
select DiagnosisID,DiagnosisCode,Name from tblDiagnosisMst
where GroupName = 'Common' and RecStatus = 'A' order by DiagnosisCounter desc,
Name asc
So, this query is helping me to get the list of Diagnosis but in descending order for Diagnosis and then alphabetically for Diagnosis Name. But now my client wants to show only 20 most used Diagnosis name at the top and then all the names should appear in alphabetical order. But unfortunately I am stuck in this point. It would be so appreciative if I get your helpful advice for this problem.
This should do the trick:
;With Ordered as (
select DiagnosisID,DiagnosisCode,Name,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DiagnosisCounter desc) as rn
from tblDiagnosisMst
where GroupName = 'Common' and RecStatus = 'A'
select * from Ordered
order by CASE WHEN rn <= 20 THEN rn ELSE 21 END,
Name asc
We use ROW_NUMBER to assign the numbers 1-x to each of the rows, based on the diagnosiscounter. We then use that value for the first ORDER BY condition if it's in 1-20, and all other rows sort equally in position 21. The second condition is then used as a tie-breaker to sort those remaining row by name.
Try this
* FROM tblDiagnosisMst ORDER BY DiagnosisCounter;

Changing position of a row in sql

In the above t-sql table I would like very much for the Total row to appear at the bottom. I have been wracking my head against this and in all of my other Queries simply using ORDER BY Status works as Total is alphabetically much farther down the list than most of our row values.
This is not the case here and I just can't figure out how to change it
I'm pretty new to sql and I'be been having a lot of difficulty even determining how to phrase a google search. So far I've just gotten results pertaining to Order By
The results of a select query, unless an order is explicitly specified via an 'order by' clause, can be returned in any order. Moreover, the order in which they are returned is not even deterministic. Running the exact same query 3 times in succession might return the exact same result set in 3 different orderings.
So if you want a particular order to your table, you need to order it. An order by clause like
select *
from myTable t
where ...
order by case Status when 'Total' then 1 else 0 end ,
would do you. The 'Total' row will float to the bottom, the other rows will be ordered in collating sequence. You can also order things arbitrarily with this technique:
select *
from myTable t
where ...
order by case Status
when 'Deceased' then 1
when 'Total' then 2
when 'Active' then 3
when 'Withdrawn' then 4
else 5
will list the row(s) with a status of 'Deceased' first, followed by the row(s) with a status of 'Total', then 'Active' and 'Withdrawn', and finally anything that didn't match up to an item in the list.
In SQL Server (and most other databases), you can use case to sort certain statūs above others:
order by
case Status
when 'Total' then 2
else 1
, Status
In MS Access, you can use iif:
order by
iif(Status = 'Total', 2, 1)
, Status
You can use conditional expressions in order by:
order by (case when status = 'Total' then 1 else 0 end),

What does ORDER BY 5 DESC mean?

SELECT Departamentos.Nome_Dep,
Funcionarios.Nome AS Funcionario,
AVG(Funcionarios.Salario) OVER(PARTITION BY Departamentos.Nome_Dep) "Média por Departamento"
Salario - AVG(Funcionarios.Salario) OVER(PARTITION BY Departamentos.Nome_Dep) "Diferença de Salário" FROM Funcionarios
INNER JOIN Departamentos
ON Funcionarios.ID_Dep = Departamentos.ID
The Order By 5 is throwing me off. I've never anything like it. Order By [colunmname] yes, but Order By [number], never seen before. I pulled this off an article.
Note: This is T-SQL.
Source: Window Functions in SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012
This will order by the 5th field in this SELECT statement
Order by the 5th column in the result set.
The number represents the index of the column within your select list.
Source: http://mattberseth.com/blog/2007/05/quick_tip_order_by_1_descendin.html
Order by fifth column in the result set descending.
You can use the SQL ORDER BY clause to sort by relative position in the result set, where the first field in the result set is 1. The next field is 2, and so on.
Here in this case Order by 5th field in the result set.
Go through http://www.techonthenet.com/sql/order_by.php
about sql order by.
Useful when a similar column name has become a calcuated output field,
In the following example, it would be confusing if say 'order by numberofVioation' as this column name has just become the name of a query output SUM field (of the same old column data)
So it become useful in calculated output field
Original fields:
name| Type| RiskLevel| Date| results| violations|
/* now add an extra Sum of Violation for each type, pls note 'order by 2 desc' refers to order by the 2nd queried column, ie hi to low */
select Type, sum(numberOfViolations) as numberOfViolations
from restaurantsTable
group by Type
order by 2 desc
Order by 5th field in the result set.