functions with multiple values not returning - kotlin

fun main(args:Array<String>){
fun multiplyAndDivide(number: Int, factor: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
return Pair(number * factor, number / factor)
val (product, quotient) = multiplyAndDivide(4, 2)
fun multiplyInferred(number: Int, multiplier: Int) = number * multiplier
Please I have spent hours trying to execute these codes but nothing is happens.
I only get
Process finished with exit code 0

I think this way you can use Pair in Kotlin to return multiple values from function:
fun returnTwoValues(): Pair<String, Int>{
return Pair("string_result", 15)
How to Access result:
val p = returnTwoValues()
val result1 = p.first
var result2 = p.second
To see the Result print it like this:
println("$result1, $result2")


Kotlin: Pass ranges in function as arguments

Hello is it possible to pass range in Kotlin function just like in python?
I've just started learning Kotlin but I am a little bit stuck
I wish i could pass somethind like
my_gauge = Gauge('test_name',1..200, 201..300, and etc.)
for example I have a Gauge object which rotates on the base
class Gauge(val gauge_name: String,
val red_value: Float,
val orange_value: Float,
val yellow_value: Float,
val green_value: Float,
var current_value: Float,
val min_value: Float,
val max_value: Float) {
val gauge_green = 0xFF66C2A5.toInt()
val gauge_yellow = 0xFFFDD448.toInt()
val gauge_orange = 0xFFF5A947.toInt()
val gauge_red = 0xFFD53E4F.toInt()
val min_rotation: Int = 0;
val max_rotation: Int = 300;
val ratio = max_rotation / max_value;
fun calculate_rotation(): Int {
return (current_value * ratio).toInt()
fun get_color(): Int {
if (current_value >= red_value) {
return gauge_red
if (current_value > orange_value) {
return gauge_orange
if (current_value > yellow_value) {
return gauge_yellow
return gauge_green
I've just realized that it wont work with this data instead it will be better to build my logic around ranges
So my question is How to pass ranges as a param in class/function (instead of floats)
PS: The function get_colors is not correct I will fix it once I can pass ranges with when(current_value) statement
Yes, the type of a range produced by .. is ClosedRange<T>:
fun foo(floatRange: ClosedRange<Float>) {
// Usage:
For integer ranges, you may prefer IntRange over ClosedRange<Int> because it allows you to use it without the performance cost of boxing by using first and last instead of start and endInclusive. There is no unboxed version for other number types.
Try this in simple way, you can use range according to data type IntRange, FloatRange, LongRange etc.
fun foo(range: IntRange){
for (a in range){
// call this function by

Component destructuring with fewer than expected components

Let's say I want to do the following:
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2)
This code is fine if I always get 2 components from the split - however, if the delimiter is not present in the string, this code throws an exception, because the second element in the array isn't present.
The answer is almost certainly "no", but is there some way to coerce destructure to assign null values to missing components?
When destructuring objects, Kotlin calls componentN() for that object. For arrays, component1() is equal to get(0), component2() is equal to get(1), and so on.
So if the index is out of bounds, it'll throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, instead of returning null.
But you can make your operator function like this:
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component1(): T? = if (size > 0) get(0) else null
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component2(): T? = if (size > 1) get(1) else null
so if I run
val (k, v) = arrayOf(1)
the output will be
Destructuring Declarations
You could add your own extension to List that adds the required number of null values to the end:
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2).padWithNulls(limit = 2)
Implementation can be done a couple of ways, here's just one:
private inline fun <reified E> List<E>.padWithNulls(limit: Int): List<E?> {
if (this.size >= limit) {
return this
val result: MutableList<E?> = this.toMutableList()
result.addAll(arrayOfNulls(limit - this.size))
return result
Here's a simpler one as well:
private fun <E> List<E>.padWithNulls(limit: Int): List<E?> {
val result: MutableList<E?> = this.toMutableList()
while (result.size < limit) {
return result
Or wrapping this functionality even further:
val (k, v) = pair.splitAndPadWithNulls("=".toRegex(), 2)
private fun String.splitAndPadWithNulls(regex: Regex, limit: Int): List<String?> {
return this.split(regex, limit).padWithNulls(limit)
Its working for me
val pair="your string"
if(pair.isNotEmpty()&&pair.contains("=")) {
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2)
It doesn't cover as many cases as other answers (also might not be as obvious what's happening) but you can always force there to be at least the correct number of values to destructure (extra values will be ignored). Using your example you can just add null to increase the size of the list returned by split:
val (k, v) = "foo=bar".split("=".toRegex(), 2) + null
> k=foo, v=bar
val (k, v) = "foo".split("=".toRegex(), 2) + null
> k=foo, v=null
Playground example

How can I change this to use "for loop" instead of `forEach`

I'm struggling to change it to use a for loop and still do the same thing.
The program is supposed to read a file with some flights and this specific part of the program needs to read the file using two different days that the user inputs then it needs to show how many passengers there are per flight and each day.
And how it's done now works but I'm trying to change it to use a for loop as I said before but doesn't work because I don't know how to do the same thing as map does but only in the fun interval.
fun interval(reservas: List<Reservas>, dayInferior: Int, daySuperior: Int) {
val map = mapReservas(reservas)
for(day in dayInferior..daySuperior) {
map.forEach {
val reservasNum = it.key.first
val reservasDay = it.key.second
val reservasCount = it.value.count()
if (reservasDay == day) {
println("$reservasNum has $reservasCount passengers on day $day")
println("Press Enter")
fun mapReservas(reservas: List<Reservas>): Map<Pair<String, Int>, List<Reservas>> {
val map = mutableMapOf<Pair<String, Int>, MutableList<Reservas>>()
for (reserva in reservas) {
val key = reserva.numFlight to
val list = map[key] ?: mutableListOf()
map[key] = list
return map
All your code can be replaced only with one function.
fun interval(reservas: List<Reservas>, dayInferior: Int, daySuperior: Int) {
reservas.groupBy { reserva -> to reserva.numFlight }
.filter { (key, _) -> key.first in dayInferior..daySuperior }
.forEach { (key, reservas) ->
val (reservasNum, reservasDay) = key
val reservasCount = reservas.count()
println("$reservasNum has $reservasCount passengers on day $reservasDay")
println("Press Enter")
As I undestand, at first you trying to group all your Reservas by day and numFlight. It can be done via one function groupBy where you pass pair of day and numFlight.
Filter all Reservas by day. It can be done by checking if day belongs to range dayInferior..daySuperior (operator in).
Print all reservas by using forEach.
Other things
Destructing declarations
val reservasNum = it.key.first
val reservasDay = it.key.second
same as
val (reservasNum, reservasDa) = it.key
Omitting one unused parameter in lamda:
.filter { (key, _) -> ... }
If you iterate with a for loop over the Map each element is a Pair. If you write (pair, list) you destructure each Pair which itself consists of a Pair and a List.
fun interval(reservas: List<Reservas>, dayInferior: Int, daySuperior: Int) {
val map = mapReservas(reservas)
for(day in dayInferior..daySuperior) {
for((pair, list) in map) {
val reservasNum = pair.first
val reservasDay = pair.second
val reservasCount = list.count()
// ...
// ...
Maybe this makes it more clear:
for(outerPair in map){
val (innerPair, list) = outerPair
val reservasNum = innerPair.first
val reservasDay = innerPair.second
val reservasCount = list.count()
// ...
I left this function (mapReservas) untouched intentionally, because maybe you are using it somewhere else. But you can improve it right away by using Type aliases (since Kotlin 1.1).
typealias FlightNum = String
typealias Day = Int
fun mapReservas(reservas: List<Reservas>):
Map<Pair<FlightNum, Day>, List<Reservas>> {
// ...
As you can see the code becomes much more readable if you use the destructure syntax and Type aliases.

Sum a subset of of numbers in a list

Is there a way in Kotlin for doing the sum() operation on a filtered list of numbers, without actually filtering out the elements first?
I'm looking for something like this:
val nums = listOf<Long>(-2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4)
val sum = nums.sum(it > 0)
You can make use of Iterable<T>.sumBy:
* Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.
public inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumBy(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {
var sum: Int = 0
for (element in this) {
sum += selector(element)
return sum
You can pass a function to it where the function transforms negative value to 0. So, it sums up all values in the list which is greater than 0 since adding 0 makes no effect to the result.
val nums = listOf<Long>(-2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4)
val sum = nums.sumBy { if (it > 0) it.toInt() else 0 }
println(sum) //10
If you require a Long value back, you have to write an extension for Long just like Iterable<T>.sumByDouble.
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumByLong(selector: (T) -> Long): Long {
var sum: Long = 0
for (element in this) {
sum += selector(element)
return sum
Then, the toInt() conversion can be taken away.
nums.sumByLong { if (it > 0) it else 0 }
As suggested by #Ruckus T-Boom, if (it > 0) it else 0 can be simplified using Long.coerceAtLeast() which returns the value itself or the given minimum value:
nums.sumByLong { it.coerceAtLeast(0) }
sumBy and sumByDouble are Deprecated from kotlin 1.5 . You can check those link.
Use sumOf to get sum on a List or Array
Returns the sum of all values produced by selector function applied to each element in the collection or Array.
data class Order(
val id : String,
val price : Double
val orderList = ......
val sum = orderList.sumOf { it.price }
data class Product(val name: String, val quantity: Int) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val productList = listOf(
Product("A", 100),
Product("B", 200),
Product("C", 300)
val totalPriceInList1: Int = { it.quantity }.sum()
println("sum(): " + totalPriceInList1)
val totalPriceInList2: Int = productList.sumBy { it.quantity }
println("sumBy(): " + totalPriceInList2)
this is the result of our code
sum(): 600
sumBy(): 600

How to understand a fun with = in Kotlin?

I know a standard fun just like Code 0.
The Code 1 is a sample code from webpage, I can't understand completely the
fun convertFromDomain(forecast: ForecastList) = with(forecast) {...}
Why is the symbol = added to the fun? and is the return value of the fun convertFromDomain unit ?
Code 0
fun My(forecast: ForecastList):Boolean {
return true;
Code 1
data class ForecastList(val id: Long, val city: String, val country: String, val dailyForecast: List<Forecast>) {
val size: Int
get() = dailyForecast.size
operator fun get(position: Int) = dailyForecast[position]
data class Forecast(val id: Long, val date: Long, val description: String, val high: Int, val low: Int,
val iconUrl: String)
fun convertFromDomain(forecast: ForecastList) = with(forecast) {
val daily = { convertDayFromDomain(id, it) }
CityForecast(id, city, country, daily)
Block body
Consider this function:
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
The behaviour is defined in a block body. It has an explicit return type (Int) and an explicit return statement. Both are mandatory here. If you don't specify a return type explicitely it will be Unit by default and since the inferred type of a + b is Int it won't compile.
Expression body
If you write it like this
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
you don't need to specify the return type because it can be inferred from the expression.You don't need a return statement either because the last expression is returned. What follows the = sign is called an expression body.
So, both functions do the same thing. The second one is only written more concise.
A common mistake is to use them both at once like this:
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = { a + b }
What this would do becomes clear, if you specify the returned type explicitely:
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): () -> Int = { a + b }
You would actually return a lambda of type () -> Int which is surely not what you want.
A function has usually the following form in kotlin:
fun name([parameters])[: return_type] {
// function-body
fun doubleTheValue(number: Int): Int {
return number * 2
If your function-body is just a single-expression, you can use a shorter version of the function declaration
fun name([parameters])[: return_type] = [expression]
fun doubleTheValue(number: Int): Int = nummber * 2
fun doubleTheValue(number: Int) = nummber * 2 // type can also be inferred
So it's nothing special, just a shorter version of a function declaration.
Traditional way to define a function is just like what you write in Code 0, which consists of function name, parameters, return type and the block body. In Kotlin, function can be defined with an expression body and the return type can be inferred from the expression body.
Suppose there is a function which convert Boolean to Int, in traditional way:
fun Boolean.toInt(): Int {
return if (this) 1 else 0
It can be simplified to:
fun Boolean.toInt() = if (this) 1 else 0
where the return type is inferred as Int because 1 and 0 are both Int which will be returned from the expression if (this) 1 else 0.