Impact on the price does not appear in prestashop CSV - prestashop

I am using Prestashop 1.6 and I want to modify the prices with a CSV file but I can not do it since in the list of options per column I do not see the impact of Impact on the price.
I already tried with the price columns with IVA, price without IVA, etc. but no option modifies the price.
What I can do?

In fact this field does not exist, so either you get the old price, and you add the impact, or you directly add the new price, or you do a development yourself to handle this.


Adding new product with category tree - specific price problems

I installed an add-on for bulk action (called ba_importer v 1.1.24), I upload an Excel file with my data and create a group of products.
I can set the categories' tree or manually add ID of main categories and associated. I tried with no luck to use the tree features (like Home/Products/etc) and so I use all the ID of main category and all the associated. The result is a product with the correct categories set, but with no specific price from the customer group linked to a category.
I tried to edit a single product, remove all categories and set it one by one (set one, save, set one, save etc.) and then the specific price from the group linked to a category appears to the product.
Is there a better solution? I'm thinking about make a personal PHP page that reads an Excel file and sets all the information about the product, but I'm scared to face the same problem with the specific price. 
There is no such thing as "category-related specific price",
if you have specific prices tied to customer groups , these are created as a result of the add/update product action with ps_specific_price DB entries having id_group with your restricted ID.
It is likely that the bulk module acts directly with DB queries to speed up things and bypasses this operation, I've seen this behaviour with those kind of modules in the past.
Since you are talking of a paid add-on, I would definitely seek help from the developer.

Prestashop 1.7 Order Class: How to update the products list, recompute the shipping cost, and the VAT?

I have to update an existing order. This update includes adding/removing/updating products (updating products would consist in changing the quantities for example), recomputing the shipping cost, and the VAT.
In the Order and Product classes, I didn't find any method to do it. How could I fulfill my goal?
To recompute the shipping cost, I've found: Order::refreshShippingCost()
Check this function ajaxProcessEditProductOnOrder in controllers/admin/AdminOrderController.
You should create a new function based on this, or you can use the existing one.

How to set custom price for products on the basis of quantity in shopify?

I am working on a eCommerce website based on shopify. And for product I want to set a custom price. For example, The standard price of product is $500 but price will vary if user increased the quantity i.e. On 5 - 10 it will cost $450, On 11 - 15 it will cost $400 and on 20+ quantity it will cost $300.
I have searched module for this and also found a module i.e. But its working on the basis of "Percent" that I don't need. Because I want to place price manually on the basis of quantity.
So please help me out from this and provide your valuable thoughts on the same.
Thanks in advance.
The way this is generally done in Shopify is to create variants where the option values are the price breaks. You have to modify your theme so that when a Qty > price break is entered the product page selects the variant that corresponds to that price level.
Other than the coding portion of this the main issue becomes inventory management since Shopify treats each variant as a separate inventory item but if you use variants to manage price breaks they are not actually separate items.
I think the easiest way to do this would be with a Shopify App. There are many that have price breaks etc. and they are usually easier to set up than using variants as the price break amounts.

OpenCart - how to set up one-off option price, as product quantity increases?

So, here's the problem:
A product costs $10. You then have the option to customize it (with a photo upload to be printed on it) for an additional one-off price of $5, no matter how many products are ordered (e.g. you can order 1 or 5 or 10000 items and the customization price will always be a flat $5).
Currently, when you buy, for example, twenty items and choose the customization option, OpenCart will calculate it: (Product Price + Option Price)*Quantity = (10+5)*20 = $300 . Instead, what I aim to achieve is something like (Product Price*Quantity) + Option Price = 10*20 + 5 = $205
Ideally, I would like certain options to ignore the quantity (so that it will be an additional $5 no matter how many products are ordered), while other option prices should go up with quantity (so that one product customization costs $5, two product customizations cost $10, etc.).
Surely, OpenCart must offer some way to deliver such a fundamental customer experience?
This isn't a standard feature that you will be able to do out of the box. The way I would solve this would be to create a custom Order Total extension and add $5 to the subtotal/total at checkout if any product has that particular option set. This does require some PHP knowledge to do
Instead of rolling your own, you could probably use the Handling Fee extension. You may need to create a new Tax Class for that. But as Jay said, creating your own would be ideal, and yu could certainly use the Handling Fee as a starting point.
Check this out
My commercial OpenCart extension Setup Fees for Product Options should do what you need. You can see an example here by selecting the rush production option.

Prestashop: use BlockLayered class methods and/or DB tables for price range button?

I've got to build a standalone menu button with submenu that contains links to price ranges.
I activated the blocklayered module (not for this task, only for regular left-column filters). So the relative db tables are in place and populated.
I want to make a controller specific for price ranges. So I've got to do the right query and maybe set up the same url vars as the blocklayered module so they wil not conflict.
Would it be too crazy to import blocklayered or blocklayered-ajax in my controller and use part of their functionality? Maybe not good because of object duplication or other issues?
Or maybe, would it be a bad idea to use the blocklayered tables (for example layered_price_index) to help me get filtered products? I'm wandering if it would be a better solution than re-doing all by myself, or if instead it's not good for some reason.
Any idea?
It really depends on which amount (among the ones below) you would like to take into account in your price range filter:
Amount without taxes
Amount including taxes
Amount including discount/promotion
Amount in several currencies or only one currency
Amount for a specific customer group or for everyone
Amount base on any other product price rule
The easy way:
You can build a price range controller easily by yourself, handling only a single currency and prices without taxes and reduction. It will probably be 90% accurate (because of the missing discounts a product might not show up for a certain range).
In that case, you can easily build a query on the ps_product and ps_specific_price tables and SELECT in real-time the right products for a given range.
The proper way:
You want to handle discounts, price rules, specific prices, etc. If you build a real-time query including all these calculations and parameters, it may slow down the server.
Build a product price cache or re-use the one setup by the Block Layered module.