Getting an Error:(22, 20) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: string error when adding the string command - intellij-idea

I'm getting this error Error:(22, 20) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: string when I add some code to my learnign program I made in Intellij It runs ok until I add the string command then I get the error above.I have installed jdk-11.0.3_windows-x64_bin with ideaIC-2019.1.3.exe but not sure if this is the correct SDK to use? Or if this is causin the issues?
var department:string?
department = null
department ="software Engineering"
println ("department ${department}")
Information:Kotlin: kotlinc-jvm 1.3.40 (JRE 11.0.3+12-LTS)
Information:Module "Varibles" was fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies changes
Information:03/07/2019 16:20 - Build completed with 1 error and 0
warnings in 2 s 534 ms
Error:Error:line (22)Kotlin: Unresolved reference: string

Thanks #forpas this fixed the issue!


NettyApplicationEngine is given but ApplicationEngine is expected

Hey I maked my Projekt on the Ktor Project Creator but i got Errors that in embeddedServer() an ApplicationEngine is expectet but an NettyApplicationEngine is given:
Type mismatch.
But i got unresolved errors too by install{} inside of the embeddedServer{} (and bcs that i think jwt is an unresolved reference too)
Does anyone know how to fix this error (or the errors)
Here can you see the whole thing in one

Vega-Embed giving build error Cannot find name 'Extract' and 'Exclude'

I created angular 6 application(Using node). In this application I used vega-embed. It is giving me compilation error.
import embed from 'vega-embed';
I also changed code in util.d.ts import stableStringify = require('json-stable-stringify') but giving following error
ERROR in node_modules/vega-lite/build/src/util.d.ts(58,41): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Extract'.
node_modules/vega-lite/build/src/util.d.ts(73,58): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Exclude'.
Please suggest.

XCODE 8 xcuitest code generation compilation error

I have downloaded the xcode 8, and tried to record a test in xcuitest
but the generated code by xcode gives compilation error
Generated code
window.tables.children(matching: .tableRow).element(boundBy: 0).children(matching: .cell).element(boundBy: 5).click()
but it is giving compilation error like Value of type
'XCUIElementQuery' has no member ‘containing’
'XCUIElementQuery' has no member ‘ children’
'XCUIElementQuery' has no member ‘ matching’
'XCUIElementQuery' has no member ‘ element'
also .other should be changed to .Other
.cell should be changed to .Cell to fix the error
i selected swift 2.3 while installing xcode 8
Any help appreciated
It looks like the code generator migrated to a new sytnax for the call to the children, but not the code interpreter. Replace .children(matching: .cell) with childrenMatchingType(.Cell)

Value of type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer' cannot be converted to 'System.Type

I'm working on a custom TFS Build workflow based on the code found in two blogs:
When I implement the VB.Net code within my XAML workflow, I'm currently getting the following errors on build runtime:
The build process failed validation. Details:
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFSService".
Value of type
cannot be converted to 'System.Type'.
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFS.GetService(Of
End of expression expected.
I've traced the error down to this section of code (Simplified from XAML):
TFS=Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollectionFactory(New Uri("MyTeamsTFSServer"))
TFSService = TFS.GetService(Of VersionControlServer)()
I've tried changing the type of TFSService from both Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer and System.Type without success.
From what I can tell the error is occurring in the "Of VersionControlServer".
Has anyone ever encountered this? And if so how did you resolve it?
Turns out the issue was the URL I was using, I made a typo when I was entering it in. Yay for descriptive error messages...
I found this while I was checking my authentication using the two methods:
My code blew out when I was running the Authenticate() method.

T4MVCVB doesn't work on clean install?

I just installed T4MVCVB and it won't compile:
Error 1 Compiling transformation: Invalid token 'this' in class, struct, or interface member declaration c:\...\ 1 1
Error 2 Compiling transformation: Method must have a return type c:\...\ 1 6
Error 3 Compiling transformation: Type expected c:\...\ 1 12
Note that the line number is 1 for each of these errors, so there's no way at all to see what line it doesn't like.
How can I figure out what the problem is so I can generate typed helpers for VB?
Edit: After some cleanup, now I get the following compiler error, and the line number of the problem:
Error 112 Running transformation: System.NotImplementedException: Not implemented (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004001 (E_NOTIMPL))
at EnvDTE80.CodeFunction2.get_Attributes()
at {long call stack}
The line it doesn't like is:
// Ignore methods that are marked as not being actions
if (GetAttribute(method.Attributes, "System.Web.Mvc.NonActionAttribute") != null)
Make sure you are using the latest version made for VB. Here is the T4MVCVB Nuget Package
If it's still breaking before generating the .vb files, I would uncomment these two lines near the top of and see if you can find the problem location.