Accessing SonarQube quality gate API for private projects - api

How do I access SonarQube quality gate API in case of a private project? I tried sending the "User token" for a user as Authorization Bearer token and Basic login. However, it did not work. The only way I can access it is from a browser when a user is logged in, i.e. login token is present. Accessing like that from Postman is also possible. How could I get the token, then and is that a right way to access the API?

Tokens are indeed the right way to access the API.
1) You can obtain a new token by going to
Administration > Security > Users under tokens (click the list icon) then enter a name and click Generate
Make sure to copy the token as you won't be able to see it once you close.
2) Postman has an option to generate code based on a request (click the "code" option). If it works through Postman, it should work in your code with the copied request.
3) As a last resort if it doesn't work, here is a Groovy function I wrote to send a Get request.
// Returns response of SonarQube web API call with admin auth in text format
def getFromApi(String getURL){
def Res = ("curl -u "+AuthenticationToken+": "+getURL).execute().text
if (Res){
return Res
return "error"
For post request you just need to add -X POST before the authentication token. Modify it to suit your needs.
Hope it helps!


Automate getting access token in Postman using Auth2.0 AuthorizationFlow + PKCE

So I currently have all my requests set up in postman and to be able to make the request to my api I first need to go to the Authorization tab and click "Get Access Token" then a new window appears showing the log in screen from the Identity Server where I can enter the correct username and password to obtain the access token.
I am now wanting to use Postman to test my api however when the access token expires the tests of course fail.
What I want to know is the best way to approach setting up a script that could run the authorization before that request/tests are run.
I can see lots of examples if you only use ClientId and Secret however our Identity Server also requires the user to log in with username and password as that information is needed so that the Identity Info can be included in the returned token as the api called in the request uses this to determine which user to return data for.
Really hitting a brick wall here as I cannot see a way to automate the identity login.
How do others deal with running automated tests against an api protected with IdentityServer login?
You would have to mimic the set of requests and responses that would normally go through the browser. For example, you first make an authorization request. The server responds with a 302 to a login page. You can grab the location header and call the login page. Then you would post the username and password to the login form's action, etc.
You can have a look at this example: this is a set of curl commands which perform such login to an instance of the Curity Identity Server.
You should be able to script it as a series of requests in Postman.

Skype For Business Online Authentication Error - 403 Permission Denied

Hello Microsoft/Azure/Skype experts,
I'm tasked with accessing presence data from Skype For Business Online accounts from my macOS app (native).
I'm unfortunately stuck and i always get a 403 error when i access the autodiscover request and never get the link to the applications resource
I have been following this documentation
We have registered the app in the Azure Management Portal using our Office 365 account credentials.
We have used custome redirect URL (http://localhost)
Allow Implicit Flow is set to true in manifest
We pre-configure the permissions needed for Skype for business
Issuing a GET as specified in the documentation to initiate sign in and authorization check.
This returns a 200 OK.
We got the Auto discover URL as described in the documentation.
This is what i get - i use the domain marked in RED.
As per the documentation, they ask me to do this
Requesting an access token using implicit grant flow
So i issue a GET as described
response_type=id_token &client_id=######-4d41-485e-871f-0a22aa79e52b
Now this shows the sign in page, i sign in and then it throws an error
I researched and could not fix this error.
So after lots of research and looking at this Microsoft documentation LINK ( , apparently there is another way of getting the bearer token.
I then Request individual user consent by sending the SCOPE parameter for Skype for Business.
I then issue a GET request to
This returns an access code which i use in next step to get the TOKEN
STEP 5 - Get the bearer TOKEN
Issue a POST to following URL With the
following data in POST body
"grant_type": "authorization_code", "client_id":
"######-4d41-485e-871f-0a22aa79e52b", "scope":
"", "code":
"OAQABAAIAAACEfexX.........", "redirect_uri": "https://localhost"
This returns the bearer token in the following response JSON
"access_token" = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1........w4b-- gnWG_iOGtQ";
"expires_in" = 3599;
"ext_expires_in" = 3599;
scope = "";
"token_type" = Bearer;
Yay! Got the bearer token at laaast!
Now back to the main documentation
And where we do this - 'Resending an autodiscovery request with the bearer token'
We execute a GET request to
Now this, as per the documentation should return this JSON
BUT i GET A 403: PERMISSIONS denied error
<div class="content-container"><fieldset>
<h2>403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.</h2>
<h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page
using the credentials that you supplied.</h3>
So thus i have never got the applications url and I have checked the manifest, registration and i have no idea, why i get this error.
Any inputs would be appreciated.
For step 4, you need to specify nonce=somestring in the URL. Typically this should be a securely random value that is only used once. It can contain any value.
Also, you are only requesting an id token. Set response_type=id_token+token.

How to provide Username and Password on Postman while calling an API

I tried to call an API from Postman and I give Username and password in authorisation tab in Postman and not working.
But I can access API data in the browser when I put the URL after successfully login with username and password as shown
So how can I give my credentials to postman to get API data?
Can you try to see what parameters it sends when requested via browser?
You can do that in Chrome:
Developer tools (Ctrl + Shift + I)
Network tab
Then send your request.
You'll be able to see request headers and body.
Then you can copy the parameters over to your postman call.
Most calls like that are using authorization token. You'll also be able to see if the token was requested in the separate call and if it was passed as a parameter.

Onelogin API authentication error

I am attempting a very basic call to the one login API to get an authentication token. I copied the client id and client secret correctly from the api credentials page (although the "copy to clipboard button doesn't seem to be working).
r2 ='',
"grant_type": "client_credentials"
When I run this, I get an authentication failure error. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, any help would be really appreciated.
The client_id and the client_secret to use in this call actually are not the ones from an app configured in the oneLogin account, you have to set up some API client_id and client_secret in your oneLogin account administration page, give them at least an auth level and then use them in your call to get the tokens
Depending on what privileges you need, there are different profiles in the Developers>API credentials section from the Administration portal.You can create a new profile by clicking in the top left blue button named "New credentials".
In your case, I think is enough with a "Authentication only" profile.
Once you have those API credentials, when you are using a BASIC authentication method, you have to set them in the JSON header, but encoded in base64, not just as plain text, and the client_id and client secret are separated by (:) not by (,).
You also need to set up the content type to "application/json" in the header.
Hope this helps.

How do I pass credentials to Sonar API calls?

When I try to call:
I get
How do I pass my credentials?
According to the newest documentation said: SonarQube now support two way authentication:
User Token
This is the recommended way. Token is sent via the login field of HTTP basic authentication, this way will be more safety, without any password. For more information about how to generate a token, please visit this page User Token. Use curl send request like this:
# note that the colon after the token is required in curl to set an empty password
HTTP Basic Access
Login and password are sent via the standard HTTP Basic fields:
According to the documentation SonarQube uses basic authentication. Try:
curl -u admin:SuPeRsEcReT ""
Obviously the mechanism for passing these credentials is dependent on how you are invoking the API.
This should also work from the web browser. Try logging into the Webui, your browser will normally cache the credentials.
This happens because authentication data does not include in your api call. This is how I solved it.
1.First install a rest client "Postman" to your browser.
2.Open it and put your API call url under "Normal" tab.
3.Go to "Basic Auth" tab and put username,password then click refresh headers.
4.Come back to "Normal" tab. You'll see a header named "Authorization" in header list.
5.Now click "send" button to view results.
6.If you are using 3rd party application, add "Authorization" header to your call with the value generated by postman.