EKS step for new infrastructure - amazon-eks

How do I setup EKS for new infrastructure? We are currently using KOPS to manage kubernetes which is a big problem. We would like to move to AWS EKS.
How did we get to do this?

Kubernetes is originally developed by Google, it is open-sourced since its launch and managed by a large community of contributors. So, it's better to use GKE to deploy it.
Google Cloud Platform supports easy way to deploy using Deployment Manager + Helm. You can use TerraForm to deploy if you want.
To understand step by step GKE deployment, follow three topics below:
If you want to use deployment manager together with Helm, you can follow the topic below:

welcome to stack overflow!
You will find a super guide here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started.html
I just checked KOPS docs and they apparently do AWS as well. I haven't worked with this tool before though.
Could you please describe a bit more what is the challenge? You can set up an eks cluster and then change your pipeline to go to the new one instead of the Google one.


Configuring SSL for Slack App built using Bolt JS framework hosting in an AWS Ubuntu instance

Got a Slack App built using Bolt JS framework (NodeJS) - tested from the local machine using ngrok - all well. Looking to host it on AWS instance (ubuntu) - could not figure out how to configure SSL Certificates, not finding docs as well. Any help is great!!
Not finding any documentation of prior references to this topic. Maybe I am not looking at the right place. Any help in terms of docs, tutorials, or samples is appreciated.
NOTE: I am not using AWS Lambda function, rather built an App using Slack's Bolk JS framework and trying to host it on AWS instance running Ubuntu.
Any help/pointers appreciated!

Deploy a Vue.js app on Google Compute Engine

I created a simple Vue.js application. I am trying to deploy it on Google compute engine(not app engine or any other), but I can't find any appropriate solution. Can anyone help me?
Have a look at App Engine. It'll be the easiest way to deploy your app without thinking about infrastructure management.
If you really want/need to use Compute Engine you should decide on your own which OS to use and then install and configure all the required software manually.
Meanwhile, I should mention Cloud Run as managed compute platform that automatically scales your stateless containers with your code.
Please update your question if you need more details.
Deployed using express server, Nginx and pm2.

How to reload/deploy moleculer services in production?

How should i deploy new versions of molecular services?
The documentation explains well how to start them with moleculer-runner, but i can't find what is the proper way reload them without downtime.
The zero-downtime updating is not part of the framework, it's a system admin/devops issue. I recommend using Kubernetes for deploying upgraded containers with zero-downtime: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/update-intro/

Is it possible to deploy Spinnaker to an instance smaller than m4.xlarge on AWS?

We are currently following the default deployment instructions for Spinnaker which states using m4.xlarge as the instance type.
We did make an unsuccessful attempt to deploy it to m4.large but the services didnt start.
Has anyone tried the something similar and succeeded?
It really depends on the size of your cloud.
There are 4 core services that you need - gate/deck/orca/clouddriver. You can shut the other ones off if say, you don't care about automated triggers, baking or jenkins integration.
I'm able to run this locally with the docker images with about 8 gigs of ram and it works. Using s3 instead of cassandra also helps here.
You can play around with the settings in the baked image of spinnaker, but for internal demos and what not, I've been able to just spin up a VM, install docker and run the docker compose config correctly on m4.large.

Trouble in using AWS SWF

I am new to Amazon simple workflow service. Is there a way to run the swf workflows on EMR. I have AWS CLI setup and able to bootstrap hadoop and bring up the cluster. I have not found enough documentation on this and no source on the web. Is there any change that I can boot the EMR cluster using SWF instead of AWS CLI. Thanks.
You should use one of the dedicated AWS SDKs to coordinate between the two services. I am successfully using the AWS SDK for Java to create a workflow that starts several EMR clusters in parallel with different jobs and then just waits for them to finish, failing the whole workflow if one of the jobs fail.
Out of all available AWS SDKs, I highly recommend the Java one. It struck me as extremely robust. I have also used the PHP one in the past, but it lacks on certain departments (it does not provide a 'flow' framework for SWF for example).