Is it possible to deploy Spinnaker to an instance smaller than m4.xlarge on AWS? - spinnaker

We are currently following the default deployment instructions for Spinnaker which states using m4.xlarge as the instance type.
We did make an unsuccessful attempt to deploy it to m4.large but the services didnt start.
Has anyone tried the something similar and succeeded?

It really depends on the size of your cloud.
There are 4 core services that you need - gate/deck/orca/clouddriver. You can shut the other ones off if say, you don't care about automated triggers, baking or jenkins integration.
I'm able to run this locally with the docker images with about 8 gigs of ram and it works. Using s3 instead of cassandra also helps here.
You can play around with the settings in the baked image of spinnaker, but for internal demos and what not, I've been able to just spin up a VM, install docker and run the docker compose config correctly on m4.large.


Deploy spinnaker components to pivotal cloud foundry

I want to deploy Spinnaker components to private cloud (PCF). I want to know whether the following procedure works or it. Download spring-cloud-spinnaker-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar (mentioned in and run it (on Linux machine), then deploy the Spinnaker components to required space from local host.
If this procedure works, what are the requirements of my system? else mention the way to deploy.
Yes, Spring Cloud Spinnaker is the proper way to install Spinnaker components into a PCF setup.
Each Spinnaker module is installed with custom settings, some including resources (for example, clouddriver needs 4GB RAM + 2GB disk space), and Spring Cloud Spinnaker applies that.
Spring Cloud Spinnaker itself needs 8 GB RAM + 4 GB disk to operate properly. This is cited here => When run locally, that probably won't be a problem. Should you install it into PCF itself, that would be a critical setting.
If you run into issues with the installer, you can reach out for assistance at on the #general channel.

The best way of develop with Open shift origin: VM or local installation

What is the best way to develop with open shift origin? Is it using vm or install it locally? I have tried installing the vm and I could not login to the vm. What is the default credential used to login to fedora vm.
Default credentials
Depending on which route you follow (see below) there might or might not be real authorization in place.
If you have the AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider in place you can get away with test/test or whatever.
If you take the binary version (see below) this is what you'll have by default. I changed it to be HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider instead.
For the other options I think you will have a user called system, with the password admin coming with the setup.
Docker container version
You can quickly get OpenShift running in a Docker container using
images from Docker Hub on a Linux system. This method is supported on
Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) hosts only.
As per the origin folks, this setup is not (yet) a full example, but very easy to get started with. You should be able to follow the instructions to get an all-in-one instance up and running in no time. However, this approach cannot teach you how to create a cluster (master(s) and node(s))
Vagrant VM
This image is based off of OpenShift Origin and is a fully functioning
OpenShift instance with an integrated Docker registry. The intent of
this project is to allow Web developers and other interested parties
to run OpenShift V3 on their own computer. Given the way it is
configured, the VM will appear to your local machine as if it was
running somewhere off the machine.
The OpenShift Master, Node, Docker Registry, and other pieces are running in one VM. Given it's focus on application developers, it should NOT be used in production.
Binary option
Red Hat periodically publishes binaries to GitHub, which you can
download on the OpenShift Origin Releases page.
This is the option I follow currently. You download the binaries, install GO, then setup the OC client tools. Next step you generate the configuration files and start adding your system components (router, ...).
Follow this page to understand the basics:
Ansible route
For production installation you probably want to install your cluster via Ansible.
My humble advice is to do this once you got a bit of an experience via configuring by hand (see previous point). Let's hear some people with more experience though.
Documentation in general
Spin up a Centos.7 VM, download the latest origin tools:
tar xzvf openshift-origin-client-tools-v1.3.0-alpha.2-983578e-linux-64bit.tar.gz
ln -s /root/openshift-origin-client-tools-v1.3.0-alpha.2-983578e-linux-64bit/oc /usr/local/bin/oc
chmod 755 /root/openshift-origin-client-tools-v1.3.0-alpha.2-983578e-linux-64bit/oc
Bring up your single node origin cluster:
oc cluster up --use-existing-config --host-data-dir=/var/tmp/etcd
Login using the instructions provided.

Is there a fast painless way to setup a linux distro on VirtualBox?

I like the Docker Hub with dockerfiles idea very much.
Is there a similar way to get a small working linux VirtualBox instance in a few commands, that could also be controlled from a command line?
Vagrant is a great tool that does just what you want and much more! It's a ruby application written for fast and simple setup of minimal development environments.
By default it creates VirtualBox images, but it supports VMWare and many others too. The whole setup of a box is managed by a single Vagrantfile! Your vm options, network settings and provisioning is done there.
Setting up a virtualbox box is as easy as executing just two shell commands. Checkout the Getting Started Guide for an example using Ubuntu.
You can use a vast range of prepared images from the Hashicorp Atlas or build your owns.
Also, vagrant doesn't limit you to one virtual machine per development setup, it enables you to model cluster setups on a single machine using multiple vms. I myself use docker for that part though.
Edit: fixed a typo :<

How to rapidly publish web role cloud service, uploading only binaries, avoiding wholly restarting the VM?

Possible ways to accomplish it:
Creating dedicated WCF service for this purpose (currently my favorite option)
Using the REST API?
Azure PowerShell?
Publishing a web-role cloud-service takes about 10 minutes. It's much too long during development - I try to do as much as I can offline, unit-test-ish and modular, but it's just impossible to completely avoid development cycles altogether with the VM.
Apparently, the long time is mostly a result of the machine being wholly restarted, so I'm trying to find an automatic solution, like uploading and installing the binaries.
What is the best way to accomplish it?
What do you think? would it cut at least 50% of the publishing time?
Do you expect any critical problems?
The solutions proposed below are definitely against best practices and should NEVER-EVER be used in production environment.
If your objective is to quickly test your changes in your development environment, there are two ways you can go about it.
Enable RDP and copy your modified binaries or other files directly in the appropriate folders on the VM. You could enable Remote Desktop on your web role and copy the files manually in appropriate folders.
Use Web Deploy: This will only work for web roles in your project but you could enable Web Deploy on your Web Roles and use that to make faster deployment. Please see this link for more details on how to use this feature:

Vagrant in production

I've been reading about Vagrant, and I find it quite useful for my development. I am currently managing a series of services (mail, web, LDAP, file sharing, etc.), and often one of these falls and needs a quick backup. Is it possible (and recommended) to use Vagrant for these purposes?
So far I've virtual machines installed like real machines.
I would also like to know about an alternative to Vagrant which would allow me to setup a simple configuration file and put a virtual machine, for example, with Zimbra, and quickly have an alternate mail server, enable RabbitMQ, etc.
Vagrant should be used more like a staging environment to test your infrastructure changes. It should be your test bed for automated infrastructure changes.
The way we use it at my company is like so:
Create VMs for our managed servers in Vagrant.
Create puppet definitions for each server.
Create cucumber tests for each server.
Make infrastructure changes via puppet and add cucumber tests.
Launch our servers to test for failures.
Fix bugs, release and/or back to step 4.
Basically when we're happy with our changes, we'll pull our puppet changes into production to make it happen.
I'd not recommend using vagrant to manage VMs for real production. I'd use something else like razor, virsh, OpenStack or one of the many other vm management systems out there.
This page suggests that the Vagrant push command is meant for deploying to production:
"Additionally, multiple config.push.define declarations can be in a Vagrantfile to define multiple pushes, perhaps one to staging and one to production, for example."
From my experience, Vagrant mainly used in a development environment.
Vagrant configuration and provisioning options are limited compared to Terraform for example.
If you are working on a cloud based environment, you can use Terraform for infrastructure provisioning.
If your environment is local or your VMs will be hosted on a datacenter, you can use Ansible, chef or puppet for you configuration management and automation.
Hashicorp just published Otto, which is meant to be the Vagrant's successor. It is designed to support deployment environments.
From their Github page:
The key features of Otto are:
Automatic development environments: Otto detects your application
type and builds a development environment tailored specifically for that
application, with zero or minimal configuration. If your application depends
on other services (such as a database), it'll automatically configure and
start those services in your development environment for you.
Built for Microservices: Otto understands dependencies and versioning
and can automatically deploy and configure an application and all
of its dependencies for any environment. An application only needs to
tell Otto its immediate dependencies; dependencies of dependencies are
automatically detected and configured.
Deployment: Otto knows how to deploy applications as well develop
them. Whether your application is a modern microservice, a legacy
monolith, or something in between, Otto can deploy your application to any
Docker: Otto can use Docker to download and start dependencies
for development to simplify microservices. Applications can be containerized
automatically to make deployments easier without changing the developer
Production-hardened tooling: Otto uses production-hardened tooling to
build development environments (Vagrant),
launch servers (Terraform), configure
services (Consul), and more. Otto builds on
tools that powers the world's largest websites.
Otto automatically installs and manages all of this tooling, so you don't
have to.
I had the same question and have been investigating the use of Vagrant push which as per their documentation, as of version 1.7, Vagrant is capable of deploying or "pushing" application code in the same directory as your Vagrantfile to a remote such as an FTP server.
I'm considering having vagrant spin up in a VM for developers, while also giving you the option to deploy your code to a live server for production environments.
As mentioned by #andrerpena, Otto is the successor of Vagrant.
From :
Otto can deploy your application. Users of Vagrant for years have wanted a way to deploy their Vagrant environments to production. Unfortunately, the Vagrantfile doesn't contain enough information to build a proper production environment with industry best practices. An Appfile is made to encode this knowledge, and deployment is a single command away.