Can I reach a grandparent from a GROQ query? - sanity

I'm trying to run a GROQ query for my project that should filter out child documents that contain references based on a grandparents id. Is it possible to do so?
I've come to an understanding that for similar scenarios I could use the parent operator like so:
But in my case, I need the grandparent id, so I cannot make any use of the parent operator the way I've wrote the query now.
I can also clearly read in the documentation:
Known issue
The ^ operator currently only works from subqueries. In all other scopes, it returns the root of the current scope, not the parent scope. It is also not possible to use ^ to refer to grandparent scopes.
But no information about a workaround.
The query currently looks like this. I need pages only that refer to the team id. But right now, using the references(^._id) in the current position (pages), I'm only getting a reference id from the parent (sports) and not from the grandparent (teams) which I need.
*[_type == 'client' && alias == 'ipsum']{
_id, name, teams[]->{
_id, name,
"pages": *[_type=='page' && references(^.id)]
Thanks in advance, any help at all will be greatly appreciated.

Very short answer: You're correct in that there's currently no way of referencing a grandparent in GROQ.
However, there's usually a way to get around such obstacles.
If your schema does not contain a direct relationship between Sport and Page, you might be better off aggregating pages by team:
*[_type == 'client' && alias == 'ipsum']{
_id, name, teams[]->{
_id, name,
sports[]-> {_id, name},
"pages": *[_type=='page' && references(^._id)]
This would reduce the amount of data transferred for each query, because you're no longer lifting an identical set of pages for each sport.
If your schema does conatain a direct relationship between Sport and Page, e.g., then the following query would include only those pages:
*[_type == 'client' && alias == 'ipsum']{
_id, name, teams[]->{
_id, name,
sports[]-> {
"pageId": page._ref
"sportPages": *[_type=='page' && references(^._id) && _id in ^.sports[].page._ref]
In the latter case, you might prefer to do some client side data wrangling to get the various sportPages nested correctly under each sport.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this out on actual data, but I'm hoping the above queries might be the inspiration you need to get it working?


FaunaDB: Query for all documents not referenced by another collection

I'm working on an app where users learn about different patterns of grammar in a language. There are three collections; users and patterns are interrelated by progress, which looks like this:
Create(Collection("progress"), {
data: {
userRef: Ref(Collection("users"), userId),
patternRef: Ref(Collection("patterns"), patternId),
initiallyLearnedAt: Now(),
lastReviewedAt: Now(),
srsLevel: 1
I've learned how to do some basic Fauna queries, but now I have a somewhat more complex relational one. I want to write an FQL query (and the required indexes) to retrieve all patterns for which a given user doesn't have progress. That is, everything they haven't learned yet. How would I compose such a query?
One clarifying assumption - a progress document is created when a user starts on a particular pattern and means the user has some progress. For example, if there are ten patterns and a user has started two, there will be two documents for that user in progress.
If that assumption is valid, your question is "how can we find the other eight?"
The basic approach is:
Get all available patterns.
Get the patterns a user has worked on.
Select the difference between the two sets.
1. Get all available patterns.
This one is trivial with the built-in Documents function in FQL:
2. Get the patterns a user has worked on.
To get all the patterns a user has worked on, you'll want to create an index over the progress collection, as you've figured out. Your terms are what you want to search on, in this case userRef. Your values are the results you want back, in this case patternRef.
This looks like the following:
name: "patterns_by_user",
source: Collection("progress"),
terms: [
{ field: ["data", "userRef"] }
values: [
{ field: ["data", "patternRef"] }
unique: true
Then, to get the set of all the patterns a user has some progress against:
Ref(Collections("users"), userId)
3. Select the difference between the two sets
The FQL function Difference has the following signature:
Difference( source, diff, ... )
This means you'll want the largest set first, in this case all of the documents from the patterns collection.
If you reverse the arguments you'll get an empty set, because there are no documents in the set of patterns the user has worked on that are not also in the set of all patterns.
From the docs, the return value of Difference is:
When source is a Set Reference, a Set Reference of the items in source that are missing from diff.
This means you'll need to Paginate over the difference to get the references themselves.
Ref(Collection("users"), userId)
From there, you can do what you need to do with the references. As an example, to retrieve all of the data for each returned pattern:
Ref(Collection("users"), userId)
Lambda("patternRef", Get(Var("patternRef")))
Consolidated solution
Create the index patterns_by_user as in step two
Query the difference as in step three

How do I implement, for instance, "group membership" many-to-many in REST Cloud Code?

A user can create groups
A group had to have created by a user
A user can belong to multiple groups
A group can have multiple users
I have something like the following:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Group', function(request) {
var creator = request.user;
var group = request.object;
var wasGroupCreated = group.existed;
if(wasGroupCreated) {
var hasCreatedRelation = creator.relation('hasCreated');
var isAMemberOfRelation = creator.relation('isMemberOf');
Now when I GET user/me with include=isMemberOf,hasCreated, it returns me the user object but with the following:
hasCreated: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
isMemberOf: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
I'd like to have the group objects included in say, 'hasCreated' and 'isMemberOf' arrays. How do I pull that using the REST API?
More in general though, am I approaching this the right way? Thoughts? Help is much appreciated!
First off, existed is a function that returns true or false (in your case the wasGroupCreated variable is always going to be a reference to the function and will tis always evaluate to true). It probably isn't going to return what you expect anyway if you were using it correctly.
I think what you want is the isNew() function, though I would test if this works in the Parse.Cloud.afterSave() method as I haven't tried it there.
As for the second part of your question, you seem to want to use your Relations like Arrays. If you used an array instead (and the size was small enough), then you could just include the Group objects in the query (add include parameter set to isMemberOf for example in your REST query).
If you do want to stick to Relations, realise that you'll need to read up more in the documentation. In particular you'll need to query the Group object using a where expression that has a $relatedTo pointer for the user. To query in this manner, you will probably need a members property on the Group that is a relation to Users.
Something like this in your REST query might work (replace the objectId with the right User of course):

The RESTful way to include or not include children of a resource?

Say I have a team object, that has a name property, a city property and a players property, where the players property is a an array of possibly many players. This is represented in an SQL database with a teams table and a players table, where each player has a name and a team_id.
Building a RESTful api based on this simple data-structure, I'm in doubt if there is a clear rule regarding, if the return object should/could include a list of players, when hitting /teams/:id ?
I have a view, that needs to show a team, and its players with their names, so:
1: Should /teams/:id join the two tables behind the scene and return the full team object, with a players property, that is an array of names and id's?
2: Should /teams/:id join the two tables behind the scene and return the team object, with a players property, that is an array of just id's that will then have to be queried one-by-one to /players/:id ?
3: Should two calls be made, one to /teams/:id and one to /teams/:id/players ?
4: Should a query string be used like this /teams/:id?fields=name,city,players ?
If either 2 or 3 is the way to go, how would one approach the situation, where a team could also have multiple cities, resulting in another cities table in the DB to keep it normalized? Should a new endpoint then be created at /teams/:id/cities.
When creating RESTful API's, is it the normalized datastructure in the DB that dictates the endpoints in the API?
Usually with a RESTful API, it is best that the use-cases dictate the endpoints of the API, not necessarily the data structure.
If you sometimes need just the teams, sometimes need just the players of a team, and sometimes need both together, I would have 3 distinct calls, probably something like /teams/:id, /players/:teamid and player-teams/:teamid (or something similar).
The reason you want to do it this way is because it minimizes the number of HTTP requests that need to be made for any given page. Of all of the typical performance issues, an inflated number of HTTP requests is usually one of the most common performance hits, and usually one of the easiest to avoid.
That being said, you also don't want to go so crazy that you create an over-inflated API. Think through the typical use cases and make calls for those. Don't just implement every possible combination you can think of just for the sake of it. Remember You Aren't Gonna Need It.
I'd suggest something like:
GET /teams
"id" : 12,
"name" : "MyTeam"
"players" :
"self" : "http://my.server/players?teamName=MyTeam"
"city" :
"self" : "http://my.server/cities/MyCity"
GET /cities
GET /cities/{cityId}
GET /players
GET /players/{playerId}
You can then use URIs to call out to get whatever other related resources you need. If you want the flexibility to embed values, you can use ?expand, such as:
GET /teams?expand=players
"id" : 12,
"name" : "MyTeam"
"players" :
"self" : "http://my.server/players?teamName=MyTeam",
"name" : "Mary",
"number" : "12"
"name" : "Sally",
"number" : "15"
"city" :
"self" : "http://my.server/cities/MyCity"

Arbitrarily nesting some attributes in rabl

I'm designing a new API for my project, and I want to return objects that have nested children as json. For that purpose i've decided to use RABL.
I want the client side to be able to understand whether the object is valid, and if not which fields are missing in order to save it correctly.
The design I thought of should include some fields as optional, under an optional hash, and the rest are required. The required fields should appear right under the root of the json.
So the output I try to describe should look something like this:
"name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"optional": {
"address": "Beverly Hills 90210",
"phones":[{"number":"123456","name":"work"}, {"number":"654321","name":"mobile"}]
The above output example describes the required fields name and last name, and the not required address and phones (which is associated in a belongs_to-has_many relationship to the object). name, last_name and address are User's DB fields.
Playing with RABL I didn't manage so far to create this kind of structure.
Any suggestions? I'm looking for a DRY way to implement this for all my models.
RABL is really good in creating JSON structures on the fly, so I don't see why you couldn't achieve your goal. Did you try testing if a field is set to null-able in the schema, and thus presenting it as optional? It seems a good approach for me. For the nested children, just do the same, but extend the template for the children.
For example, in your father/show.rabl display a custom node :optional with all the properties that can be null.
Then, create a child/show.rabl with the same logic. Finally, go back to father/show.rabl and add a child node, extending the child/show.rabl template. This way you could achieve unlimited levels of "optionals".
Hope it helped you.
In this case I'd use the free form option.
There can also be odd cases where the root-level of the response
doesn't map directly to any object.
In those cases, object can be assigned to 'false'
and nodes can be constructed free-form.
object false
node(:some_count) { |m| #user.posts.count }
child(#user) { attribute :name }

kohana ORM question

i am using kohana ORM in order to get some results from the database. My problem is: even though i have consulted the documentation, i can't find a way to select only the column i am interested in. To be more explicit, i have:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
var dumping it, it selects me all the "SELECT product_type.* from product_type where etc".
But i want to select only the 'stock' field from the salestock table. doing find('stock') instead find_all() returns a weired object... Where am i wrong, and how can i actually select only the column 'stock' using kohana orm?
thank you!
ORM methods find() and find_all() always select all table columns, so there is two ways to get specified fields:
Load full table rows and get columns
from it:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
// get array of id=>stock values
$columns = $sale_stock->as_array('id', 'stock');
Create special method in model using
Query Builder:
// model Model_Product_Type
public function get_stocks($product_type_id)
return DB::select(array('stock'))
->where('product_type_id', '=', $product_type_id)
I realise this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I've pulled the following from the Kohana documentation ...
$articles = ORM::factory('article')->select_list('id', 'title');
foreach ($articles as $id => $title)
// Display a list of links
echo html::anchor('articles/'.$id, $title);
// Display a dropdown list
echo form::dropdown('articles', $articles);
You could think of it as a discount, two fields for the price of one.
It's common practice for ORMs to return a 'non-standard' object when partial model or merged model fields are requested. This prevents confusing operations using the original object (ie. how do you save an object when it contains only 2 of 8 fields, plus maybe some fields from another model?).
If you print_r the object, and give me an indication of how that looks ... it might be just what you want.
I know this is an old question, but i found maybe easier solution:
$sale_stock = ORM::factory('product_type')
->where( 'product_type_id','=', $id )