Insert works in SQL Client but not in my code (SQL7008) - sql

I am trying to perform insert/update statements in a DB2-AS400 database.
I use the jt400 driver, version 9.5 for java 8 in order to be able to connect and dialog with my DB.
In my app, I can perform selects just fine but when I try to insert or update I get the following SQL Error:
[SQL7008] Table not valid for operation.
I have done some research and it seems that it would be a journaling problem on the DB side and not in my code.
What I would like to understand is why am I able to perform insert/update using my SQL Client (DBeaver) on the same table with the exact same user ?

You might try disabling transaction isolation by adding transaction isolation=none to your connection string:
jdbc:as400://systemname;naming=sql;errors=full;transaction isolation=none;date format=iso
Ref: SQL7008 Error - Workaround?


Check database / server before executing query

I am frequently testing certain areas on a development server and so running a pre-defined SQL statement to truncate the tables in question before testing again. It would only be a slip of a key to switch to the live server.
I'm looking for an IF statement or similar to prevent that.
Either to check the server name, database name, or even that a certain record in a different table exists before running the query.
Any help appreciated
For such cases I use stored procedures. I'd call them TestTruncateTables, etc.
Then instead of calling TRUNCATE TABLE you should CALL TestTruncateTables.
Just make sure that the procedures are not created on the live server. If by any chance you happen to run CALL TestTruncateTables on the live server you only get an error about non-existing proc.

Can I edit data on oracle database automatically when client application closed by human operator?

I have a client aplication work with a database on my server. That application insert/update a table on my database when human operator close application. I need to change some row of my table in database after application update/insert my table and closed.
How can i tell to oracle database execute procedure or trigger when application closed by human operators?
Oracle can understand time of a user close application that work with database? If yes, can i write job or trigger to run at that's time?
If no, have I choice to do that?
My Database: oracle 10g
The trigger is an prcedure call automatically.
In the trigger, you make an AFTER UPDATE or INSERT or both statement.
Then you program the specific row you need to change.
After an insert for exemple Oracle execute the trigger and change the rows.
Hope it helps you a litte bit ;)
You don't have specified much about Application (which is operated by human). And you can trigger procedure or execute procedure in oracle by handling appropriate event in Application (For example Application_End(), Form_Close() event in dot net).

How to get a mutual exclusion on select queries in SQL Server

I know maybe I'm asking something stupid in my application users can create a sort of agendas but only a specific number of agendas is allowed per day. So, users perform this pseudo-code:
select count(*) as created
from Agendas
where agendaDay = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
if created < allowedAgendas {
insert into Agendas ...
All this obviously MUST be executed in mutual exclusion. Only one user at time can read the number of created agendas and, possibly, insert a new one if allowed.
How can I do this?
I tried to open a transaction with default Read Committed isolation level but this doesn't help because during the transaction the other users can still get the number of the created agendas at the same time with a select query and so try
to insert a new one even if it wouldn't be allowed.
I don't think changing the isolation level could help.
How can I do this?
For testing I'm using SQL Server 2008 while in our production server SQL Server 2012 is run.
it sounds like you have an architecture problem there, but you may be able to achieve this requirement with:
If you're reading an inserting within the same transaction, I don't see where the problem will be, but if you're expecting interactive input on the basis of the count then you should probably ensure you do this within a single session of implement some kind of queuing functionality

Transactions in SQL coming from pymssql rollback on their own

We have a developer connecting to SQL Server using pymssql which uses freetds. His script dynamically generates sql insert queries based on values in a MySQL DB.
The statements are parsed properly and have proper begin transaction/commits in them when you view them in SQL Profiler. The only 'user error message' that comes up a 'changed database context to...' which comes up whenever you issue a USE in SQL. After the batch completes, there is a transaction log event 'rollback' and all the records that were inserted are removed.
We are not using XACT_ABORT_OFF because I haven't seen 'change db context to' be affected by it.
Does anyone have any ideas or experience with this? Thanks!
The code copied out of profiler works fine in SSMS using the same user and there are no triggers.
[2nd edit]:
inside SQL profiler I see a 'TransactionLog' entry with 'rollback' under eventsubtype, however there isn't a TM:Rollback Tran
Perhaps the connection is not being committed or closed correctly. Check the freetds documentation to ensure that you are using the correct usage patterns. Also you might want to check whether its possible to enable autocommit mode on the connection.
So after much searching and triple checking the auto commit setting, we caught that 2 variables were very closely named and it was committing the wrong one. There is a mysql and a pymysql module, but in this case we were using pymssql but it was typed in at pymysql instead. Thanks everyone who commented.

Sybase ASE: "Your server command encountered a deadlock situation"

When running a stored procedure (from a .NET application) that does an INSERT and an UPDATE, I sometimes (but not that often, really) and randomly get this error:
ERROR [40001] [DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Your server command (family id #0, process id #46) encountered a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command.
How can I fix this?
Your best bet for solving you deadlocking issue is to set "print deadlock information" to on using
sp_configure "print deadlock information", 1
Everytime there is a deadlock this will print information about what processes were involved and what sql they were running at the time of the dead lock.
If your tables are using allpages locking. It can reduce deadlocks to switch to datarows or datapages locking. If you do this make sure to gather new stats on the tables and recreate indexes, views, stored procedures and triggers that access the tables that are changed. If you don't you will either get errors or not see the full benefits of the change depending on which ones are not recreated.
I have a set of long term apps which occasionally over lap table access and sybase will throw this error. If you check the sybase server log it will give you the complete info on why it happened. Like: The sql that was involved the two processes trying to get a lock. Usually one trying to read and the other doing something like a delete. In my case the apps are running in separate JVMs, so can't sychronize just have to clean up periodically.
Assuming that your tables are properly indexed (and that you are actually using those indexes - always worth checking via the query plan) you could try breaking the component parts of the SP down and wrapping them in separate transactions so that each unit of work is completed before the next one starts.
begin transaction
update mytable1
set mycolumn = "test"
where ID=1
commit transaction
begin transaction
insert into mytable2 (mycolumn) select mycolumn from mytable1 where ID = 1
commit transaction