Need to update application settings created by another user - facebook-javascript-sdk

A developer who is no longer on the project created the app/appid that our website currently uses to link with Facebook.
I would like to update settings on the app since we have re-branded / changed our domain name and I have no idea how to access it.
Just knowing how to send email to the email contact associated with the app would probably be helpful, but I would also like to know how to move the app from his account to mine.

There's no other option than to get him to add you as an admin for the app.


Add permission in the app in RingCentral production

We are working in RingCentral application and APIs with SMS and fax permissions.
The application recently moved to production from Sandbox environment.
We have now a requirement to add 2 additional permission ReadAccount, ReadContact in the app which was not added during sandbox testing.
How can we do that? I don't see any option to modify the app. Is there any way we can modify the existing app?
As per I know once your app is in production, you cannot change anything.
You need to ask for any help. Once they added the permission with your request (not sure if they do.. most probably they don't) you need to test again for that permission you acquired.
The official recommendation is to create a new app, add proper permissions and graduate it. So in that case you need to go through again.
As per the reference here
"You can clone the app, give it a new name or add a version to the new app name. Add the missing permissions and run test in the sandbox the same way as you did for the first app. Graduate your app and finally replace the client Id and secrete to use the new app. You can suspend the old app after that."
Similar question here:

GCM Config file and account required to create it

Have a question regaring GCM and the google-services.json file creation. When you go to the website trying to create this file, you need to crete or specify a project. I can't find anywhere if this project must be created from the Google account used to publish the application in Google Play or any Google account would do.
Any ideas?
All accounts used are developer accounts. Just want to understand if it is a requirement to use the same Google account for the app in Google Play.
If you have already added the project to your google publication list then it should be in the pull down list. if not then you need to create it from the dash board here
you will need to have a paid developer account to do this. Which ever account you are logged in as needs to have the project in the dash board otherwise you wont get access to it

GMail API - authorising a second email account

I am developing an app using VB.Net for accessing my GMail accounts. I was able to follow the steps given at .Net Quickstart and was able to able access one of my accounts. So whenever I run my app, it accesses my first gmail account automatically, which is fine. Now I would like to access my other gmail account using the same app. How to change the gmail account that is automatically accessed by my desktop app?
This is similar to this question, but I am not able to understand the answer provided there
Thanks in advance for your answers
Before using your app, you need to log out of the default gmail account (i.e., first gmail account in your case). So I think you need to log out from that first gmail account, then log in with the second gmail account and try to sign in from your app. Hope this helps!
Finally I found out where the authorization information is stored. It is stored in Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData folder. A folder named Google.Apis.Auth is created under this folder and a new file with the authorization information is created under it (in my case it is C:\Users\myWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\Google.Apis.Auth). I deleted the file which was there, which had the token for my first gmail ID. When I ran my app again, it asked for user login and consent once again, at which point I provided details of my second gmail account. This pearl is available here

How can I change my windows 8 publisher display name?

I have a registered Windows 8 Developer account. I do not have any applications published or event sent for testing. Is it possible for me to change the publisher name I requested originally?
This is possible. From here:
The publisher display name is the name under which your apps are
listed in the Windows Store.
Note You can change this after you sign up, but, if you decide to do
this, you will need to modify that entry in your app's packages,
upload the updated packages, and then submit the apps for
certification again.
On this page, it also tells you how to change this info. To access your developer account info, sign into your developer account, go to your Windows Store Dashboard, and then click "Account" under Profile in the left menu.

How to Clear Live ID Cookies

So we are using ADFS in a public facing SharePoint 2010 site. One of the supported logins is via Live ID. We have found that if a user logs into Live ID site like Hotmail prior to reaching our site, the following happens:
Our site thinks that the user is not logged in because the ADFS LS cookie is not present
When we click on Sign In and ADFS redirects us to Live ID, the Live ID login process detects its cookie and automatically logs us in using the prior user's email. We actually want to use another email address.
Even if we clear our cookies, the above behavior persists
We have tried the following on Windows 7 successfully:
Clear the browser cookies
Delete all files from %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\
And then Live ID correctly asks the user to login.
However, the above folder does not exist in a Windows 8 computer where this behaviour can be reproduced in IE 10.
So I really need to know the name and location of the Live ID cookie so I can hunt for it and destroy it to get the sign in prompt.
The ideal solution is that ADFS destroy the cookies correctly. The ADFS team is building a diagnostic page to delete their cookies but I do not think they will be able to destroy the Live ID cookie as it is not from their domain. If I can find its location, we can live with manual instructions for now.
Found an answer. The trick is to go to and click on signout first and then go to the SharePoint application. Not the best solution, but it works.
Update Found an answer. The trick is to go to and click on signout first and then go to the SharePoint application. Not the best solution, but it works