the disk iops from scylla_setup iotune study my disk is different from fio test data - scylla

when use scylla_setup, iotune study my reuslt is:
Measuring sequential write bandwidth: 473 MB/s
Measuring sequential read bandwidth: 499 MB/s
Measuring random write IOPS: 1902 IOPS
Measuring random read IOPS: 1999 IOPS
iops is 1900-2000,
when use fio,
fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=/dev/sdc1 --bs=4k --iodepth=64 --size=4G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75
the result is
test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=11697: Wed Jun 26 08:58:13 2019
read: IOPS=47.6k, BW=186MiB/s (195MB/s)(3070MiB/16521msec)
bw ( KiB/s): min=187240, max=192136, per=100.00%, avg=190278.42, stdev=985.15, samples=33
iops : min=46810, max=48034, avg=47569.61, stdev=246.38, samples=33
write: IOPS=15.9k, BW=62.1MiB/s (65.1MB/s)(1026MiB/16521msec)
bw ( KiB/s): min=62656, max=65072, per=100.00%, avg=63591.52, stdev=590.96, samples=33
iops : min=15664, max=16268, avg=15897.88, stdev=147.74, samples=33
cpu : usr=4.82%, sys=12.81%, ctx=164053, majf=0, minf=23
IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=0.1%, 32=0.1%, >=64=100.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.1%, >=64=0.0%
issued rwt: total=785920,262656,0, short=0,0,0, dropped=0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=64
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: bw=186MiB/s (195MB/s), 186MiB/s-186MiB/s (195MB/s-195MB/s), io=3070MiB (3219MB), run=16521-16521msec
WRITE: bw=62.1MiB/s (65.1MB/s), 62.1MiB/s-62.1MiB/s (65.1MB/s-65.1MB/s), io=1026MiB (1076MB), run=16521-16521msec
Disk stats (read/write):
sdc: ios=780115/260679, merge=0/0, ticks=792798/230409, in_queue=1023170, util=99.47%
read iops is 46000 - 48000,write iops is 15000-16000

(NB: It looks like the questioner filed this as a Scylla Github issue too - )
[Why is] the disk iops from scylla_setup iotune [...] different from fio test data
Different benchmarks, different results:
Scylla may have been using a much bigger block size (e.g. 64k) per I/O (this is likely the biggest factor). As you make the block size bigger (up to some maximum due to diminishing returns) the bandwidth (i.e. total amount of data you can send in say a second) achieved with that block size goes up but the IOPS you get will typically down (you are sending more data per I/O after all). This is normal!
Scylla could be using buffered I/O (rather than direct I/O)
Scylla may have been benchmarking reads and writes separately
Scylla may have been using a bigger queue depth
Scylla may have been batching its submissions differently
Scylla may be writing a different type of data
And so on...
In general, it's very difficult to take benchmarks done with different tools and compare them directly to each other - you would need to know what they are doing under the hood for any comparison to be meaningful. Trying to look at IOPS or bandwidth in isolation without more context is meaningless as you typically trade one off against the other. It's better to use the same benchmark tool with identical options to compare two different machines changes or to measure the impact of tuning on the same machine.
TLDR; This is likely an apples to oranges comparison where the tools are measuring different contexts.
PS: gtod_reduce is a go faster stripe that very few people actually need. If your hardware isn't capable of doing gigabytes per second and you're not seeing your CPU maxed out it's unlikely reducing gettimeofday calls is going to nudge the result very much.
(This question might be more appropriate for Server Fault (and thus get better replies there) because it's not directly about programming)


BigQuery GUI - CPU Resource Limit

Is there a way to set the CPU Resource Limit on the BigQuery with Python and GUI?
I'm getting an error of:
Query exceeded resource limits. 2147706.163729571 CPU seconds were used, and this query must use less than 46300.0 CPU seconds.
Looking at the BigQuery's Python reference page:
It looks like there's:
1. maximum_billing_tier
2. maximum_bytes_billed
That can be set, but there is no CPU second options.
You cannot set anymore maximum_billing_tier - it is obsolete and as soon as you are lower than tier 100 you are billed as if it were 1. if you exceed 100 - query just failes.
As of CPU - check concept of slots
Maximum concurrent slots per project for on-demand pricing — 2,000
The default number of slots for on-demand queries is shared among all queries in a single project. As a rule, if you're processing less than 100 GB of queries at once, you're unlikely to be using all 2,000 slots.
To check how many slots you're using, see Monitoring BigQuery Using Stackdriver. If you need more than 2,000 slots, contact your sales representative to discuss whether flat-rate pricing meets your needs.
See more at

Aerospike %age of available write blocks is less when hard disk space is available

We found ourselves this problem. Config is as follows :-
Aerospike version : 3.14
Underlying hard disk : non-SSD
Variable Name Value
memory-size 5 GB
free-pct-memory 98 %
available_pct 4 %
max-void-time 0 millisec
stop-writes 0
stop-writes-pct 90 %
hwm-breached true
default-ttl 604,800 sec
max-ttl 315,360,000 sec
enable-xdr false
single-bin false
data-in-memory false
Can anybody please help us out with this ? What could be a potential reason for this ?
Aerospike only writes to free blocks. A block may contain any number of records that fit. If your write/update pattern is such that a block never falls below 50% active records(the default threshold for defragmenting: defrag-lwm-pct), then you have a bunch of "empty" space that can't be utilized. Read more about defrag in the managing storage page.
Recovering from this is much easier with a cluster that's not seeing any writes. You can increase defrag-lwm-pct, so that more blocks are eligible and gets defragmented.
Another cause could be just that the HDD isn't fast enough to keep up with defragmentation.
You can read more on possible resolutions in the Aerospike KB - Recovering from Available Percent Zero. Don't read past "Stop service on a node..."
You are basically not defragging your perisistence storage device (75GB per node). From the snapshot you have posted, you have about a million records on 3 nodes with 21 million expired. So looks like you are writing records with very short ttl and the defrag is unable to keep up.
Can you post the output of few lines when you are in this state of:
$ grep defrag /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log
$ grep thr_nsup /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log ?
What is your write/update load ? My suspicion is that you are only creating short ttl records and reading, not updating.
Depending on what you are doing, increasing defrag-lwm-pct may actually make things worse for you. I would also tweak nsup-delete-sleep from 100 microseconds default but it will depend on what your log greps above show. So post those, and lets see.
(Edit: Also, from the fact that you are not seeing evictions even though you are above the 50% HWM on persistence storage means your nsup thread is taking a very long time to run. That again points to nsup-delete-sleep value needing tuning for your set up.)

datastax : Spark job fails : Removing BlockManager with no recent heart beats

Im using datastax-4.6. I have created a cassandra table and stored 2crore records. Im trying to read the data using scala. The code works fine for few records but when i try to retrieve all 2crore records it displays me follwing error.
**WARN BlockManagerMasterActor: Removing BlockManager BlockManagerId(1,, 34224, 0) with no recent heart beats: 140948ms exceeds 45000ms
15/05/15 19:34:06 ERROR ConnectionManager: Corresponding SendingConnection to ConnectionManagerId(C15759,34224) not found**
Any help?
This problem is often tied to GC pressure
Tuning your Timeouts
Increase the so that Spark waits for the GC pause to end.
SPARK-734 recommends setting -Dspark.worker.timeout=30000 -Dspark.akka.timeout=30000 -Dspark.akka.retry.wait=30000 -Dspark.akka.frameSize=10000
Tuning your jobs for your JVM
spark.cassandra.input.split.size - will allow you to change the level of parallelization of your cassandra reads. Bigger split sizes mean that more data will have to reside in memory at the same time. and spark.shuffle.memoryFraction - amount of the heap that will be occupied by RDDs (as opposed to shuffle memory and spark overhead). If you aren't doing any shuffles, you could increase this value. The databricks guys say to make this similar in size to the size of your oldgen.
spark.executor.memory - Obviously this depends on your hardware. Per DataBricks you can do up to 55gb. Make sure to leave enough RAM for C* and for your OS and OS page cache. Remember that long GC pauses happen on larger heaps.
Out of curiosity, are you frequently going to be extracting your entire C* table with Spark? What's the use case?

Hadoop counters - tuning and optimization

I just wrote my first hadoop job. It processes many files and generates multipleoutput files for each input file. I am running it on a two node cluster and it takes about 10 minutes for my largest input set. Looking at the counters below, what are the optimizations I can do to make it run faster? Are there any specific indicators which one should look for in these counters-
Version: 2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.1.2
Map task Capacity:20
Reduce task Capacity:20
Avg task per node:20
We can see here that most of data reduction happens in the map phase (number of map output bytes is much less then HDFS read bytes, The same about map input records - it is much lower then map input record). We also see that a lot of CPU time spent. We also see low number of shuffling bytes
So this job is:
a) A lot of data reduction is done on Map phase.
b) The job is CPU bound.
So I think code of mapper and reducer should be optimized. I/O probably is not important for this job.

SD driver - Write speed

We've been trying to figure out why we only achieve writing speed of ~53MBps on UHS104 cards that claim 90MBps.
Due to hardware constraints, clock frequency supplied to the card is only 148.5 MHz (instead of 208MHz).
Does that mean that we should achieve speed of (148.5 * 4)/8 = 74.25MBps?
Or is our caclulation wrong since it assumes that if card guarantees speed of 90MBps on frequency of 208MHz, then it should guarantee speed of 74.25MBps on frequency of 148.5?
The simplified physical layer spec states that for maximum performance you need to write full AU blocks - usually 2 or 4 MByte, otherwise the card will have to copy data around internally when writing across block boundaries. Unfortunately, most of the Speed Class Specification is missing in the 4.13 chapter.
The first AUs may have a different wear level strategy, as they are normally used for the FATs. This could make them slower to write to.