Notifying an instance as down using a ServiceCache in Curator - apache-curator

The documentation for Curator ( says:
If a particular instance has an I/O error, etc. you should call ServiceProvider.noteError() passing in the instance.
I am using a ServiceCache to get my instances, rather than a ServiceProvider (see Using selection strategies with a cache in Curator).
Where can I find the noteError() method here? I can't find it on the cache object

There is no noteError() on a ServiceCache, however as #Randgalt notes ( the best way is to not use a ServiceCache but rather just use ServiceProvider, because in the background that uses a cache anyway, and it has the noteError() method available. has been raised to make the documentation clearer


What is Materializer used for in Akka Http SingleRequest and Unmarshaling?

Generally the materializer is used to create Actors for the stream, and all the Akka Http documentation says one is required to make requests.
Seems like Http().singleRequest() doesn't require one. It seems to use the systemMaterializer
The only
place that requires it is the method, which uses it
only as a backup in case there is no implicit execution context
provided (it gets a backup execution context from the materializer)
So this leads to two questions
It is silly to create a materialized that will never be used just for the call. Is there a way around it? (Aside from creating my own Unmarshal)
How can I get singleRequest to use a custom executionContext/thread-pool?

How to intercept RavenDb Session.SaveChanges()

I am looking for a way to intercept Session.SaveChanges() so that I may execute some extra work using the same session instance (this is handy in some cases).
Edit: The point about re-using the session is that I have more work that needs to run in the same transaction.
I am already aware of (and make use of) IDocumentStoreListener - but this interface doesn't help because it does not give me access to the current session.
I can't find anything in RavenDb documentation about a way to intercept the call to SaveChanges and get a handle on the current session. Does anyone know of a way?
Open a new session it's free (in terms of performance), I think that IDocumentStoreListener has been thought for what you're looking for. I don't know other that works as you say.
void AfterStore(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata);
you have all the information about the stored entity and then you can do what you need

Scoped properties for Application Insights

I would like to know if there is an elegant way to add scoped properties to Application Insights, something similar to Serilog:
var yearEnricher = new PropertyEnricher("Year", year);
using (LogContext.PushProperties(yearEnricher))
// ...
In the previous example every log created within the using block will have the property Year stamped on it.
I figured out how to do this when I want the property to be present within the whole request pipeline:
var requestTelemetry = context.Features.Get<RequestTelemetry>();
requestTelemetry?.Properties.Add(propertyName, propertyValue.ToString());
Sometimes I want to create a logging scope in code that is not related to the web context so it doesn't make sense to rely on the IHttpContextAccessor. I acknowledge I could leverage OperationTelemetry and TelemetryClient.StartOperation to achieve my goal but it is cumbersome as I've to implement a few properties in which I've no interest (such as Name, Success, Duration...).
Is there a better way than relying on OperationTelemetry?
If you don't want to use OperationTelemetry, you might want to look into implementing your own ITelemetryInitializer (see documentation here).
It should be fairly easy to implement a stack-like global structure to hold the properties you want to push, and pop the stack on your Dispose method.
Note that you'll probably need to utilize CallContext in order for your stacks to be thread safe.

Changing Mule Flow Threading Profile at runtime

I have a requirement in hand where I need to change the Mule Flow Threading Behavior at runtime without the need of bouncing the whole Mule Container. I figured out few different ways to achieve this, but none of them are working.
I tried accessing the Mule Context Registry and from there I was trying to do a lookup of "FlowConstructLifecycleManager" Object so that I can tap in there and access the threading profile of the object and reset those values, then stop and start the flow programmatically in order to get the change applied in the flow. I am stuck in this approach as I was unable to get hold of the FlowConstructLifecycleManager Object neither from the Mule Spring Registry nor from the Transient Registry. I was able to get hold of the Flow object though which has a direct reference to that FlowConstructLifecycleManager Object. But, unfortunately, they made this object as protected and didn't expose any method for us to access this object.
Since I was unable to access this FlowConstructLifecycleManager directly from Mule implemented Flow class, I decided to extend this Flow class and just add another public method to it so that I can access FlowConstructLifecycleManager object from Flow object programmatically. But, I am stuck in this approach as well as even if I am putting my version of the same Flow class packaged and dropped in lib/user folder of the container, it is still not picking up my version of the class, and loading the original version instead.
It would be of great help if I can get any pointer on the approach of solving either my first or second problem.
Thanks in advance,
In our company, we are building a dashboard from where we should be able to start/stop any flow or change the processing power of any flow by increasing/ decreasing the active threads for a flow or changing the pollen polling frequency. All of these should be done at runtime without any server downtime.
Anyway, I made it working finally. I had to patch up the mule-core jar and expose few objects so that I can get to the thread profile object and tweak the values at runtime and stop/ start the flow to reflect the changes to take effect. I know this is little bit messy and but it works.

Media Foundation: another way to call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject?

Here is a question about IMFActivate::ActivateObject and IMFActivate::ShutdownObject in Media Foundation.
According to MSDN, the component that calls ActivateObject is responsible for calling ShutdownObject.
But there are two examples not following this rule:
In these two examples, they call ActivateObject and then release IMFActivate interface without calling ShutdownObject method.
This is going to lead to memory leaking, right? Or there is another way to release the resource occupied by the object?
(Can I use IMFMediaSource::Shutdown to release the object instead of using IMFActivate::ShutdownObject)
Thanks in advance.
You're right that you're supposed to call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject when you're done using the object you activated. However, notice that the sample in question is instantiating an IMFMediaSource to be returned in an out param.
HRESULT CreateVideoDeviceSource(IMFMediaSource **ppSource)
If CreateVideoDeviceSource were to do a ShutdownObject on the IMFMediaSource it instantiated and then hand it back to you, it would be in a shut-down state and therefore probably unusable.
To answer your question about what you're supposed to do about this, you can probably get away with a pMyMediaSource->Shutdown() after you're all done using it.
More info: IMFActivate's other use in Media Foundation is for allowing an MF object to be instantiated in a different process (useful because the MF Media Session will play DRM-protected content in a separate process); in that case, the MF Media Session will indeed call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject on any IMFActivates you gave it.