Send push notification using Expo - react-native

I am trying to send push notification using Expo, and I receive it. But there is no vibrate or sound and no pop up as well on my device. I am using Galaxy S9 with Android 9. I have not tried on Iphone yet.
Push notification is sent by nodejs and the user who installed the app will receive the push notification. User expo token is saved in firebase database. I succeed to save and fetch the token.
Below is from expo app
class App extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
async registerForPushNotificationsAsync(){
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
Notifications.createChannelAndroidAsync('chat-messages', {
name: 'Chat messages',
sound: true,
priority: 'high', // was max
vibrate: [0, 250, 250, 250],
if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status;
Below is from nodejs server-side
function sendMessage(to, title, body) {
const expo = new Expo();
let messages = [];
to, // Expo user token
data: { withSome: 'data' },
ios: {
sound: true
android: {
"channelId": "chat-messages" //and this
let chunks = expo.chunkPushNotifications(messages);
let tickets = [];
(async () => {
for (let chunk of chunks) {
try {
let ticketChunk = await expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync(chunk);
} catch (error) {
Also could we redirect to web page when user click the push notification?

I see three problems on your backend code ( expo push notification docs for reference
According to the docs, there should be no ios or android properties on the request body;
sound should be either 'default' or null, instead of true;
You created the notification channel on the device, but when you send the notification, you forgot to tell which channel you are sending to.
All that said, your code that calls the expo push notifications api should look something like this:
to, // Expo user token
title: 'some title', //it is good practice to send title, and it will look better
data: { withSome: 'data' },
priority: 'high', //to make sure notification is delivered as fast as possible. see documentation for more details
sound: true, //for iOS devices and android below 8.0
channelId: 'chat-messages', //for devices on android 8.0 and above
I hope this helps.


Invoke an app from the lock screen in react native

I added webRTC feature to make in app call using firebase and react native push notification. The problem is that the company wants the app to start and show the incoming call screen if the app is locked.
Is there any way to make this happen? And,Which resources I can use?
I am handling the background state using the setBackground handler provided from react-native-firebase, and the call is initialized by a push notification, which contains only data payload.
The handler is:
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async notification => {
let id = 1893950948;
console.log('#INITIAL ROUTE: ', notification);
if ( === __config.BRAND_PSN_CHANNELS.RTC_CALL) {
if ( === 'Incoming call') {
const {offer, name, sendingAgent} =;
title: 'Incoming call',
message: `${name} is calling you`,
data: {},
channelId: '2',
messageId: notification.messageId,
importance: 'max',
smallIcon: 'app_icon',
largeIcon: 'app_icon',
ongoing: true,
tag: 'call-user',
visibility: 'public',
actions: ['Answer', 'Decline'],
invokeApp: false,
priority: 'high',
// send the ringing event
to: sendingAgent,
// set the data to the local storage
const storedCall = {
// PushNotification.getDeliveredNotifications(notifications =>
// console.log(notifications),
// );
// set the data to the local storage
await AsyncStorage.setItem('storedCall', JSON.stringify(storedCall));
if ( === 'Missed Call') {
await AsyncStorage.removeItem('storedCall');
await AsyncStorage.removeItem('notification');
return Promise.resolve();

Can't get click_action to work on FCM notifications with web app / PWA

I'm trying to get my "click_action" to take users to specific URLs on notifications that I'm sending to clients, but whatever I do it either does nothing (desktop) or just opens the PWA (android). The messages are coming through fine (checked in Chrome console) but clicking just doesn't seem to work.
I have the following in my service worker, cribbed from various places including other answers provided on this site:
// importScripts('/__/firebase/init.js');
/* An empty service worker! */
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
/* An empty fetch handler! */
var firebaseConfig = {
// Initialize Firebase
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(function(payload) {
console.log('[firebase-messaging-sw.js] Received background message ', payload);
// Customize notification here
notificationTitle = payload.notification.title;
notificationOptions = {
body: payload.notification.body,
icon: payload.notification.icon,
click_action: payload.notification.click_action
return self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle,
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
let url = event.notification.click_action;
// I've also added a data.click_action field in my JSON notification, and have tried using that
// instead, but that didn't work either
console.log('On notification click: ', event.notification.tag);
event.notification.close(); // Android needs explicit close.
clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true, type: 'window' }).then( windowClients => {
// Check if there is already a window/tab open with the target URL
for (var i = 0; i < windowClients.length; i++) {
var client = windowClients[i];
// If so, just focus it.
if (client.url === url && 'focus' in client) {
return client.focus();
// If not, then open the target URL in a new window/tab.
if (clients.openWindow) {
return clients.openWindow(url);
self.onnotificationclick = function(event) {
let url = event.notification.click_action;
console.log('On notification click: ', event.notification.tag);
// This looks to see if the current is already open and
// focuses if it is
event.waitUntil(clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true, type: 'window' }).then(function(clientList) {
for (var i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) {
var client = clientList[i];
if (client.url == url && 'focus' in client)
return client.focus();
if (clients.openWindow)
return clients.openWindow(url);
The notifications come through fine on both android (installed PWA) and chrome, and the message payload in the developer console is well formatted and received fine. In the message I'm sending from the server I have a URL with a custom parameter on the end (e.g. https://[domain]/list.php?userid=123) but, as above, clicking on the notification doesn't do anything on windows/chrome, and on the android it opens the PWA successfully but then doesn't go to the URL in the payload, it just goes to wherever the PWA was when last open. The "userid" changes depending on the message trigger.
Sample JSON of message payload:
{data: {…}, from: "xxx", priority: "high", notification: {…}, collapse_key: "do_not_collapse"}
collapse_key: "do_not_collapse"
data: {gcm.notification.badge: "[logo URL]", click_action: "https://[URL]/list.php?userid=33"}
from: "xxx"
body: "'5' has just been added"
click_action: "https://[URL]/list.php?userid=33"
icon: "https://[logo URL]"
title: "alert "
I also saw something about "webpush": { "fcm_options": { "link": ""}} on but couldn't figure out if that was relevant or needed also.
Am very surprised just providing a URL in the click_action doesn't seem to just do that action when you click the notificaiton! Is anything needed in the service worker at all?!?!
Could one of the problems be that the PWA doesn't update the SW regularly, and so if my code above should work (a big if!) then i just need to wait for the SW to update on the installed android app? If so, is there a way to speed up its updating?!?
Thanks so much in advance for any assistance. Am tying myself in knots here!
I spent a lot of time looking for a solution for the same problem. Maybe this can help :
if you send notification with firebase messaging, you can use webpush field. firebase messaging client library execute self.registration.showNotification() ... No more need messaging.onBackgroundMessage in your service worker.
// firebabse-coud-function.js
webpush: {
notification: {
title: notification?.title || "Default title",
icon: notification?.icon || "/icon.png",
badge: notification?.icon || "/icon.png",
fcmOptions: {
link: `${BASE_URL || ""}${notification?.clickAction || "/"}`,
data: {
userID: notification.userID,
link: notification?.clickAction || "/",
Most importantly, in your service worker add a 'notificationclick' event listener before calling firebase.messaging()
so my service worker looks like:
// firebase-messaging-sw.js
// ...
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {
console.debug('SW notification click event', event)
const url = event.notification?.data?.FCM_MSG?.data?.link;
// ...
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
messaging.onBackgroundMessage(function (payload) {
// received others messages
For me, clicking on the event does not go to the correct url. So i add this:
// background client - service worker
const channel = new BroadcastChannel('sw-messages');
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {
console.debug('SW notification click event', event)
const url = event.notification?.data?.FCM_MSG?.data?.link;
type: 'notification_clicked',
data: {
title: event.notification.title,
clickAction: url
// foreground client
const channel = new BroadcastChannel('sw-messages');
channel.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
// go the page
I hope this helps someone.
This question and other answers seems to be related to the legacy FCM API, not the v1.
In those case, I needed the SW to open any url sent by FCM, which is by default not possible because host differs (see here).
Also, the notification object as changed, and the url for the webpush config is there now:
So adapting others answers to get the correct field and open the url by only editing the firebase-messaging-sw.js:
// Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in
// your app's Firebase config object.
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
// field from the FCM backend service goes there, but as the host differ, it not handled by Firebase JS Client sdk, so custom handling
if (event.notification && && && {
const url =;
self.clients.matchAll({type: 'window'}).then( windowClients => {
// Check if there is already a window/tab open with the target URL
for (var i = 0; i < windowClients.length; i++) {
var client = windowClients[i];
// If so, just focus it.
if (client.url === url && 'focus' in client) {
return client.focus();
// If not, then open the target URL in a new window/tab.
if (self.clients.openWindow) {
console.log("open window")
return self.clients.openWindow(url);
}, false);
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
(register the addEventListener before initializing messaging)
Just add addeventlistner notification click event before calling firebase.messaging()
Everything will work fine.
self.onnotificationclick = function(event) {
console.log('On notification click: ', event.notification.tag);
// This looks to see if the current is already open and
// focuses if it is
type: "window"
}).then(function(clientList) {
for (var i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) {
var client = clientList[i];
if (client.url == '/index' && 'focus' in client)
return client.focus();
if (clients.openWindow)
return clients.openWindow('/index');
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "xcxcxcxcxcxc",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "fdsfdsdfdf",
storageBucket: "dfsdfs",
messagingSenderId: "sdfsdfsdf",
appId: "sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf"
// Initialize Firebase
const messaging = firebase.messaging();

Correct setup with react-native-fcm

I feel like the docs at react-native-fcm are a bit of a mess and I am having a hard time figuring this out.
I currently have a production app and my android users are telling me they are not receiving notifications for events where they should be. So this is stressing me out a lot right now. On iOS everything seems fine.
In the react-native-fcm example app you can see the following:
//FCM.createNotificationChannel is mandatory for Android targeting >=8. Otherwise you won't see any notification
componentDidMount() {
id: 'default',
name: 'Default',
description: 'used for example',
priority: 'high'
Do I need to call FCM.createNotificationChannel()?? I mainly use remote notifications so is this relevant in any way?
Here is MY setup:
import FCM, {
} from 'react-native-fcm';
FCM.on(FCMEvent.Notification, async (notif) => {
// there are two parts of notif. notif.notification contains the notification payload, contains data payload
id: "new_message", // (optional for instant notification)
title: notif.fcm.title, // as FCM payload
body: notif.fcm.body, // as FCM payload (required)
sound: "default", // as FCM payload
priority: "high", // as FCM payload
click_action: "com.myapp.MyCategory", // as FCM payload - this is used as category identifier on iOS.
badge: 10, // as FCM payload IOS only, set 0 to clear badges
number: 10, // Android only
ticker: "My Notification Ticker", // Android only
auto_cancel: true, // Android only (default true)
large_icon: "ic_launcher", // Android only
icon: "ic_launcher", // as FCM payload, you can relace this with custom icon you put in mipmap
color: "blue", // Android only
vibrate: 300, // Android only default: 300, no vibration if you pass 0
wake_screen: true, // Android only, wake up screen when notification arrives
group: "group", // Android only
picture: "https://google.png", // Android only bigPicture style
ongoing: false, // Android only
my_custom_data:'my_custom_field_value', // extra data you want to throw
lights: true, // Android only, LED blinking (default false)
if(Platform.OS ==='ios'){
//iOS requires developers to call completionHandler to end notification process. If you do not call it your background remote notifications could be throttled, to read more about it see
//This library handles it for you automatically with default behavior (for remote notification, finish with NoData; for WillPresent, finish depend on "show_in_foreground"). However if you want to return different result, follow the following code to override
//notif._notificationType is available for iOS platfrom
case NotificationType.Remote:
notif.finish(RemoteNotificationResult.NewData) //other types available: RemoteNotificationResult.NewData, RemoteNotificationResult.ResultFailed
case NotificationType.NotificationResponse:
case NotificationType.WillPresent:
notif.finish(WillPresentNotificationResult.All) //other types available: WillPresentNotificationResult.None
FCM.on(FCMEvent.RefreshToken, (token) => {
try {
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
let updates = {};
updates[`/allUsers/serviceUsers/${currentUser.uid}/userInfo/fcmToken`] = token;
return firebase.database().ref().update(updates).catch(err => console.log('fcm refresh error', err))
} catch (e) {
console.log('couldnt update fcm refresh token', e)
const store = createStore(reducers, {}, applyMiddleware(ReduxThunk));
class App extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
let config = {configgg}
!firebase.apps.length ? firebase.initializeApp(config) :;
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
export default App;
I mainly use remote notifications and it is critical for my app for it to work. Is there anything I am missing in my setup?
Any hint or suggestions will help me out a lot! Thanks!
Found this in adb logcat when receiving a notification (that did not show up)
NotificationService: No Channel found for pkg=com.lisdoworker, channelId=null, id=0, tag=GCM-Notification:9015992, opPkg=com.lisdoworker, callingUid=10487, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10487, notification=Notification(channel=null pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)
Does this have to do with FCM.createNotificationChannel()??
Yeah, apparently createNotificationChannel was added in version 16 to support Android 8 and it is barely documented.

React-Native: Can't receive expo push notification on stand alone app

This is ss from standalone app, its gettings expo token but for some reason it wont show notifications
I can't receive push notification on my standalone apps and if someone else used the app from expo (not my phone) then he won't receive it either,
For some reason only i receive it ..that too on expo client and if i install the apk on my phone, then i get the error....
In these all situations the error is same,
"data": {
"status": "error",
"message": "SNS failed to send the notification (reason: EndpointDisabled, status code: 400).",
"details": {
"error": "DeviceNotRegistered",
"sns": {
"statusCode": 400,
"reason": "EndpointDisabled",
"__message": "Endpoint is disabled"
my notification js
import { Permissions, Notifications } from 'expo';
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
import axios from 'axios';
import {
} from '../actions/types';
const server = IUSTCONNECT_URL;
export default async function registerForPushNotificationsAsync() {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
// only ask if permissions have not already been determined, because
// iOS won't necessarily prompt the user a second time.
if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
// Android remote notification permissions are granted during the app
// install, so this will only ask on iOS
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status;
// Stop here if the user did not grant permissions
if (finalStatus !== 'granted') {
// Get the token that uniquely identifies this device
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
await AsyncStorage.setItem('notificationToken', token);
const adminFlag = await AsyncStorage.getItem('admin');
try {
const { data } = await`${server}/admin/app_bridge/user.php`, {
job: 'updateExpoToken',
admin: adminFlag,
token: token
if(data.trim() === 'success') {
console.log('expo push notification token sent:');
} else {
console.log('error sending notification token:');
} catch (e) {
and i am calling registerForPushNotificationsAsync() on my child tab,
Everything works well for my expo it doesn't...
Any help?
The issue is with the device. you can see in error DeviceNotRegistered.
see expo docs here.
DeviceNotRegistered: the device cannot receive push notifications
anymore and you should stop sending messages to the given Expo push
The problem is that in docs no information why this error is happening. Try with some other device's.
if you develop with firebase you need update your token, the steps are:
1 in your page of project firebase, select option setting.
2 navigate to option project settings.
3 select option cloud messasging.
4 on credetial of project copy the token.
5. in your terminal in root directory of project type:
expo push:android:upload --api-key <your token>
for more information visit
enter link description here
try send push notification Manually
enter link description here
i'm working with sdk 37.0.0

IOS Expo Push Notifications when app is in foreground

reading from the expo docs:
For iOS, you would be wise to handle push notifications that are
received while the app is foregrounded, because otherwise the user
will never see them. Notifications that arrive while the app are
foregrounded on iOS do not show up in the system notification list. A
common solution is to just show the notification manually. For
example, if you get a message on Messenger for iOS, have the app
foregrounded, but do not have that conversation open, you will see the
notification slide down from the top of the screen with a custom
notification UI.
What I don't understand is what is the best approach for that? is there an Expo API for showing such messages? or should I create an alert component of my own? It is not really clear from the docs.
This answer is outdated as of February 20, 2020. Please see for how to show iOS Notification when your application is in the Foreground
There isn't an Expo API for showing those messages. You can use any 'toast' library of your choosing and display the notification message, but that should be all your code.
For example, this is how we are doing right now:
export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
(notification) => this.handlePushNotification(notification),
handlePushNotification(notification) {
const { navigation } = this.props;
PushNotificationsService.handleNotification(notification, navigation);
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
export default class PushNotificationsService {
static handleNotification(notification, navigation) {
if ( && notification.origin === 'selected') {
Toast libraries include:
Now you can just add that in one of your app entry point. The shouldShowAlert is what you want here
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: false,
shouldSetBadge: false,
App.json :
"expo": {
"notification": {
"iosDisplayInForeground": true
I'm not sure exactly when this was added to Expo, but as of Expo version 36 is easily doable.
To show Expo Push Notifications on iOS when your app is in the foreground, please do the following:
import { Vibration } from "react-native";
import { Notifications } from "expo";
import * as Permissions from "expo-permissions";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async () => {
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(
finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
alert("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
console.log("Go to and copy the token below to easily send yourself a notification.");
console.warn("Notifications on iOS (and I believe Android) ONLY WORK ON A PHYSICAL DEVICE, not a simulator or emulator!!!")
this.setState({ expoPushToken: token });
} else {
alert("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");
componentDidMount() {
this._notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
_handleNotification = async notification => {
if (notification.remote) {
const notificationId = Notifications.presentLocalNotificationAsync({
title: "Follow #technoplato",
body: "To learn yourself goodly (also follow PewDiePie)",
ios: { _displayInForeground: true } // <-- HERE'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS
Quick and Easy Sanity Check
1) Go here:
2) Copy the token that is output to the terminal when your application is run.
3) Open your application on iOS.
4) Send a notification to yourself from and observe that it shows up even when your app is foregrounded.
Expo makes Notifications ridiculously easy. I honestly can't believe it.
No idea why displayInForeground is false by default and not more prominent in the documentation. I'll submit a PR for it if I can.
Code originally found at this Snack:
LocalNotification.ios._displayInForeground found here: