What is the default Ranger admin username and password for hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1 - ambari

I use hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1 and hortonworks/sandbox-proxy:1.0. as a docker containers. Tried to connect to ranger using admin/admin however without any success - The username or password you entered is incorrect.
Tried to change ranger password in the Ambari here - Ranger Admin user's password for Ambari and Ranger Admin user's password in the Advanced ranger-env part and was not able to login to the Ranger using new passwords. Now I also have Ranger Admin password check alert - User:admin credentials on Ambari UI are not in sync with Ranger
Please clarify the default username and password for Ranger or provide me with steps how can I change it.
P.S. have ranger access as a maria_dev user and can not logging to MySQL DB as a root to try to reset current Ranger password

The default password is hortonworks1.


Reset OpenStack admin password

I have installed openstack on my VM. I changed my admin password but I do not know it(I have generated via keepass, but forget to save it :( )
Now I want to change it.
stack#smaug:~/devstack$ openstack user password set --password somepassword admin
Could not recognize Fernet token (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-8ba5e9a3-f8df-4ef1-91ab-24e6da33ff8f)
Could you help me How to use Fernet token and How Can I change admin password?
Solved, Update:
source /opt/stack/devstack/openrc admin admin
openstack user set --password-prompt admin
Now I am able to login \o/

Password of rabbitmq system user

It's written in the documentation that RabbitMQ server
is set up to run as system user rabbitmq
What is the default password of the user?
Defaults :
Username: guest
Password: guest
There is no default password for a Linux user. The password can be set during account creation; if it isn't set, then it won't exist, and password auth is disabled for that user (/etc/shadow will show the password as '!!'). Without knowing the password (or it existing), it can only be changed/set by root.

Export pasword ldap (openldap) on liferay not working

I have configured liferay to authenticated to OpenLdap. Cas, import and export is activated.
User create from OpenLdap can authenticate to portal, also is imported into Liferay. It seems importing process is ok.
When user try to modify an attribute other than password the data is modified on OpenLdap.
The problem is when user try to modify their password. Liferay ask for current pass and the new one. It get a error saying credentials an incorrect.
If i try to modify the password of the user with a administrator user, Liferay only ask for the new password. After that, the user with de password changed by de admin user can log in with the new password. So, it seems password is modified correctly on OpenLdap. If user, try to modify again the password, Liferay say that everything was ok, but the user cannot autenticate with the new passord, only with old password.
After that if I try to change de password again with admin user, Liferay say that everthing was ok but the user now cannot authenticate with new password.
I'm using Liferay 6.2 ce.
I have modified :
on portal-setup-wizard.propertiesenter code here
Any Idea?
Thanks very much in advance.
with several values without success.
Compare is not a best practice for LDAP in general.
"Bind is preferred by most vendors so that you don't have to worry about encryption strategies."
Also there appears to be a bug in LifeRay that may affect your version.

Liferay and user password during the export into OpenLDAP

I have a question about Liferay.
I have configuate my system with Liferay + Jasig CAS Authentication and OpenLDAP.
I can authenticate my user correctly and I can import user account from LDAP (Ldap import).
I have also configurate the user export to OpenLDAP..so, now I can export an account when this will be create.
Infact I can see this new account in my OpenLDAP server.
When Liferay create a new account it generate a random password for this new account (for example 4hdsdsh) and the user receive an e-mail after the registration.
The problem is: I my OpenLDAP server this password does not seem to be equal to the one just generated by Liferay..
So, the new user will never be able to authenticate into my Liferay (because I use CAS + LDAP).
I also found a funny/strange thing: If I modify this new password in Liferay (using an administrator account) I see this password correctly into my OpenLDAP server and so, the user can finally log into my Liferay..
I am not sure but it seems while user registration it is just exporting the fields entered by user in registration screen and since the password is auto generated after registration, it is not exported to LDAP and might be blank till User has not updated his password by Logging in.
You can debug this class PortalLDAPExporterImpl.Java and also watch user detail in LDAP via jxplorer whats the password & user status as well. If password is blank you could extend class and your logic to pass auto generated or default password for first time case.
This is a bug of Liferay:
See following issue: https://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-43045

How to setup admin user with gitlab with LDAP authentication?

I've just setup gitlab, but I'm completely lost with regards to admin user. The wiki seems silent about this topic, and google hasn't been of help either.
So, how do I setup admin users with gitlab on LDAP authentication?
You can also set admin permissions to a user by doing something like this in the rails console:
User.find_by_email("user#example.org") do |i|
i.admin = true
This is what I did to make a LDAP (or Windows AD) user vikas as admin.
First login on GitLab portal and logout, then run the below commands.
gitlab-rails console production
u = User.where(id: 1).first
u.admin = true
After running the above commands, login again and now your will have admin privileges for vikas AD user.
Mine is a variant of the accepted answer but it's based on an example from the official documentation
From the command line of your gitlab server:
Open the gitlab rails console (I'm assuming here that you aren't logged in as root):
sudo gitlab-rails console production
Then type the following commands:
user = User.find_by(username: 'my_username')
user.admin = true
Close the console:
Update your gitlab server:
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
The file db/fixtures/production/001_admin.rb contains a user and password setup for administration, but you have to disable LDAP to login with it. Afterwards, if you have created a user by login in with LDAP, you can set it up to be an administrator and re-enable LDAP.
Hopefully, a more rational way exists...
There is a check box on web interface, if your GitLab username has admin access.
Login to GitLab, and in the context of Admin Area > Users > the.other.user > edit > Access > Access level, check "Admin".
I didn't try the Linux commands, because web GUI is more reliable. The official GitLab document about permission didn't include this setting, maybe it feels like intuitive.
Login to gitlab database and run:
update users set admin = 't' where email like 'xxxxx#xxxxx';