Gulp 4 watch all sass files, compile one - npm

My file structure is:
In my main.sass file, I'm importing all the other sass files:
#import "variables";
#import "containers";
#import "buttons";
In gulp I want to watch any changed scss file and compile only main.sass into main.css.
This is what I have:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
function styles() {
return gulp.src('sass/main.sass', {
sourcemaps: true
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
function watch() {'sass/**/*.sass', styles);
var build = gulp.parallel(styles, watch);
gulp.task('default', build);
The files are being watched but when I update one, the main.css file is not updated.

I believe one of your problems could be that you define a watching task via but its reference is lost and so it never gets called. However, I don't really understand what you try to achieve with the call to parallel(). I'm currently working on a similar use case with a build script like the following:
var gulp = require('gulp');
function styles() {
return gulp.src('...')
} ='...', styles);
This should be a minimal working example, just call gulp build.


Error when compiling Less in Gulp: `File not found with singular glob`

I'm working on a legacy site that has some pre-set-up Gulp commands.
I want to compile some .less files into .css. The existing script is as such:
gulp.task('less', function(){
return gulp.src('./src/css/less/app.less')
paths: [ path.join(__dirname, 'less', 'includes') ]
However, when I run this I get an error:
Error: File not found with singular glob: /src/css/less/app.less (if this was purposeful, use `allowEmpty` option)
I've checked all paths, all #import and directories and they're all ok.
I am using Gulp Local: 4.0.0, CLI: 2.3.0.
Would anyone know could be causing this?
Maybe later, but Gulp 4 has a new syntax for writing tasks.
Also, you have to fix the wrong path to the source file:
// gulpfile.js
const SRC = 'src';
const DIST = 'src';
function lessTask(cb) {
return src(SRC + '/less/app.less')
.pipe(dest(DIST + '/style.css'));
exports.default = series(lessTask);
# On terminal:

Need help in Optimizing my Gulp Task for SCSS compilation

I configured this Gulp task for my local project. It is perfectly watching my folders, compiling the SCSS files to CSS.
Only problem is that -
On an average my Gulp Task runs 'sass' task around 6 times in a second, whether I make any change in code or not. It keeps on running like this redundantly even after closing the IDE (SublimeText). I feel like it might not be a good practice and also compromising my machine's performance.
Here's my Gulp code:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
gulp.task('sass', function(){
return gulp.src('compile/style.scss')
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'expanded',sourceComments: false}))
gulp.task('watch', function(){'compile/**/*', gulp.series('sass'));
gulp.task('default', gulp.series('sass','watch'));
You are creating a loop because of these two lines:
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('../../../compile')) // saving to compile
gulp.task('watch', function(){'compile/**/*', gulp.series('sass')); // watching compile
So your sass task runs , writes to the compile folder which the watch sees has changed and it fires the sass task again, over and over.
Save your sourcemaps somewhere that isn't including in your watch folders.
gulp.task('sass', function(){
return gulp.src('compile/style.scss')
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
.pipe(sass()) // delete this, no need for two sass pipes
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'expanded',sourceComments: false}))

how to override vue cli-service entry settings

I'm trying to integrate a vue project that I built with the vue cli into an existing .net app. I'm very new to vue, so I'm trying to follow guides and such, but am left with lots of questions.
While trying to compile this, I found that the vue cli-service node module has the following for setting the main.js file located in it's base.js file.
.filename(isLegacyBundle ? '[name]-legacy.js' : '[name].js')
I need to override this since my .net app doesn't have a src directory and the usage of this vue app won't follow that path structure. I'm not seeing a way to do it in my vue.config.js file. I would expect that if I can override it, that would be the spot.
I could overwrite the base.js file where this exists, but when a co-worker runs npm install, they would get the default value rather than what I have. The only option I see there is checking in all the node modules to git which we really don't want to do.
For anyone in a similar situation, I found what worked for me. It's not the ideal solution due to the fact that it forces you to build into a js folder. That resulted in the file being put in Scripts\build\vue\js. Would be nice to be able to just dump it in the vue folder, but at least this works. Code below.
module.exports = {
publicPath : "/",
outputDir: "Scripts/build/vue", //where to put the files
// Modify Webpack config
chainWebpack: config => {
// Not naming bundle 'app'
config.entryPoints.delete('app'); //removes what base.js added
// Overriding webpack config
configureWebpack: {
// Naming bundle 'bundleName'
entry: {
quote: './Scripts/Quote/index.js' //where to get the main vue app js file
optimization: {
splitChunks: false
filenameHashing: false,
pages: {
quoteApp: { //by using pages, it allowed me to name the output file quoteApp.js
entry: './Scripts/Quote/index.js',
filename: 'index.html'

Gulp watch tries but exits

I'm having an issue with Gulp I just simply want to process sass files, optimize images and watch changes on said sass files. For some reason it does run the sass and imagemin tasks correctly but then it tries to watch and after several seconds it jus exits gulp and I'm back a command line like if I manually stopped the tasks. I don't get any errors or warnings it just ends. This is the gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp'), //import gulp node package
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
imageMin = require('gulp-imagemin');
function errorLog(error){
gulp.task('sass', function(){
return gulp.src('scss/main.scss')
outputStyle: 'compressed'
}).on('error', errorLog))
gulp.task('imagemin', function(){
return gulp.src('img/*')
gulp.task('watch', function(){
return'scss/**/*.scss', ['sass']);
On command line this is all I see:
[14:02:44] Using gulpfile C:\project-path\gulpfile.js
[14:02:44] Starting 'sass'...
[14:02:44] Starting 'imagemin'...
[14:02:44] Starting 'watch'...
Then after approx. 20secs it exits gulp, I tried looking everywhere and use other post fixes and no luck.

GULP LESS Imports not working in gulp-less npm

Having used Gulp all the time for 2 last years, I've suddenly got a problem with the less file imports and just can not resolve it.
I've tried more then 5 combinations, such as from SmashingMagazine, from gulp-less homepage, etc... none worked for me.
The problem is (error log in console output):
C:\wamp\www\lumenframe>gulp less
[10:23:25] Using gulpfile C:\wamp\www\lumenframe\Gulpfile.js
[10:23:25] Starting 'less'...
Potentially unhandled rejection [2] '/bower_components/animate.css/animate.css' wasn't found. Tried - /bower_components/animate.css/animate.c
.css,bower_components\font-awesome\less\bower_components\animate.css\animate.css in file C:\wamp\www\lumenframe\bower_components\assets\l
ess\appstrap.less line no. 43
Gulpfile.js looks like this:
// Init Gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Dependencies
var less = require('gulp-less'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-uglify');
// Folder paths
var jsdir = './bower_components/assets/js/',
jspub = './public/assets/js/',
lessdir = './bower_components/assets/less/',
lesspub = './public/assets/css/';
// LESS compiler
gulp.task('less', function () {
return gulp.src(lessdir + 'frontend.less')
compress: true,
paths: [
.pipe(autoprefixer('last 10 versions', 'ie 9'))
// Concatenate and Minify JS
gulp.task('scripts', function () {
return gulp.src(jsdir + '*.js')
// Filewatcher for changes
gulp.task('watch', function () { + '*.js', ['scripts']); + '*.less', ['less']);
// Default Task combination
gulp.task('default', ['less', 'scripts', 'watch']);
All files are in their proper place, so they exists. And once I do #import appstrap.less, it comes out with the error **Potentially unhandled rejection [2].
frontend.less looks like this:
// Core source files of the whole frontend plugins
#import (once) "appstrap.less";
color: #ff0000;
display: block;
Any visible errors ?