Use a .dll-library in React Native - react-native

We plan to rewrite a app, which was developed with Xamarin previously with React Native. The Xamarin-app used a dll-library to connect and communicate with a hardware device through bluetooth.
Is it possible to use this .dll-library in the new React Native app? Can we wrap this .dll-library with a Native Module to use it in RN?
The app will be developed for iOS and Android – So, we have to wrap the dll for each operating system?


Can anyone embed Unity app in React Native project?

I have an augmented reality project. It will be a mobile app and I need to access the Unity app from within the app. Are there any react native libraries that you know are up-to-date?
There is webgl library for reactjs. But this library is not applicable for React Native.

How to attach external fingerprint scanner with USB in react native for android application?

I am working on an application related to attendance, where multiple employees can mark their attendance on a single android phone. I want to attach an external fingerprint scanner with USB. I am building my application in react native.
I got the solution in Java but I need the solution in react native.
I need the solution like this link but in react native.
You'll need to bridge between React Native (Javascript) and native (Java) code. The docs are pretty good and have specific examples for Android.
One approach would be to fork a react-native biometric integration library (for example and replace the underlying native (Java for android) implementation with the code that you found.

Is Viro -React app be independent appication?

I have a question: I'm going to develop an AR app with viro for react native.
Will I be able to publish the project without the Viro Media app that they're suggesting for development?
Of course, you can create an independent Viro app and build it either from Android Studio or by exploiting the React Native CLI, as it is described here.
Remember to use an ARCore supported device to access native modules and the AR functionalities.

Can I use components of a web app with a React Native app

I am trying to build an app in react native. The app was originally built in unity, but due to performance reasons. It was decided the app should be rebuilt in react native. The app currently has a web app also and I am wondering if there is a way when that the react native app can use some components from the web app.
I tried to google this problem, but I only find articles about using components between react native and react native web. I do not know what the web app was built with, but I am almost certain that it was not react native web.
What component are you trying to use?
Because if it's a pure unity I think there are some libraries who are not available on a mobile device, so you can't use it.
I have in mid some C++ libraries or third part one to use the sound.

How to detect if my library is running with React Native

I have a native library that can be used by react native app or traditional native app. Inside of my library, I want to check if this native library is running in react native environment or not.
Any one has suggestion?