How to detect if my library is running with React Native - react-native

I have a native library that can be used by react native app or traditional native app. Inside of my library, I want to check if this native library is running in react native environment or not.
Any one has suggestion?


Can I use Three.js in React Native for Desktop?

As I understand, React Three Fiber(R3F) supports React Native, but not sure if it works in the React Native for Desktop App. (R3F).
They uses expo-gl library, and the offical document of expo says that it supports android, ios, and web.
Does this mean that I cannot use R3F in React Native for Desktop (Windows, macOS)?
I've tried to initiate the React Native for Desktop app and tried to install three, R3F, and, expo-gl and run, but it didn't work.

What are the steps to publish a react native library with native codes (Java and Objective C)

I want to publish a react native library to npm with native codes (Java and Objective C). I have created a react native app and the native modules and native UI components are working fine in the app but I don't know how to publish my code as a react native library.
If you have completed all the tests, you can do this with a simple library.
that is create-react-native-library
This is shown in the official document of react-native.
You can also use create-react-native-module, a library with multiple added functions based on react-native-create-library

Use a .dll-library in React Native

We plan to rewrite a app, which was developed with Xamarin previously with React Native. The Xamarin-app used a dll-library to connect and communicate with a hardware device through bluetooth.
Is it possible to use this .dll-library in the new React Native app? Can we wrap this .dll-library with a Native Module to use it in RN?
The app will be developed for iOS and Android – So, we have to wrap the dll for each operating system?

Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?

Basically the title says all - Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?
Background - there is a react native app and there are some bugs and I would like to export the react native code to their native app code (ios and android) which I can fix them in native apps.
No. The React Native JavaScript is never translated into Swift or Java code and then compiled - it runs within the Safari or Chrome JavaScript engines. See here for more details.
However, as its name implies, React Native does rely on native code for more complex operations. If the bugs are in those npm modules you might be able to fix them there.

how to use use android library in react native?

How to use android third party library in react native to test its UI in react native.The 3rd party library is related to recyclerview which forms recyclerViewPager. Now, will it be a native UI compenent or native Module??