SQL SSMS 2017 Detailed result - sql

I´m a bit newbie to SQL, so I want to ask for possible solution how to create a query which will show the desired results.
There´s a table where are the data coming continuously from one main PLC so everything is gathered in 1 table. There are a bunch of data per 1 shift (about half million). In column "Op" are the machines represented by their IDs (Op = ID of machine). Machines are about from 1 to 218. Every machine has it´s their cycle times divided into starting process (T1), duration (T2), end process(T3) and Result. The "Result" can be interpreted as 0 - as OK, 1 - not OK, 2 - empty pallet, 3 - free flow of pallet. Those are the Results of what the PLCs are reporting directly into database´s table.
I have tried the basic statements to count these results for exact record states (0,1,2,3) and for exact machine. That´s OK but not the desired goal.
SELECT Count(*) as Result0
FROM PalletOperations
where Op = 1 and Result = 0
The expected result is to show a full list of every machines from 1 to 218 how many results were counted as 0, 1, 2 and 3. The other columns are not relevant for this time. The main goal is to show a result as every machine has its own row with the expected data of counted states result. If theres 218 machines, than I need to generate results of 218 machines separately from 1 to 218 in rows. Each row should contain the Op(name 1,2,3,4....218) with the columns of counted result for states 0,1,2,3 as mentioned above.
Any advice is welcome

I think you want conditional aggregation:
SUM(CASE WHEN Result = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as result_0,
SUM(CASE WHEN Result = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as result_1,
SUM(CASE WHEN Result = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as result_2,
SUM(CASE WHEN Result = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as result_3
FROM PalletOperations

you can use the below sql statement to get count of results per machine per result
SELECT op,Result, count(*)
FROM PalletOperations
GROUP BY op,Result;


Max match same numbers from each row

To generate 1mln rows of report with the below mentioned script is taking almost 2 days so, really appreciate if somebody could help me with different script which the report can be generated within 10-15mins please.
The requirement of the report is as following;
Table “cover” contains 5mln rows & 6 columns of data and likewise table “data” contains 500,000 rows and 6 columns.
So, each numbers of the rows in table cover has to go through table date and provide the maximum matches.
For instance, as mentioned on the below tables, there could be 3 matches in row #1, 2 matches in row #2 and 5 matches in row #3 so the script has to select the max selection which is 5 in row #3.
Sample table
UPDATE public.cover_sheet AS fc
SET maxmatch = (SELECT MAX(tmp.mtch)
(SELECT CASE WHEN fc.b=drwo.b THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
(SELECT CASE WHEN fc.c=drwo.c THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
(SELECT CASE WHEN fc.d=drwo.d THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
(SELECT CASE WHEN fc.e=drwo.e THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
(SELECT CASE WHEN fc.f=drwo.f THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS mtch
FROM public.data AS drwo
) AS tmp)
WHERE fc.code>0;
FROM public.cover_sheet AS fc
WHERE fc.maxmatch>0;
As #a_horse_with_no_name mentioned in the comment to the question, your question is not clear...
Seems, you want to get the number of records which 6 fields from both tables are equal.
I'd suggest to:
reduce the number of select statements, then the speed of query execution will increase,
split your query into few smaller ones (good practice), to check your logic,
use join to get equal data, see: Visual Representation of SQL Joins
use subquery or cte to get result on which you'll be able to update table.
I think you want to get result as follow:
FROM public.cover_sheet AS fc INNER JOIN public.data AS drwo ON
fc.a=drwo.a AND fc.b=drwo.b AND fc.c=drwo.c AND fc.d=drwo.d AND fc.e=drwo.e AND fc.f=drwo.f
If i'm not wrong and above query is correct, the time of execution of above query will reduce to about 1-2 minutes.
Finally, update query may look like:
-- proper select statement here
UPDATE public.cover_sheet AS fc
SET maxmatch = qry.<fieldname>
FROM qry
WHERE fc.code>0 AND fc.<key> = qry.<key>;
I do not see your data and i know nothing about its structure, relationships, etc. So, you have to change above query to your needs.

How do I select this grouped data correctly?

First of all, sorry for the generic title, I don't know how exactly to word the question I have.
I am working with a legacy database and can't make changes to the schema, so I'm forced to work with what I've got.
Table setup (columns):
Id (a normal int id)
UniqueId (a column that holds the uniqueIds for each location)
status (a varchar column that can contain one of three status's, 'completed', 'failed', 'Attention')
Count (an int column that represents how many users fell into each status
Example data :
UniqueId Status Count
679FCE83-B245-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 completed 64
679FCE83-B245-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 Attention 1
679FCE83-B245-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 failed 101
4500990D-F516-E411-BB09-90B11C2CD708 completed 100
4500990D-F516-E411-BB09-90B11C2CD708 Attention 17
4500990D-F516-E411-BB09-90B11C2CD708 failed 516
557857BD-6B46-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 completed 67
557857BD-6B46-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 Attention 4
557857BD-6B46-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 failed 103
What I am trying to do is select all of the records, grouped by uniqueId, with a separate column for each of the status's containing their individual counts. The results would look something like this...
UniqueId, count(completed), count(failed), count(Attention)
679FCE83-B245-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 64 101 1
4500990D-F516-E411-BB09-90B11C2CD708 100 516 17
557857BD-6B46-E511-A42C-90B11C2CD708 67 103 4
I'm sure I'm missing something basic with this, but I can't seem to find the words to Google my way out of this one.
Could someone push me in the right direction?
You can use conditional aggregation:
select uniqueid,
sum(case when status = 'Completed' then count else 0 end) as completed,
sum(case when status = 'Failed' then count else 0 end) as failed,
sum(case when status = 'Attention' then count else 0 end) as attention
from t
group by uniqueid;

Solution for SQL conditional query

I've been tasked with coming up with a solution for a problem that was found this morning. I have a query that I need to do some math with. I have three pertinent columns.
I can see myself doing this in a loop easily in languages I know best. It doesn't seem that looping is a good thing to do in SQL based on some preliminary research so I am reaching out for suggestions.
I need to output a total value which is a conditional sum of lQ.[QUANTITY]. The condition is if oQ.[FORM_FACTOR_ID] is equal to 1 then the output for that particular row is equal to the value of lQ.[QUANTITY]. If oQ.[FORM_FACTOR_ID] is equal to 2 then if oQ.[INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGING] is true, then the output of that particular row in the query is equal to lQ.[QUANTITY]. If the value is false, then the output of that particular row in the query is divided by 2. The final output needs to be a single integer.
4 2 1
5 1 1
I would need a query that outputs the value 7 for the above table.
4 2 0
5 2 0
That same query needs to output 5 for the above table.
What would be the best way to go about doing this?
If I understand the question correctly, you just want conditional aggregation -- a CASE as an argument to SUM().
If I follow the logic, it would look like:

Converting Column Headers to Row elements

I have 2 tables I am combining and that works but I think I designed the second table wrong as I have a column for each item of what really is a multiple choice question. The query is this:
select Count(n.ID) as MemCount, u.Pay1Click, u.PayMailCC, u.PayMailCheck, u.PayPhoneACH, u.PayPhoneCC, u.PayWuFoo
from name as n inner join
UD_Demo_ORG as u on n.ID = u.ID
where n.MEMBER_TYPE like 'ORG_%' and n.CATEGORY not like '%_2' and
(u.Pay1Click = '1' or u.PayMailCC = '1' or u.PayMailCheck = '1' or u.PayPhoneACH = '1' or u.PayPhoneCC = '1' or u.PayWuFoo = '1')
group by u.Pay1Click, u.PayMailCC, u.PayMailCheck, u.PayPhoneACH, u.PayPhoneCC, u.PayWuFoo
The results come up like this:
Count Pay1Click PayMailCC PayMailCheck PayPhoneACH PayPhoneCC PayWuFoo
8 0 0 0 0 0 1
25 0 0 0 0 1 0
8 0 0 0 1 0 0
99 0 0 1 0 0 0
11 0 1 0 0 0 0
So the question is, how can I get this to 2 columns, Count and then the headers of the next 6 headers so the results look like this:
Count PaymentType
8 PayWuFoo
25 PayPhoneCC
8 PayPhoneACH
99 PayMailCheck
11 PayMailCC
Try this one
Select Count,
CASE WHEN Pay1Click=1 THEN 'Pay1Click'
PayMailCC=1 THEN ' PayMailCC'
PayMailCheck=1 THEN 'PayMailCheck'
PayPhoneACH=1 THEN 'PayPhoneACH'
PayPhoneCC=1 THEN 'PayPhoneCC'
PayWuFoo=1 THEN 'PayWuFoo'
END as PaymentType
FROM ......
I think indeed you made a mistake in the structure of the second table. Instead of creating a row for each multiple choice question, i would suggest transforming all those columns to a 'answer' column, so you would have the actual name of the alternative as the record in that column.
But for this, you have to change the structure of your tables, and change the way the table is populated. you should get the name of the alternative checked and put it into your table.
More on this, you could care for repetitive data in your table, so writing over and over again the same string could make your table grow larger.
if there are other things implied to the answer, other informations in the UD_Demo_ORG table, then you can normalize the table, creating a payment_dimension table or something like this, give your alternatives an ID such as
ID PaymentType OtherInfo(description, etc)...
1 PayWuFoo ...
2 PayPhoneCC ...
3 PayPhoneACH ...
4 PayMailCheck ...
5 PayMailCC ...
This is called a dimension table, and then in your records, you would have the ID of the payment type, and not the information you don't need.
So instead of a big result set, maybe you could simplify by much your query and have just
Count PaymentId
8 1
25 2
8 3
99 4
11 5
as a result set. it would make the query faster too, and if you need other information, you can then join the table and get it.
BUT if the only field you would have is the name, perhaps you could use the paymentType as the "id" in this case... just consider it. It is scalable if you separate to a dimension table.
Some references for further reading:
http://beginnersbook.com/2015/05/normalization-in-dbms/ "Normalization in DBMS"
http://searchdatamanagement.techtarget.com/answer/What-are-the-differences-between-fact-tables-and-dimension-tables-in-star-schemas "Differences between fact tables and dimensions tables"

Best way to count this Data

In short I have 2 tables:
UserID | Name
0 a
1 b
2 c
ToUser | Result
Etc, etc (i use a numerical referance for result in reality)
I have over 2 million records each detailing a call to a specific client. Currently I'm using Case statements to count each recurance of a particular result AFTER I have already done the quick total count:
COUNT(DISTINCT l_call_log.line_id),
COALESCE (SUM(CASE WHEN l_call_log.line_result = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END), 0) AS [Answered],
COALESCE (SUM(CASE WHEN l_call_log.line_result = 2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END), 0) AS [Engaged],
COALESCE (SUM(CASE WHEN l_call_log.line_result = 4 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END), 0) AS [Unanswered]
Am I doing 3 scans of the data after my inital total count? if so, is there a way I can do one sweep and count the calls as-per-result in one go?
This would take one full table scan.
EDIT: There's not enough information to answer; because the duplicate removal (DISTINCT) that I missed earlier, we can't tell what strategy that would be used.... especially without knowing the database engine.
In just about every major query engine, each aggregate function is executed per each column per each row, and it may use a cached result (such as COUNT(*) for example).
Is line_result indexed? If so, you could leverage a better query (GROUP BY + COUNT(*) to take advantage of index statistics, though I'm not sure if that's worthwhile depending on your other tables in the query.
There is the GROUP BY construction in SQL. Try:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l_call_log.line_id)
GROUP BY l_call_log.line_result
I would guess it's a table scan, since you don't have any depending subqueries. Run explain on the query to be sure.