"Directory name is invalid." etc. with rabbitmq-plugins on Windows - rabbitmq

I'm trying to get RabbitMQ going on Windows 10 by following these instructions.
However, when trying to enable the management plugin via powershell command:
./rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
I get the following:
The directory name is invalid.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Unsupported node name: hostname is invalid (possibly contains unsupported characters).
If using FQDN node names, use the -l / --longnames argument.
I've tried setting HOMEDRIVE=C: as the blog suggested.
What am I doing wrong?
Per the comment below I did the following:
PS C:\program files\rabbitmq server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.15\sbin> ./rabbitmq-service.bat stop
The directory name is invalid.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
The RabbitMQ service is stopping.
The RabbitMQ service was stopped successfully.
PS C:\program files\rabbitmq server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.15\sbin> ./rabbitmq-service.bat uninstall
The directory name is invalid.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Service control usage
rabbitmq-service help - Display this help
rabbitmq-service install - Install the RabbitMQ service
rabbitmq-service remove - Remove the RabbitMQ service
The following actions can also be accomplished by using
Windows Services Management Console (services.msc):
rabbitmq-service start - Start the RabbitMQ service
rabbitmq-service stop - Stop the RabbitMQ service
rabbitmq-service disable - Disable the RabbitMQ service
rabbitmq-service enable - Enable the RabbitMQ service
PS C:\program files\rabbitmq server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.15\sbin> set HOMEDRIVE=C:
PS C:\program files\rabbitmq server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.15\sbin> ./rabbitmq-service.bat install
The directory name is invalid.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
RabbitMQ service is already present - only updating service parameters
"WARNING: Using RABBITMQ_ADVANCED_CONFIG_FILE: C:\Users\Mj\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\advanced.config"
2019-06-14 10:55:09.630000
args: []
format: "Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent"
label: {error_logger,error_msg}
2019-06-14 10:55:09.630000 crash_report #{label=>{proc_lib,crash},report=>[[{initial_call,{auth,init,['Argument__1']}},{pid,<0.57.0>},{registered_name,[]},{error_info,{error,"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}},{ancestors,[net_sup,kernel_sup,<0.46.0>]},{message_queue_len,0},{messages,[]},{links,[<0.55.0>]},{dictionary,[]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,610},{stack_size,27},{reductions,1456}],[]]}
2019-06-14 10:55:09.635000 supervisor_report #{label=>{supervisor,start_error},report=>[{supervisor,{local,net_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reason,{"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{id,auth},{mfargs,{auth,start_link,[]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,2000},{child_type,worker}]}]}
2019-06-14 10:55:09.704000 supervisor_report #{label=>{supervisor,start_error},report=>[{supervisor,{local,kernel_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reason,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}}}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{id,net_sup},{mfargs,{erl_distribution,start_link,[]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,infinity},{child_type,supervisor}]}]}
2019-06-14 10:55:09.742000 crash_report #{label=>{proc_lib,crash},report=>[[{initial_call,{application_master,init,['Argument__1','Argument__2','Argument__3','Argument__4']}},{pid,<0.45.0>},{registered_name,[]},{error_info,{exit,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}},[{application_master,init,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,138}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}},{ancestors,[<0.44.0>]},{message_queue_len,1},{messages,[{'EXIT',<0.46.0>,normal}]},{links,[<0.44.0>,<0.43.0>]},{dictionary,[]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,987},{stack_size,27},{reductions,184}],[]]}
2019-06-14 10:55:09.789000 std_info #{label=>{application_controller,exit},report=>[{application,kernel},{exited,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}},{type,permanent}]}
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{\"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.erlang.cookie': enoent\",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,\"auth.erl\"},{line,286}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,\"auth.erl\"},{line,140}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,249}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Failed to create cookie file 'l:/.er
Crash dump is being written to: C:\Users\Mj\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log\erl_crash.dump...done

Seems that the Order at which the commands are ran Matters, this worked for me, shuffle them around
rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-service.bat stop
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start

Based off of the comment #LukeBakken made in the original question, I was able to get around this by creating a local admin user and doing the install under the local admin user. This was after hours of battling by setting the HOMEDRIVE, etc.

I solved this by following way :
1. Opened command prompt using administrative mode
2. Go to sbin directory. Execute command "SET HOMEDRIVE=C:"

Based on the comment from Luke Bakken, this is what worked for me:
Almost the same as his comment, but instead of uninstall I had to use remove. uninstall was not recognized.
"Log in as the admin user you installed RMQ with; Open the "RabbitMQ Command Prompt (sbin dir)" terminal, run:"
.\rabbitmq-service.bat stop
.\rabbitmq-service.bat remove
.\rabbitmq-service.bat install
.\rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
.\rabbitmq-service.bat start


FATA[0000] invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided

I'm running my minikube cluster in thw windows laptop computer and trying to setup argo workflows and argo-cli, I already installed the argo-workflow but when I try executing argo commands, it gives me an error :
FATA[0000] invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
But I see --kubeconfig flag can be used to configure this this setting in argo, I tried the following command to execute with --kubeconfig
argo version --kubeconfig "/mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/config"
Still I'm getting following error
FATA[0000] invalid configuration: [unable to read client-cert /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\profiles\minikube\client.crt for minikube due to open /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\profiles\minikube\client.crt: no such file or directory, unable to read client-key /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\profiles\minikube\client.key for minikube due to open /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\profiles\minikube\client.key: no such file or directory, unable to read certificate-authority /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\ca.crt for minikube due to open /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/C:\Users\madur\.minikube\ca.crt: no such file or directory]
My kubeconfig file is loacted at /mnt/c/Users/madur/.kube/config becauseI'm using WSL in windows.
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue ?
When using WSL, you should use the Linux filesystem for files.

RABBITMQ - Applying Plugin Failed

EDIT: After setting the rabbitmq variables up in System Environment Variables and trying another un/reinstall the issue is resolved.
The following plugins have been enabled: rabbitmq_shovel
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#MSGTEST01... started 1 plugin.
c:\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq_server-3.6.12\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins enable
rabbitmq_shovel rabbitmq_shovel_management Plugin configuration
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#M... failed. Error:
I set the following then reinstalled the service:
set RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=c:\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq
set RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE=c:\RabbitMQ\logs
set RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS_FILE=c:\RabbitMQ\enabled_plugins
Why is it still looking in my roaming profile for anything? Moreover, ENABLE~1 doesn't look like a valid filename.
I've tried blowing away my roaming profile data, RabbitMQ recreates the files.
I've tried copying my C:\RabbitMQ\enables_plugins to roaming, same thing.
Tried the reverse, same thing.
I've tried uninstalling and resintalling the service, same thing.
I'm able to enable the management ui after install, but not rabbitmq_shovel and cannot figure out what the issue is.
Again, this works after install:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
This fails with the error above:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel
I'm running these commands as Admin in CMD.
Set up the variables in System Environment Variables and perform the following in CMD as Admin:
rabbitmqctl shutdown
rabbitmqctl stop
rabbitmq-service.bat remove
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel
That worked for me.
I was able to fix the issue without having to uninstall RabbitMQ
Open the files named "enabled_plugins" at the two directory locations int he error your recived.  For me, those directories were "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ" and "C:\ProgramData\RabbitMQ".
For me, one file had:
while the other was empty.  I copied the config snippet above into the empty file and saved it.
Run the commands as ADMIN in Command Prompt:
rabbitmqctl shutdown
rabbitmqctl stop
rabbitmq-service.bat start
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
I did receive the same "enabled_plugins_mismatch" error; however, when I browsed to my RabbitMQ UI plugin at "http://localhost:15672/#/" the UI showed up and is functioning.

Redis as service fails with error code 87

I have installed Redis-64 using the chocolately package. When I try and install redis as a service on windows with command:
redis-server.exe --service-install
I get the following error:
# HandleServiceCommands: system error caught. error code=1073, message = CreateService failed: unknown error
I have also tried just executing the exe on its own, but get another different error:
# Creating Server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: No such file or directory
Has anyone else got this error before?
Go to redis path and then
1) C:\Program Files\Redis>redis.windows.conf it will open file
2) Change port to 16379(higher) then run
3) C:\Program Files\Redis>redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf
I had the same error when running the exe. (No such file or directory)
It worked when using a higher port in redis.windows.conf:
port 16379
and then run
c:\Program Files\Redis>redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf
What is meant by run
cd to c:\Program Files\Redis
run redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf on command prompt
Changing the port to higher has solved the error for me.
Change the port in two files
redis.windows-service.conf and redis.windows.conf
And then run
c:\Program Files\Redis>redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf
c:\Program Files\Redis>redis-server.exe redis.windows-service.conf
After run you can see below description
For me the default port was already in use. I checked this by:
Pressing Windows + R
Typing resmon.exe
Going to Network > Listening Ports
There I saw that I already had a redis process running on port 6379, so I:
Opened Task Manager
Found redis-server.exe
Right click > End task
You can also end the process by running redis-server --service-stop.
Then redis-server --service-start worked as expected, no need to change config files.

chef-server-ctl reconfigure fails because of RabbitMQ

According to the installation page on Opscode the install process of Chef Server 11 should be fairly easy. However, in my company, both me and a colleague of mine have run into the same problem when we tried to install Chef: running
$ sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure
would throw an error and stop:
"Error when reading /var/opt/chef-server/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie: eacces"
How can I fix this problem?
Check the user/group that owns the erlang.cookie file indicated in the error message.
The file should be owned by the user chef_server, so do
$ chown chef_server:chef_server erlang.cookie
in that directory.

"node with name "rabbit" already running", but also "unable to connect to node 'rabbit'"

Rabbitmq server does not start, saying it's already running:
$: rabbitmq-server
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
0 plugins activated:
node with name "rabbit" already running on "android-d1af002161676bee"
- nodes and their ports on android-d1af002161676bee: [{rabbit,52176},
- current node: 'rabbitmqprelaunch2254#android-d1af002161676bee'
- current node home dir: /Users/Jordan
- current node cookie hash: ZSx3slRJURGK/nHXDTBRqQ==
But, rabbitmqctl seems to think otherwise:
rabbitmqctl -n rabbit status
Status of node 'rabbit#android-d1af002161676bee' ...
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#android-d1af002161676bee': nodedown
- nodes and their ports on android-d1af002161676bee: [{rabbit,52176},
- current node: 'rabbitmqctl2462#android-d1af002161676bee'
- current node home dir: /Users/Jordan
- current node cookie hash: ZSx3slRJURGK/nHXDTBRqQ==
Any takers?
The rabbitmq server was running somewhere but it just couldn't be connected to.
One of the following will mention something about rabbits:
$: ps aux | grep epmd
$: ps aux | grep erl
Kill the process with kill -9 {pid of rabbitmq process}
i was having the same problem then I realized I was not issuing the right command.
./rabbitmqctl stop
this works everytime, although it does take down erlang runtime too. also mind where your config file.
I used rabbitmqctl stop and then restarted using rabbitmq-server as root.
This issue can be caused by two issues:
Rabbit is already running on the server. If that is the case, use the answer you found of killing the currently running process (ps aux | grep rabbit | grep -v grep)
You have changed the IP address of your machine but not changed the /etc/hosts file to reflect the new IP address of the machine.
The more common of the issues is the first, but the harder to find is the second (especially if you have rabbit running on the other machine. If rabbit is installed on the other machine it will look at the old IP address and would see another machine already running rabbitmq and give you the same error. This has caused me grief in the past.
I was having this same error # Win 7, but the solutions above did not worked for me, what did solved was to remove and reinstall the service. Using a console with admin rights:
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
I hope this might help someone else too
$CD RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.8\sbin
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
Go : windows Services
Find : RabbitMQ and Start it
after this Enable plugin :
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
In my case under Ubuntu 11.10 it helped to
#rabbitmqctl cluster MASTER SLAVE
#rabbitmqctl start_app
before I always got this error message...
Using admin console, in Win 2012R2 ver 3.5.5 rabbit, got it to work using the remove and install then rabbitmq-server restart
then ctr-c to terminate the job, then I was able to use the windows service console and start the rabbitMq service.
In my case(windows),
1. I just ran the stop service.
2. The started the service.