Could not find server error when parsing the import query - sql

I'm trying to create a new import SSIS package on my production server. I'm receiving an error that I didn't receive on my development server.
I'm using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard launched from within SSMS. I right-clicked the database I want to import data into, chose tasks, and then Import Data. I selected the data source using the SQL Server Native Client. Then I selected the destination, again using the SQL Server Native Client. The next screen I selected use a query. I imported the query that I used in my development system and just changed which database to look at. When I click on Parse I receive this message:
Deferred prepare could not be completed. Statement(s) could not be prepared. Could not find server '' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.
Source is on another machine, different SQL instance. Destination is the server that is showing up in the error message.
This is the query that is working in development, but not production:
#lasttran_num INT
#lasttran_num = last_tran
from DB01.ATR_App_plt2.dbo.lasttran_mst
where lasttran_mst.lasttran_key = 5000
select ID, CAST(Coil AS nvarchar(15)) as 'Lot', KgNetWt, TCode, TransactionDateTime
from Transactions trx
where trx.ID > #lasttran_num
I know this is working in development because I set up a job to run the SSIS package for 2 weeks. Checked it daily and it was, indeed, importing the new records.

The issue is 4-part name:
DB01 is SQL Server instance and most likely it is different on PROD env


SQL Azure Export Data-Tier Application & import into local SQL server

I have a SQL Azure database. I'm able to export the Database using Tasks > Export Data Tier Application. This is successful.
I then try to use Import Data Tier Application in my local SQL server and I get the following error:
Could not import package. Warning SQL0: A project which specifies
Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12 as the target platform may experience
compatibility issues with SQL Server 2008. Warning SQL72012: The
object [db_Data] exists in the target, but it will not be dropped even
though you selected the 'Generate drop statements for objects that are
in the target database but that are not in the source' check box.
Warning SQL72012: The object [db_Log] exists in the target, but it
will not be dropped even though you selected the 'Generate drop
statements for objects that are in the target database but that are
not in the source' check box. Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data
Provider: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near
'CREDENTIAL'. Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed
script: CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL [databasenameAzureStorageCredential]
I have SQL Server Management Studio 14.0.17289.0 and everything is up to date.
I have read different posts on Stack overflow and done some googling but unsure the best way to move forward. How can I solve this?
It seems like there is a compatibility mode differences in your local SQL server DB and Azure SQL server DB. Check your compatibility level and if it is mismatched here is the resource to solve that. The error was because you use SSMS version 'X' to generate the bacpac against Azure SQL version 'Y'. Try to generate the same bacpac using SSMS version 'Y' and it works for me.
Please download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio from here to have the best user experience with Azure SQL Database. SSMS v14 is too old. The current version of SSMS is v17.9.
Remove (drop) the database scoped credential named "databasenameAzureStorageCredential" before exporting the database. The following query should give you a list of credentials created.
SELECT * FROM sys.database_scoped_credentials
In general, you need to remove references to external sources before exporting your database.

select values ​from database to another with sql server

Hello I have to pass a select from a database that is on an ip address to another (identical) database that is on a completely different IP, below the query how to pass to make the switch?
Sql Code:
/*Insert into database with same name into same table addres::*/
Insert into
/* select from database address:*/
SELECT IdUtente,Longitudine,Latitudine,Stato,DataCreazione
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura
where DataCreazione>'2019-01-08 18:37:28.773'
Linked Server/ OpenQuery is the way to achieve this. have a look on this.
including parameters in OPENQUERY
If the data that's being imported isn't large and this won't be a reoccurring task a linked server would probably be the better option. Creating one through the SSMS GUI is easier if you haven't done this before, but an example of creating one using the SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER stored procedure through T-SQL is below. If your account doesn't have access to the other server the SP_ADDLINKEDSRVLOGIN stored procedure will need to be used to configure the linked server with an account that has the appropriate permissions on the source server, as well as database and any referenced objects. While using the linked server syntax (4 part name) is simpler and easier to read, I'd strongly recommend doing the insert with OPENQUERY instead if only one linked server will be used. This will execute the SQL on the source server, applying any filters there and only return the necessary rows, whereas the linked server syntax will return all the rows before performing the filtering. You can read more about the differences between the two here. You indicated the database name is the same on both servers, and this assumes the same for the table and schema names as well. Make sure to update these accordingly if they differ.
If a large volume of the data will imported or if this will be a regular process creating an SSIS package and setting this to run as a SQL Agent job will be the better approach. If you choose to go this route there are a number of things to consider, but the links below will help you get started. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is where the packages can be developed. While not necessary, executing the packages from the SSIS Catalog, SSISDB, will be much more beneficial than just the using the file system. Either an OLE DB or SQL Server Destination can be used since the table that's being loaded to is on SQL Server, however a SQL Server Destination can only be used on a local database.
Linked Server:
--Create linked server
--SQL product name and SQLNCLI11 provider for SQL Server
EXEC [MASTER].DBO.SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER #server = N'MyLinkedServer', #srvproduct=N'SQL',
#provider=N'SQLNCLI11', #datasrc=N'ServerIPAddress'
--OPENQUERY insert
INSERT INTO Quote.dbo.Marcatura (IdUtente, Longitudine, Latitudine, Stato, DataCreazione)
FROM OPENQUERY(MyLinkedServer, '
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura')
Execute SQL Task
Data Flow Task
OLE DB Source
OLE DB Destination
SQL Server Destination
SQL Server Agent SSIS Packages
SSIS solution
I think this requires a very simple SSIS package to be achieved:
Create two OLEDB Connection manager; one for each server
Add a data flow task
Inside the Data flow task addan OLEDB Source and OLEDB destination
In the OLEDB source ( connection manager) select SQL command as Access mode and use the following command:
SELECT IdUtente,Longitudine,Latitudine,Stato,DataCreazione
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura
where DataCreazione >'2019-01-08 18:37:28.773'
Map the source columns to the OLEDB destination ( connection manager)
Helpful links
Extract Data by Using the OLE DB Source
SSIS OLEDB Source to OLE DB Destination example

Run MS SQL server script on startup

I am trying to run an SQL script when I start (or restart) my windows 2012 R2 server instance (Google Cloud Server). I am doing so using an SQL script, a Batch-file and the task-scheduler.
For the sake of testing I have created a simple SQL-script that adds a datestamp to a table:
USE <Databasename>
INSERT INTO testingTable(time_Stamp)
SELECT * FROM testingTable
(where Databasename obviously contains the name of the specific database)
The batch-file looks as follows:
sqlcmd -S <servername> -i "C:\Temp\testQuery.sql" > C:\Temp\output.txt
I am outputting everything to a text-file. When I run the Batch-file the output looks fine: it prints a list with all the times I have run this SQL-query and saves it in the text-file.
I have scheduled this task to run on startup (following the steps here: I have tried a whole range of settings here but nothing seems to work, including the exact settings as highlighted in the forum.
When I now restart the server the output file shows the following error message:
Msg 904, Level 16, State 3, Server <servername>, Line 1
Database 7 cannot be autostarted during server shutdown or startup.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server <servername>, Line 2
Invalid object name 'testingTable'.
It seems like MS SQL does not allow scripts to be run before you log-in to one of the user accounts.
The problem really is that the actual SQL tasks that I want to run have to be run very early in the morning such that they are done when everyone arrives at the office. I have managed to automate the startup of the server using VMPower, but I can not automate logging in to one of the accounts.
I was hoping someone could give me some feedback on how to resolve this issue. Preferably I would want my current setup to work, but if anyone has an idea on how to automate logging in to an account on an existing google cloud server instance that would be really helpful as well.
Thank you,
SQL Server offers the system stored procedure sp_procoption which can be used to designate one or more stored procedures to automatically execute when the SQL Server service is started.
For instance, you may have an expensive query in your database which takes some time to run at first execution. Using sp_procoption, you could run this query at server startup to pre-compile the execution plan so one of your users does not become the unfortunate soul of being first to run this particular query. I've used this feature to set up the automatic execution of a Profiler server side trace which I've scripted. The scripted trace was made part of a stored procedure that was set to auto execute at server start up.
exec sp_procoption #ProcName = ['stored procedure name'],
#OptionName = 'STARTUP',
#OptionValue = [on|off]
Read more: Automatically Running Stored Procedures at SQL Server Startup.
For solution to MSSQL Docker image, see: SQL Server Docker container is stopping after setup.

T-SQL Script to copy data from one server to another?

Is it possible to copy data from one server to another using a T-SQL script? We have a code promotion process that makes using the import wizard less than optimal for our team so I am looking into a script I can simply have someone run in Management Studio that will do the trick.
First create a Linked Server to other server, then you can access the target server by 4 part Names, for example:
Insert into Server2.Database2.dbo.MapTable1 select * from table1
p.s you can add linked server by sp_addLinkedServer

How do you setup a linked server to an Oracle database on SQL 2000/2005?

I am able to create and execute a DTS package that copies tables from a remote Oracle database to a local SQL server, but want to setup the connection to the Oracle database as a linked server.
The DTS package currently uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle with the following properties:
Data Source: SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;uid=*UserName*;pwd=*UserPassword*;
Password: UserPassword
User ID: UserName
Allow saving password: true
How do I go about setting a linked server to an Oracle database using the data source defined above?
I was able to setup a linked server to a remote Oracle database, which ended up being a multi-step process:
Install Oracle ODBC drivers on SQL Server.
Create System DSN to Oracle database on SQL Server.
Create linked server on SQL server using System DSN.
Step 1: Install Oracle ODBC drivers on server
a. Download the necessary Oracle Instant Client packages: Basic, ODBC, and SQL*Plus (optional)
b. Unzip the packages to a local directory on the SQL server, typically C:\Oracle. This should result in a [directory] like C:\Oracle\instantclient_10_2, which will be the value of [directory] referenced in the rest of this answer.
c. Create a text file named tnsnames.ora within the instant client [directory] that contains the following:
OracleTnsName =
Note: Actual HOST, PORT, and SERVICE_NAME will vary based on Oracle server you are establishing a connection to. This information can often be found using the Oracle network client tools under the listeners.
The OracleTnsName can be any name you want to assign to the Oracle data source, and will be used when setting up the system DSN. You can also use the syntax above to define multiple TNS names in the same tnsnames.ora file if desired.
d. Add the [directory] to the system PATH environment variable.
e. Create a new system environment variable named TNS_Admin that has a value of [directory]
f. Execute the [directory]\odbc_install.exe utility to install the Oracle ODBC drivers.
g. It is recommended that you reboot the SQL server, but may not be necessary. Also, you may want to grant security permissions to this directory for the SQL server and SQL agent user identities.
Step 2: Create a System DNS that uses the Oracle ODBC driver
a. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool. [ Administrative Tools --> Data Sources (ODBC) ]
b. Select the System DSN tab and then select the Add button.
c. In the drivers list, select Oracle in instantclient {version}. (e.g. 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2') and then select Finish button.
d. Specify the following:
Data Source Name: {System DSN Name}
Description: {leave blank/empty}
TNS Service Name: should have the OracleTnsName you defined in the tnsnames.ora file listed, select it as the value.
User ID: {Oracle user name}
e. Select Test Connection button. You should be prompted to provide the {Oracle user password}. If all goes well the test will succeed.
Step 3: Create linked server in SQL to the Oracle database
Open a query window in SQL server and execute the following:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
#server = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#srvproduct = '{System DSN Name}'
,#provider = 'MSDASQL'
,#datasrc = '{System DSN Name}'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
#rmtsrvname = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#useself = 'False'
,#locallogin = NULL
,#rmtuser = '{Oracle User Name}'
,#rmtpassword = '{Oracle User Password}'
Note: The {Linked Server Name} can be anything you want to use when referencing the Oracle server, but the {System DNS Name} must match the name of the system DSN you created previously.
The {Oracle User Name} should be the same as the User ID used by the system DSN, and the {Oracle User Password} should be the same as you used to successfully test the ODBC connection. See KB 280106 for information on troubleshooting Oracle linked server issues.
Querying the Oracle linked server
You may use OPENQUERY to execute pass-through queries on the Oracle linked server, but be aware that for very large recordsets you may receive a ORA-01652 error message if you specify a ORDER BY clause in the pass-through query. Moving the ORDER BY clause from the pass-through query to the outer select statement solved this issue for me.
I had the same problem. I was on the phone with Microsoft for hours, and they did not have a solution. None of those "connection timeout" settings helped me.
To resolve it, I created a DTS job that runs a proc which only updates the time on one row, in one column, every two minutes. Then I setup a replication between SQL Server and Oracle, scheduled to replicate that single cell change, from SQL to Oracle, every 3 minutes. It keeps the connection alive!