Getting wrong data from relation - sql

I have 2 tables:
DesignGroup table:
| DesignGroupId | Name |
| 9D32C543-24EA-497E-918E-387C8A66BF1A | Group1 |
| 532C543E-24EA-497E-918E-387C8A66BF1A | Group2 |
Design table:
| DesignKey | Name | DesignGroupId |
| 1 | Design | 9D32C543-24EA-497E-918E-387C8A66BF1A |
| 2 | Design | 9D32C543-24EA-497E-918E-387C8A66BF1A |
| 3 | AnotherDesign | 532C543E-24EA-497E-918E-387C8A66BF1A |
As you can see multiple designs can have same DesignGroupId, So I make a query like:
DECLARE #DesignName VARCHAR(255) = 'Design'
[D].[Name] AS [Display],
[D].[DesignKey] AS [Value]
[Design] AS [D]
[DesignGroup] AS [DG] ON [D].[DesignGroupId] = [DG].[DesignGroupId]
[D].[Name], [D].[DesignKey];
My desire result of this, is get only one value one [Display] and one [Value] of each DesignGroupId, so my desire result there was:
| Display | Value |
| Design | 1 |
| AnotherDesign | 3 |
But I'm getting result foreach DesignKey like:
| Display | Value |
| Design | 1 |
| Design | 2 |
| AnotherDesign | 3 |
How can I solve this? Regards

I don't see why you need to join the tables.
The results you want depend only on the data from the table [Design].
So GROUP BY [Name] and get the minimum value of [DesignKey]:
[Name] AS [Display],
MIN([DesignKey]) AS [Value]
FROM [Design]
GROUP BY [Name];
But this will be fine if the table has only one value for DesignGroupId.
What do you need as a result for the other DesignGroupIds?
Maybe GROUP BY [DesignGroupId], [Name]:
[Name] AS [Display],
MIN([DesignKey]) AS [Value]
FROM [Design]
GROUP BY [DesignGroupId], [Name];

Is your objective to get the minimum DesignKey value for each Name (Display) and Group? You can wrap your result into a minimum value outer query:
[D].[Name] AS [Display],
[D].[DesignKey] AS [Value]
[Design] AS [D]
[DesignGroup] AS [DG] ON [D].[DesignGroupId] = [DG].[DesignGroupId]
[D].[Name], [D].[DesignKey])
GROUP BY Display;


Multiple queries resulting in minimum number of occurrences

I need to find the smallest number of documents retrieved by any subject based on exp_condition. Exp_condition from the subjects table contains a '1' and a '2' column.
Here are the tables:
subjects table:
| Field | Type |
| username | varchar(255) |
| user_type | varchar(10) |
| years | int |
| low_grade | int |
| high_grade | int |
| on_line | varchar(10) |
| on_line_sources | varchar(255) |
| location | varchar(5) |
| exp_condition | int |
tasks table:
| Field | Type |
| username | varchar(255) |
| task | varchar(5) |
| confidence | int |
| sim_helpd | int |
docs table:
| Field | Type |
| username | varchar(255) |
| task | varchar(5) |
| doc_type | varchar(10) |
| used_tool | int |
| relevant | int |
| motivational | int |
| concepts | int |
| background | int |
| grade_level | int |
| hands_on | int |
| attachments | int |
I'm able to generate the number of subjects and number of documents for both exp_condition values. I'm allowed to use multiple queries, but I'm not sure how.
Code for generating number of subjects for exp_condition 1 and 2:
select count(distinct(t2.username))
from tasks as t1
inner join subjects as t2
on t1.username = t2.username group by exp_condition;
Code for generating number of documents for exp_condition 1 and 2:
select count(*), exp_condition
from docs as t1
left join subjects as t2
on t1.username = t2.username
group by exp_condition;
Expected output: two separate numbers for smallest number of documents retrieved by any subject based on exp_condition.
Thanks in advance.
You can use a subquery or a CTE
SELECT exp_condition, MIN(A) as Tasks, MIN(B) as Docs FROM (
SELECT exp_condition, COUNT(DISTINCT t2.username) A, COUNT(DISTINCT (t3.username) B
FROM subjects s
LEFT JOIN tasks T2 ON s.username = t2.username
LEFT JOIN docs T3 ON s.username = t3.username
GROUP BY exp_condition
) A
GROUP BY ex_condition
SELECT exp_condition, COUNT(DISTINCT t2.username) A, COUNT(DISTINCT (t3.username) B
FROM subjects s
LEFT JOIN tasks T2 ON s.username = t2.username
LEFT JOIN docs T3 ON s.username = t3.username
GROUP BY exp_condition
SELECT exp_condition, MIN(A) as Tasks, MIN(B) as Docs
GROUP BY ex_condition

Get higest value of each relation

I have Project table, ProjectDesign Table and Design Table
So each project have multiple Designs and they are related by ProjectDesign table
Like this
Project Table
| ProjectKey | Name |
| 1 | Project1 |
| 2 | Project2 |
| 3 | Project3 |
ProjectDesign Table
| ProjectKey | DesignKey |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 1 | 4 |
| 1 | 5 |
Design Table
| DesignKey | Name |
| 1 | Key1 |
| 2 | Key2 |
| 3 | Key3 |
| 4 | Key4 |
| 5 | Key5 |
That I want to do is to select MAX designKey of each project. I try as:
SELECT MAX([PD].[DesignKey])
FROM [Project] AS [p]
INNER JOIN [ProjectDesign] AS [PD] ON [PD].[ProjectKey] = [P].[ProjectKey]
INNER JOIN [Design] AS [D] ON [PD].[DesignKey] = [D].[DesignKey]
But it only gets one value, and its the highest design key, but I want highest design key of each project. How can I achieve that?
You can simply do this:
SELECT [p].ProjectKey, max([PD].[DesignKey])
FROM [Project] AS [p]
INNER JOIN [ProjectDesign] AS [PD] ON [PD].[ProjectKey] = [P].[ProjectKey]
INNER JOIN [Design] AS [D] ON [PD].[DesignKey] = [D].[DesignKey]
group by [p].ProjectKey;
Only bridge table is enough for you to get this
SELECT ProjectKey, max(DesignKey)
From ProjectDesign
Group by ProjectKey
You can use GROUP BY or a Windowing function to do this -- here is how to do it with a windowing function:
FROM [Project] AS [p]
INNER JOIN [ProjectDesign] AS [PD] ON [PD].[ProjectKey] = [P].[ProjectKey]
INNER JOIN [Design] AS [D] ON [PD].[DesignKey] = [D].[DesignKey]

SQL select multiple values present in multiple columns

I have two tables DiagnosisCodes and DiagnosisConditions as shown below. I need to find the members(IDs) who have a combination of Hypertension and Diabetes. The problem here is the DiagnosisCodes are spread across 10 columns. How do I check if the member qualifies for both conditions
| ID | Diag1 | Diag2 | Diag3 | ... | Diag10 |
| A | 2502 | 2593 | NULL | ... | NULL |
| B | 2F93 | 2509 | 2593 | ... | NULL |
| C | C257 | 2509 | C6375 | ... | NULL |
| Code | Condition |
| 2502 | Hypertension |
| 2593 | Diabetes |
| 2509 | Diabetes |
| 2F93 | Hypertension |
| 2673 | HeartFailure |
Expected Result
| Members |
| A |
| B |
How do I query to check Mulitple values which are present in Multiple columns. Do you suggest to use EXISTS?
FROM diagnosiscodes
WHERE ( diag1, diag2...diag10 ) IN (SELECT code
FROM diagnosiscondition
WHERE condition IN ( 'Hypertension','Diabetes' )
I would do this using group by and having:
from diagnosiscodes dc join
diagnosiscondistions dcon
on dcon.code in (dc.diag1, dc.diag2, . . . )
group by id
having sum(case when dcon.condition = 'diabetes' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when dcon.condition = 'Hypertension' then 1 else 0 end) > 0;
Then, you should fix your data structure. Having separate columns with the same information distinguished by a number is usually a sign of a poor data structure. You should have a table, called somethhing like PatientDiagnoses with one row per patient and diagnosis.
Here is one way by unpivoting the data
FROM yourtable
CROSS apply (VALUES (Diag1),(Diag2),..(Diag10))tc(Diag)
FROM diagnosiscondition
WHERE condition IN ( 'Hypertension', 'Diabetes' ) group by code having count(distinct condition)=2)

how to bake in a record count in a sql query

I have a query that looks like this:
select id, extension, count(distinct(id)) from publicids group by id,extension;
This is what the results looks like:
id | extension | count
18459154909 | 12333 | 1
18459154909 | 9891114 | 1
18459154919 | 43244 | 1
18459154919 | 8776232 | 1
18766145025 | 12311 | 1
18766145025 | 1122111 | 1
18766145201 | 12422 | 1
18766145201 | 14141 | 1
But what I really want is for the results to look like this:
id | extension | count
18459154909 | 12333 | 2
18459154909 | 9891114 | 2
18459154919 | 43244 | 2
18459154919 | 8776232 | 2
18766145025 | 12311 | 2
18766145025 | 1122111 | 2
18766145201 | 12422 | 2
18766145201 | 14141 | 2
I'm trying to get the count field to show the total number of records that have the same id.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
I think you want to count distincts extentions, not ids.
Run this query:
select id
, extension
(select count(*) from publicids p1 where = ) distinct_id_count
from publicids p
group by id,extension;
This is more or less the same as Pastor's answer. Depending on what the optimizer does it might be faster with higher record count source tables.
select, p.extension, p2.id_count
from publicids p
inner join (
select id, count(*) as id_count
from publicids group by id
) as p2 on =

How to apply a SUM operation without grouping the results in SQL?

I have a table like this one:
| id | group | value |
| 1 | GROUP A | 0.641028 |
| 2 | GROUP B | 0.946927 |
| 3 | GROUP A | 0.811552 |
| 4 | GROUP C | 0.216978 |
| 5 | GROUP A | 0.650232 |
If I perform the following query:
SELECT `id`, SUM(`value`) AS `sum` FROM `test` GROUP BY `group`;
I, obviously, get:
| id | sum |
| 1 | 2.10281205177307 |
| 2 | 0.946927309036255 |
| 4 | 0.216977506875992 |
But I need a table like this one:
| id | sum |
| 1 | 2.10281205177307 |
| 2 | 0.946927309036255 |
| 3 | 2.10281205177307 |
| 4 | 0.216977506875992 |
| 5 | 2.10281205177307 |
Where summed rows are explicitly repeated.
Is there a way to obtain this result without using multiple (nested) queries?
IT would depend on your SQL server, in Postgres/Oracle I'd use Window Functions. In MySQL... not possible afaik.
Perhaps you can fake it like this:
SELECT, SUM(b.value) AS `sum`
FROM test AS a
JOIN test AS b ON a.`group` = b.`group`
GROUP BY, b.`group`;
No there isn't AFAIK. You will have to use a join like
SELECT t.`id`, tsum.sum AS `sum`
FROM `test` as t GROUP BY `group`
JOIN (SELECT `id`, SUM(`value`) AS `sum` FROM `test` GROUP BY `group`) AS tsum
ON =