glassfish server If you access the IP address directly, you do not know how to redirect it to the domain - glassfish

The application is running on the Payara server.
On the Grassfish server administrator screen, the domain is set to.
It can be accessed by the domain without any problem.
I have a question.
If you access the application from its IP address, you can connect without problems.
If you access the IP address directly, you do not know how to redirect it to the domain.
Could you help me?

You have to create an type A record DNS record which points your domain to your server's ip address.
You can change the records usually in some kind of admin gui at the provider where you registered the domain.


DNS: Do i need to create a DNS entry to represent each of my web applications running in a same windows server under IIS?

Updated the question:
Assume that i run several web applications in one windows server under IIS. As you know, for the several web applications to co-exist in IIS, i need to differentiate them using a hostname, ip address or port combinations. Assuming that i go with defining a hostname binding unique for each of the web applications, do i need to create a DNS entry for the hostnames to be resolved?
There are three different sites i host in IIS in the same windows server. I can not allocate different ip address to each of my dev sites so i chose to use unique host names for each of the sites thus
api - indicates it is a web api.
orders | catalog | products - indicate it is an application serving a business department.
dev - indicates it is my development site.
My organization has several domains such as,, and more like.
Assuming that my Dev servers are hosted in the domain. I should be able to request my hypothetical sites from within and also outside of the domain
right now, when i use the below urls, i am not able to hit the site within or outside the domain. Not even from the web server where the sites are hosted. I ask this question to several people and could not get a clear response.
DO i need to create DNS entries corresponding to the hostname IIS binding of each site in order to solve this issue?
What kind of setup i need to acheive this?
If you just want to access the website via your Active directory. I think you shouldn't include servername in your domain name.
Because in common AD DNS Forward Lookup Zone.
You should have a primary zone called Your web server will displayed as a HOST(A) Servername and its FQDN will be
Then you could create a CNAME and map it to your The FQDN should be
Finally you have to set the domain into IIS binding so that IIS can share 80 port for mutiple sites.
Since your cname will not be considered as a seperate website, you have to input FQDN instead of CNAME.
If you want to access the website from internet, then you may need to purchase public domain from domain provider and map it to your server's public IP address.

Apache2 server inaccessible from outside

I have a LAMP(ubuntu-16.04, PHP) setup and while using it I am able to access it from home network, (phones, etc.) but for others it says that the site can't be reached. I go to my page via my IP and have no problem reaching it. Are there any steps that I can do? I have tried running node.js as well and i have the same problem there.
There is probably a firewall between your home and the Internet. A firewall prevents connections from the Internet. In fact, some one else, in another home, might have a computer with the same IPv4 address as you have. To make your web server public, you need a public IP address (globally allocated uniquely to you) and you need to route that address to your webserver.
Use a webserver proxy service such as PageKite.
Alternatively method:
Your router most likely already has a public IPv4 address. On or or a comparable administration page (usually accessible using the user admin with the password admin, or with a user with the same name as your ISP and that same name as password) you can configure your server as a public web server.

iis 8 not accepting ip address as hostname

We are trying to specify IP address instead of hostname(eg: for WCF service hosted in IIS v8.0 on windows server 2012
This gives error saying special characters not allowed. Is this not allowed?
But it works fine when we specify IP address as host name in our local systems which runs IIS v7.5.
A hostname is not an IP address, therefore you can't specify it in the site bindings as a host name.
If you are trying to access a service on your local IIS machine, simply having the site binding present is enough, but you may want to bind it to a specific IP address (the IP address dropdown), or if you leave it as "All Unassigned" then the application will be available on all IPs registered with the server, on your chosen port.
If you are trying to access an app on another machine from yours, you can either get a DNS value added by your network admin, or change your HOSTS file (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS) and add in your own alias:
54.XXX.XXX.XXX myalias
Which means you should then be able to access http://myalias:8092/ from your browser.
Update The validation message is apparently by design:
Reading that article, I can now understand why you may want to use an IP address as a host-header, as it effectively allows you to route external IP address calls to your local machine without requirement of DNS changes. For what you need though, if the IP address is bound to an NIC on your local machine, just leave it blank as it will resolve locally anyway.
Check what you provided in Hosts file (C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc folder) in your local machine
For the above case you need to provide the hostname not ip address

Access website without Domain (Plesk Panel)

In Cpanel i can access a website without domain using http://IP/~username. Is there any similar way to access a website without domain which is hosted in Windows & Running with Plesk panel.?
most hosting provider set temporary url based on the server ip address and customized domain name
Any domain or server name followed by /~cpanelusername/ can be used to see that user's site. This will cause any domain on the server to show the site for the username. That's how cPanel setup works; so we can't prevent this method from showing someone else's site on your domain.
Hosting with Plesk 11
(Be sure to replace all of the above with the actual values and to have the dashes between the IP octets instead of dots.)
The IP address can be either the IP for the A record or the control panel, based on which one is actively pointing to the site as A records can direct a domain name to point to a different server.
The best way to find the temporary URL from your Plesk control panel is to do the following:
Click on the Web Sites and Domains tab.
Click on the Domain Name for the hosting settings.
In the hosting settings, look for the preview link. This will provide the proper temporary URL.
Hosting with Plesk 10
(Be sure to replace "serverIP", "cpanelusername" and "path_aka_document_root" with the actual values.)
Hosting with Plesk 11
(Be sure to replace all of the above with the actual values and to have the dashes between the IP octets instead of dots.)
Hosting with Plesk 10
(Be sure to replace "serverIP" and "" with the actual values.)
Hosting with Plesk 8 and 9
(Replace "ipaddress" with your server's IP address.)
You may configure fake domain name , reconfigure HOST file in your PC and access to the site .
In HOST file put the fake domain + IP of the server , do an F5 and with that fake domain you may be able to access to it .
in Plesk you unable to access website without domain.
But you can access live websites content via IP But need upload websites content in domain.
You can access your plesk panel without domain.
You need to known you ip address.
You can access pleak panel using ip with port.

How do I redirect a specific port for my subdomain to another IP address

Ok so I have a domain registered, for these purposes I will refer to it as
I also have Shared Hosting (just fyi) so I may be restricted in doing what I am planning.
So basically I have a sub-domain,, which points to a directory on the Host server showing basically a seperate website for this subdomain displaying information about it's corresponding gameserver.
Since it's about a gameserver, naturally I would want to also direct users to the gameserver's IP but I can't have it both to the Web Server and Game Server in the zone record as they are seperate IPs.
If the gameserver listens on.. let's say port 2400, then is it possible to have point to another IP (the gameserver's IP) while still retaining the Web Hosts IP on port 80.
I have a general idea of how to go about it but with the current Hosting Plan, restrictions may be preventing me.
Talking about DNS, it's not possible to use port (tcp or udp) information, as it handles only name/ip's (basicaly).
So, will always be resolved to the IP in the DNS database, regardless of the :port. Actualy, the :port is not part of the DNS name.
If all of your server will be HTTP servers and you have access to an Apache web servers, you can use something like proxy_pass.
You can take a look at this link