Using git-secret with git pre-commit not working - git-secret

When setting up pre-commit hook to call git secret hide in order to encrypt secret files on running commit to commit one or more changed files, the changed files are committed as expected but I am left with two new changed files which are not staged or committed .gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg and src/tokens.ts.secret with tokens file being my secret file. The secret file appears to be the new encrypted file but issue is that it is not being staged or committed. I am unsure of what my pre-commit file should look like, should it manually add/commit files - I wouldn't think so.
My pre-commit file looks like:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
echo "path $PATH"
git secret hide
Expected result is that these two files are staged and committed together with my commit.

Solution was to add the changed files after call secret hide in pre-commit file. This is what worked for me.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
echo "encrypting files"
git secret hide
git add .gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg
git add src/*.secret



Got the Git command "git log --format='%H' -1" in the settings of FILE_VERSION_FILTER and Doxywizard log also shows while building the specific git commit hash to every file. How can I use now the git commit hash in the comments of the specific files? Thanks!
Version: 1.9.3
Doxywizard gets every latest git commit hash from every file (see picture). I want to add this hash into the source file comments of specific functions as version number.
Something like: \version {latest git hash of this file}

Create repository in non-empty remote folder

It's been 14 years since I last worked with svn and appearently I have forgotten everything...
I have an existing web-project, consisting of a bunch of php, html, js and other files in a directory tree on a V-Server. Now I want to take these folders under version control and create a copy on my local machine using svn. So I installed subversion according to these instructions:
Using the already-present apache2.
But now I kinda hit a roadblock. If I try svnadmin create on the existing folder, it tells me that is is not empty and does nothing really. All the questions and answers I find here and elsewhere are either
a) focussing on an already existing folder on the local machine
b) assuming more prior knowledge than I have right now aka I don't understand them.
Is there a step-by-step guide for dummies anywhere on how to do this? Or can anyone tell me in laymans terms how to do this?
I can't believe this case never comes up or that it is really very complicated.
At the risk of failing to understand your exact needs, I think you can proceed as follows. I'll use this terms:
Code: it's the unversioned directory at V-Server where you currently have the bunch of php, html, js and other files
Repository: it's the first "special" directory you need to create in order to store your Subversion history and potentially share it with others. There must be one and there can only be one.
Working copy: it's the second "special" directory you need to create in order to work with your php, html, js... files once they are versioned and it'll be linked to a given path and revision of your repository. At a given time there can be zero, one or many of them.
Your code can become a working copy or not, that's up to you, but it can never become a repository:
$ svnadmin create /path/to/code
svnadmin: E200011: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E200011: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E200011: '/path/to/code' exists and is non-empty
Your repository requires an empty folder but it can be located anywhere you like, as long as you have access to it from the machine you're going to use in your daily work. Access means it's located in your PC (thus you use the file: protocol) or it's reachable through a server you've installed and configured (svn:, http: or https:).
$ svnadmin create /path/to/repo
$ 😎
Your working copies can be created wherever you need to work with your IDE. It can be an empty directory (the usual scenario) or a non-empty one. The checkout command retrieves your files from the repo and puts them in the working copy so, at a later stage, you're able to run a commit command to submit your new and changed files to the repository. As you can figure out it isn't a good idea to create a working copy in random directories because incoming files will mix with existing files. There's however a special situation when it can make sense: when the repository location is new and is still empty. In that case you can choose between two approaches:
If you want code to become a working copy, you can check out right into in and then make an initial commit to upload all files:
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo /path/to/code
Checked out revision 0.
$ svn add /path/to/code --force
A code/index.php
$ svn commit /path/to/code -m "Import existing codebase"
$ Adding /path/to/code/index.php
$ Transmitting file data .done
$ Committing transaction...
$ Committed revision 1.
If you don't care about code once it's stored in the repository or you want your working copy elsewhere, you can import your files from code and create a working copy in a fresh directory:
$ svn import /path/to/code file://path/to/repo -m "Import existing codebase"
Adding code/index.php
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1.
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo fresh
A fresh/index.php
Checked out revision 1.

How do I upload files to source?

I've switched to windows and am having a hard time using bitbucket with it.
Within the downloads menu you can add files but this is not added to source.
I've also tried using source tree (web application) but when I attempt to push the files they do not exist in my directory. Any idea how I can do this or a guide which explains how to upload files. It's been a number of years since I have used bitbucket on windows.
Bitbucket is simply a git provider. You'll have to use Git commands (or a GUI like Sourcetree, Gitkraken, etc.) to push (upload) your files to source.
A basic guide to working with Git can be found here.
Windows or Linux only you need a git console or git cli installed in your default cli.
First clone your repository to your local system. Go to your
bitbucket account and your repository need to be file uploaded. Copy
the git url command. Open git console and type the following command.
git clone "git URL"
Explore you repository and make changes. Like add file which you want to upload to it.
Go to your git console again and type the following commands.
git add .
git commit -m "commit message like - adding file"
git push origin master

Remove File from Repository without deleting local copy

How do I do this in Subclipse:
svn rm --keep-local file
This option is not exposed in Subclipse. So you have to stash the file somewhere and then delete it and commit it and put it back locally.

How to control file permissions in CVS repository?

Currently some users have their umask set in ways which result in execute permission on regular files, which I'd like to avoid.
Is there a way to force all files checked in to only be read with some exceptions?
What is the recommended way to handle this in CVS?
Cvs command option watch is also preventing file permissions to be restored. If watched, when file is checked out it will be read-only. From cvs man pages:
$ cvs watch --help_options
Usage: cvs watch {on|off|add|remove} [-lR] [-a <action>]... [<path>]...
on/off: turn on/off read-only checkouts of files
So, use cvs watch off filename to remove checkout from repository making it read only every time.
I am not sure if this is the best solution, but I would probably do something with the cvswrappers file in CVSROOT directory of the repo, using commitinfo, commitcheck and If you don't have, you can use something like this one:
There are quite a few examples on the web, so just search for those commit* files if you don't already have those in your repo.
Note that, as this post suggests, the permission is really set only during the first commit of a file, after that, you'd need to "manually" modify the permission on the repository itself.
How do I add execute permission to a file in CVS after it's already been checked in?
In, you can clear the exec permission using chmod ugo-x , before the file is committed for the first time.
This solution assumes you are using linux.