Pass info between tag helpers? -

I am writing a set of tag helpers that target, for example, <form> and <input> elements. I want to add a custom attribute to the <form> element, and retrieve the value of that attribute in the contained <input> element. So, if my HTML looks like this:
<form xx-value='123'>
<input asp-for='Something' />
then in my InputTagHelper I would want to retrieve the value 123 that was specified for the xx-value attribute.
Is there a designed-in way to pass data like this between tag helpers?
Consider the case where I have this markup:
<form xx-value='123'>
<input asp-for='Something' />
<input asp-for='SomethingElse' />
In this case, the first invocation of the InputTagHelper would get the value 123. But the second invocation of the InputTagHelper would get a value of 0 since its parent <form> tag didn't specify the magic xxx-value attribute.

The simple answer (which doesn't work for <form> and <input> tags - see blow) is for the "parent" tag helper to store the value in the context.Items dictionary and for the "child" tag helper(s) to retrieve the value from that same dictionary. A Google search for "child tag helper" yields many examples of this scheme.
The problem with this answer (in the context of the OP) is that, for some reason, the <form> tag helper executes after its child <input> tag helper. So, rather than receiving the value from the parent FormTagHelper, the InputTagHelper discovers that the context.Items dictionary is empty.
I created this SO post to ask about that weird behavior.


Vue - conditional attribute binding

I am making a form in a Vue component and would like to set the HTML attribute required to an input field based on the value I am having in an object property.
So, for the example, an object that has fields like this:
I need to a set the field to have required attribute in an input tag:
<input class="input is-large" :type="input.type" required>
And for the ones that don't have 1 as a value for that field I don't want a required attribute.
How can I do that in Vue?
You can do it like this:
<input class="input is-large" :type="input.type" :required="obj.required == 1">
Since your object's required property has 1 as a string not number I used == for comparison so that equality is tested after coercion

How to interpolate a variable into a nested component in Vue?

I have an app that has components nested inside. The app is called on the filter id. I have a data element named minTotalSpent. Currently, this contains "3" in the app. The first placement on the page displays appropriately. When I try to pass it in as a variable into vue-slider, however, it does not like it and throws an "invalid expression"warning on the counsel and does not respect the minimum.
<div id="filter">
<form id="search">
Search <input name="query" v-model="searchQuery">
<div class="filter-container-slider">
Just elaborating as per #thanksd's answer.
When using any component, over here vue-slider component, if you use v-min = "..." or :min = "...", the value of v-min or :min is in a javascript expression and you cannot use mustaches inside javascript expression.
And when it comes to html attributes like id on any element, you should be using v-bind.
<div v-bind:id="dynamicId"></div>
Read more about them here:

Using aurelia variable in html attributes

I want to dynamically set the input datetime step granularity using aurelia binding.
In my time.js:
timeStep = "1";
In my time.html:
The following works correctly:
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="1" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" >
However when I try to set the step using my variable - it doesn't seem to work:
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" >
You can see I have lost the seconds granularity. When I inspect the element, it comes out as:
<input type="datetime-local" value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" class="au-target" au-target-id="37">
Where timeStep should be "1".
To bind any HTML attribute to a property in your viewModel - you need to use .bind.
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step.bind="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom">
Aurelia will assume anything in a .bind attribute is a property of your viewModel class and bind them accordingly. You can use .bind on any (as far as I know) HTML attribute.

Problems with custom renderer and validation triggered in custom elements

I'm using aurelia-validation#1.0.0-beta.1.0.1.
My scenario is:
I've got a form which has a validation controller and validation rules
There is a containerless custom element in the form which wraps a password input, and exposes the current password as a bindable property
The validate binding behavior is used on the form's binding to this custom element property
The custom element also raises the blur event, so that the validation binding is triggered when the wrapped password input loses focus
The validation lifecycle is working as expected.
The problem I'm running into is with the custom renderer I'm using, which currently assumes the element it receives is the actual DOM input element so that a class can be applied to the input, and a sibling error element can be injected next to it, but here it's receiving the custom element that wraps the input, which can't be handled in the same manner because it's just a comment node in the DOM.
Is there a strategy or API in aurelia-validation that could solve this sort of problem? I'm stumped, and can't find much out there on working with custom elements within validation.
Here is the custom element template:
<div class="input-group -password">
<div class="input-toggle-wrapper">
<label for="password" class="-hidden" t="fields_Password"></label>
type="${isPasswordVisible ? 'text' : 'password'}"
blur.trigger="onInputBlur()" />
class="toggle ${isPasswordVisible ? '-show' : ''}"
I made it containerless because I don't want <password-box> emitted into the DOM as an outer element, as that breaks the current CSS rules for layout (and I don't want to change the CSS).
However if the custom element is containerless then I don't know how to access the first div inside the template using DOM navigation from the comment node that represents the custom element in the DOM.
Unfortunately, Aurelia team has identified this issue and (at least as of now) said they won't fix it.
There is a hacky workaround for the issue as follows:
if(element.nodeType === 8) {
element = this.getPreviusElementSibling(element)
If you add that within your render method for your renderer, it should work. Again, hacky, but it gets the job done in lieu of an official fix from the AU team.

Selenium problem locating by DOM

I'm trying to use the DOM to locate a form element in Selenium but I can't get it to work. Even if I use the example in the Selenium documentation it still fails, for example with this html...
<form id="loginForm">
<input name="username" type="text" />
<input name="password" type="password" />
<input name="continue" type="submit" value="Login" />
<input name="continue" type="button" value="Clear" />
and this command in the Selenium IDE...
with target...
I get [error] false in the log.
The 'getElementById' example in the documentation does work, but none of the others.
Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong here?
Not sure why it's not working (I can replicate the problem), but perhaps there's a better way to locate your target element? I would recommend locating by ID/name, falling back to CSS or XPath.
The format to locate a element is-
i) document.forms[index of the form].elements[index of the element]
index of the form = the index number (starting at 0) of the form with respect to the whole page, index of the element = the index number (starting at 0) of the element with respect to the whole form that contains it.
ii) document.forms[“name of the form”].elements[“name of the element”]
name of the form = the value of the name attribute of the form tag that contains the element you want to access, name of the element = the value of the name attribute of the element you wish to access
iii) document.getElementById(“id of the element”)
id of the element = this is the value of the ID attribute of the element to be accessed. This value should always be enclosed in a pair of parentheses (“”).
name = name of the element as defined by its ‘name’ attribute, index = an integer that indicates which element within getElementsByName’s array will be used.