julia: display the `catch` error in control flow - error-handling

Consider the following try/catch flow
function test(x)
try x^3
if x < 0; error("i only accept x >= 0"); end
return x^3
return abs(x)^3
How can I display the error message (and stack trace) in the case test(-2) # == 8? In this case I know the error, but if it's a more complicated function with asserts etc, I'd like to know what specifically failed.
Trying rethrow() needs to be done in the try-catch block, but I still want a return value.

You can save the Exception into a variable after writing the variable name of your choice right after catch. error creates an ErrorException. You can see the fields of this Exception using fieldnames(ErrorException). The msg field gives you the message you passed to error. Alternatively, you may use showerror method.
function test(x)
try x^3
if x < 0; error("i only accept x >= 0"); end
return x^3
catch e
showerror(stdout, e)
# or
For the stack trace, you may use stacktrace(catch_backtrace()). We pass catch_backtrace to stacktrace, because what we usually want is to obtain the stack trace of the context of the most recent exception and not the current context.


Can you retry a Zig function call when it returns an error?

Zig's documentation shows different methods of error handling including bubbling the error value up the call stack, catching the error and using a default value, panicking, etc.
I'm trying to figure out how to retry functions which provide error values.
For example, in the below snippet from ziglearn, is there a way to retry the nextLine function in the event that a user enters greater than 100 characters?
fn nextLine(reader: anytype, buffer: []u8) !?[]const u8 {
var line = (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(
)) orelse return null;
// trim annoying windows-only carriage return character
if (#import("builtin").os.tag == .windows) {
return std.mem.trimRight(u8, line, "\r");
} else {
return line;
test "read until next line" {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut();
const stdin = std.io.getStdIn();
try stdout.writeAll(
\\ Enter your name:
var buffer: [100]u8 = undefined;
const input = (try nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer)).?;
try stdout.writer().print(
"Your name is: \"{s}\"\n",
This should do what you want.
const input = while (true) {
const x = nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer) catch continue;
break x;
} else unreachable; // (see comment) fallback value could be an empty string maybe?
To break it down:
instead of try, you can use catch to do something in the case of an error, and we're restarting the loop in this case.
while loops can also be used as expressions and you can break from them with a value. they also need an else branch, in case the loop ends without breaking away from it. in our case this is impossible since we're going to loop forever until nextLine suceeds, but if we had another exit condition (like a limit on the number of retries), then we would need to provide a "fallback" value, instead of unreachable.
You can also make it a one-liner:
const input = while (true) break nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer) catch continue else unreachable;
Hopefully the new self-hosted compiler will be able to pick up on the fact that the else branch is not necessary, since we're going to either break with a value loop forever.

Is there a way to "catch" errors in GAP?

Suppose I'm using a package function f that takes a single argument x and performs some error checking on that argument. Like, is x of the right type? Etc. And if there is an error then f(x) throws an error with Error().
Is there an easy way to write a wrapper function fCatch around f to catch that error, and say return false if f(x) throws an error but true otherwise? The naïve way to accomplish this same effect would be to copy the code for f and change all the Error(...); lines into a return false; and set a return true; at the end, but it's bad form to duplicate all the error-checking code.
As per Alexander Konovalov's comment, the following works, except the Error(...) message that f(x) triggers still prints.
fCatch := function(x)
local result;
BreakOnError := false;
result := CALL_WITH_CATCH(f, [ x ])[1];;
BreakOnError := true;
return result;
A warning: the CALL_WITH_CATCH function, and any other function with an ALL CAPS name, is undocumented and intended to only be used internally in GAP.

How to correctly implement error handling?

I am calling a function fit_circle that may or may not call the MESSAGE procedure. fit_circle calls a function poly_fit that may call the MESSAGE procedure, but also occasionaly produces a math error (there is nothing I can do about this).
Is it possible to contruct an error handler that will take care of all of these scenarios without returning to the interactive prompt? I have tried the following:
FUNCTION arb_funct,circular_data
print, 'An Error Occured'
return, []
circle_fit_result = fit_circle(circular_data)
return, circle_fit_result
However the error handler never triggers. The documentation only seems to mention looking for error handlers defined in procedures.
Works for me. Here is my example code:
pro mg_error_demo_helper2
compile_opt strictarr
a = b
pro mg_error_demo_helper1
compile_opt strictarr
pro mg_error_demo
compile_opt strictarr
catch, error
if (error ne 0L) then begin
catch, /cancel
print, 'An error occurred'
When I run it, I get:
IDL> mg_error_demo
% Compiled module: MG_ERROR_DEMO.
error happened
IDL has three different types of "catchable" errors:
"Normal" Errors: These are the most common type of error to handle. They are thrown when message is called. Use catch or on_error to deal with them.
IO Errors: These happen when a conversion, disk read, memory, or other "IO" error occurs. Usually, these will also be caught by catch and on_error. When they aren't, use on_ioerror to deal with them.
Math Errors: These happen when you divide by 0, do certain math with NaN or infinity, etc. Deal with them using check_math and !except.
Here's an example of using all three in one program:
function arb_funct, circular_data
; handle normal errors
catch, error
if error ne 0 then begin
catch, /cancel
print, 'A normal error occured: ' + !error_state.msg
return, []
; handle IO errors
on_ioerror, arb_funct__ioerror
if 0B then begin
print, 'An IO error occured: ' + !error_state.msg
return, []
; clear math errors from previous routines
math_err = check_math(/print)
previous_except = !except
!except = 0
; do stuff
circle_fit_result = fit_circle(circular_data)
; handle math errors
math_err = check_math()
!except = previous_except
if math_err ne 0 then begin
print, 'A math error occured: ' + strtrim(math_err, 1)
return, []
; and finally return
return, circle_fit_result
Here is an example of to what I referred:
FUNCTION some_function
;; Error handling [put towards beginning of routine]
CATCH, error_status
IF (error_status NE 0) THEN BEGIN
;; Cancel error handler
;; Print error message
PRINT, 'Error index: ', error_status
PRINT, 'Error message: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG
;; Define return variable or how to handle error
;; --> I usually use a formatted output consistent with the expected
;; output, but here I will just use 0 for example.
dumb = 0
;; Return defined variable
;; Main body of routine
blah = 0
; blah
; blah
; blah
;; Return to user
Hope that helps...

Error Handling In Lua

I would like to do logic like:
local function create(...)
for k, v in ipairs{...} do
if k == "player" then
_player = v
if _player == nil then
**error**("It nil") -- stop running here and throw the error
Does Lua has anything like error function here?
Yes, there is, and its name is exactly error():
if _player == nil then
error("It nil") -- stop running here and throw the error
error() takes a string argument for error message and an optional argument for level, it terminates the program when called.

Why can't I use builtin for classes that overload subsref?

I would like to overload only one type of subsref calls (the '()' type) for a particular class and leave any other calls to Matlab's built in subsref -- specifically, I want Matlab to handle property/method access via the '.' type. But, it seems like Matlab's 'builtin' function doesn't work when subsref is overloaded in a class.
Consider this class:
classdef TestBuiltIn
testprop = 'This is the built in method';
function v = subsref(this, s)
disp('This is the overloaded method');
To use the overloaded subsref method, I do this:
t = TestBuiltIn;
>> This is the overloaded method
That's as expected. But now I want to call Matlab's built in subsref method. To make sure I'm doing things right, first I try out a similar call on a struct:
x.testprop = 'Accessed correctly';
s.type = '.';
s.subs = 'testprop';
builtin('subsref', x, s)
>> Accessed correctly
That's as expected as well. But, when I try the same method on TestBuiltIn:
builtin('subsref', t, s)
>> This is the overloaded method
...Matlab calls the overloaded method rather than the built in method. Why does Matlab call the overloaded method when I requested that it call the builtin method?
In response to #Andrew Janke's answer, that solution almost works but doesn't quite. Consider this class:
classdef TestIndexing
function this = TestIndexing(n)
if nargin==0
n = 1;
this.prop1 = n;
if n<2
this.child = TestIndexing(n+1);
this.child = ['child on instance ' num2str(n)];
function v = subsref(this, s)
if strcmp(s(1).type, '()')
v = 'overloaded method';
v = builtin('subsref', this, s);
All of this works:
t = TestIndexing;
>> overloaded method
>> 1
>> [TestIndexing instance]
>> 2
But this doesn't work; it uses the built in subsref for the child rather than the overloaded subsref:
>> [TestIndexing instance]
Note that the above behavior is inconsistent with both of these behaviors (which are as expected):
tc = t.child;
>> overloaded method
x.child = t.child;
>> overloaded method
It's possible, IIRC. To change () but not {} and '.', write your subsref method to pass those other cases along to the builtin subsref from within your overloaded subsref, instead of trying to explicitly call the builtin from outside.
function B = subsref(A, S)
% Handle the first indexing on your obj itself
switch S(1).type
case '()'
B = % ... do your custom "()" behavior ...
% Enable normal "." and "{}" behavior
B = builtin('subsref', A, S(1))
% Handle "chaining" (not sure this part is fully correct; it is tricky)
orig_B = B; % hold on to a copy for debugging purposes
if numel(S) > 1
B = subsref(B, S(2:end)); % regular call, not "builtin", to support overrides
(And if that builtin call doesn't work, you can just put in cases that use . and {} directly, because the subsref overload is ignored inside the class definition.)
To make it fully functional, you may need to change B to a varargout, and add chaining behavior in to the "()" case.
To expand on the explanation given on the Mathworks board, builtin only works from within an overloaded method to access the pre-existing (built in) method.
Overloading a method in Matlab effectively shadows the built in implementation from everything except the method doing the shadowing, and the method doing the shadowing must use builtin to access the built in implementation instead of recursing into itself.
In general. You should use builtin(m,s) inside the function that is been overloaded. This is specified clearly in MATLAB documentation.
builtin(function,x1,...,xn) executes the built-in function with the
input arguments x1 through xn. Use builtin to execute the original
built-in from within a method that overloads the function. To work
properly, you must never overload builtin.
Consider this code:
classdef TestBuiltIn
testprop = 'This is the built in method';
testprop2 = 'This is the derived subsref ';
function v = subsref(m, s)
disp('enter subsref no matter how!');
v = builtin('subsref',m, s);
and test command
t = TestBuiltIn;
builtin('subsref', t, s)
s.type = '.';
s.subs = 'testprop';
s2 = s;
s2.subs = 'testprop2';
>> builtin('subsref', t, s1)
enter subsref no matter how!
ans =
This is the derived subsref
>> builtin('subsref', t, s)
enter subsref no matter how!
ans =
This is the built in method
In your updated version of this problem, when you call t.child(1), the subsref function will receive argument s with s(1).type='.', s(1).subs='child' and s(2).type='()', s(2).subs='1'. The evaluation of this expression is not in a step-by-step manner, as Andrew Janke mentioned in his answer. As a result, when overriding subsref, you should handle this operation chain, by first processing the '.' operator. Here is a incomplete example for your case,
function v = subsref(this, s)
switch s(1).type
case '.'
member = s(1).subs;
if ismethod(this, member)
% invoke builtin function to access method member
% there is issue about the number of output arguments
v = builtin('subsref',this,s);
elseif isprop(this, member) % property
if length(s) == 1
% invoke builtin function to access method member
v = builtin('subsref', this, s);
elseif length(s) == 2 && strcmp(s(2).type,'()')
% this is where you evaluate 'tc.child(1)'
% add other cases when you need, otherwise calling builtin
% handling error.
case '()'
% this is where you evaluate 't(1)'
% you may need to handle something like 't(1).prop1', like the '.' case
% by default, calling the builtin.
You can also find a detailed code sample and instruction at Code Patterns for subsref and subsasgn Methods.
One more thing you may need to know, is that method members in this class will also be invoked through subsref with '.' operation. Look at this subject subsref on classes: how to dispatch methods?, you will find that the builtin function has no return value (since the invoked method has no return value). However, the return value of builtin is assigned to v(even though v is replaced by varargout), which is an obvious error. The author also gives a temporary solution by using try ... catch to resolve this error.