Import flow types from react-native - react-native

I am trying to use flow in my current react-native project. After some research, I discovered that all the types I need are in this file, but I have no idea how I am supposed to import these types.
For instance, I need to import the ViewLayoutEvent from there. What am I supposed to write in my file?
I tried the following:
import type { ViewLayoutEvent } from 'react-native';
import type { ViewLayoutEvent } from 'react-native/Libraries/Components/View/ViewPropTypes';
To no avail.
Or maybe it is in this file


Undefined when import methods from ''

For my RN project, I use ''.When I try to import a method from the library I get undefined. I can't figure out what's going on. I did everything according to the instruction and set it up correctly.
The problem is not even in the setup, but I installed the package '', but I can't import methods from it.
import VideoSdk from ''; I used this import but got undefined
You can't import VideoSdk. You need to import some other components like:
import {
} from "";

Implementing Listener into a java - Kotlin plugin

Im trying to create a Minecraft Plugin using Kotlin, I converted the project to kotlin and did all the necessary stuff, I created an event listener but havent figured how to implement the Listener interface.
import org.bukkit.Material
import org.bukkit.entity.Creeper
import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton
import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
class MobSpawnEvent : Listener {
that's what I tried but it doesnt seem to work as my Main.class file says "Make MobSpawnEvent implement org.bukkit.listener"
I tried using the " : " operator but it didnt work
You are not importing the good class. isn't from spigot, you should replace it by org.bukkit.listener.

React Native, need to conditionally import a library because get an exception in ExpoGo

I'm implementing In-App-Purchases in Expo, using RevenueCat.
Everything works fine in a build environment but in ExpoGo I get an exception if I import this library:
import Purchases, { PurchasesOffering } from 'react-native-purchases';
In my code I can detect when running in ExpoGo, so I would like to import this library only and if only running in NOT ExpoGo environment.
I tried this but is not working.
import { IsExpoGo, RevenueCatAPIKeys } from "./lib/constants";
import Purchases, { PurchasesOffering } from 'react-native-purchases';
Any clue?
can try something like this
const MODULE_NAME = !IsExpoGo ? require("react-native-purchases") : require("./lib/constants);
also take some help below link

Vue project cannot resolve '#'

My vue-cli version is 4.5.15, but it cannot resolve # as ./src and all paths using '#' are not found. Why did this happen and how could I solve it?
Your statement tries to import a file which does not exist: import Layout from '#/layout' would work with layout.vue or layout/index.js, neither of which is present.
To fix this, you can either import the single components with their full path (as mentioned in #wittgenstein's comment): import Footer from '#/layout/Footer'
Or you can create layout/index.js which exposes all components inside the directory:
import Footer from './Footer.vue'
import Header from './Header.vue'
// ...
export default {
Footer, Header, // ...
Then you can import components like that: import { Footer, Header } from '#/layout'
It is not possible to import a folder, you will have to import a single file from the layout folder:
import Footer from "#/Layout/Footer.vue"
import Header from "#/Layout/Header.vue"
import Index from "#/Layout/Index.vue"
import Sidebar from "#/Layout/Sidebar.vue"
import Sidebar2 from "#/Layout/Sidebar2.vue"
If you want to import every file, you will have to this all manually, because you cannot import a folder.
Hope this will work for you!
I have known what the problem is. It's because I used 'Index.vue' as the name before and git is insensitive to capital. So it cannot find the path.
Vue has supported
import xxx from "#/xxx"
if the name of your file you want to import is "index.vue".
Thanks a lot for your answers!

Import NgxStickyfillModule from?

I'm trying to implement ngx-stickyfill ( in an Angular 6 app. The instructions say "Then add the ngxStickyfill module to your app or shared module" but do not specify where to import the module from, as in
import { NgxStickyfillModule } from 'need something here';
I've tried a few guesses but nothing has worked yet.
(Ultimately, I'm trying to find a way to mimic css position:sticky for IE11, which doesn't support it.)
import { NgxStickyfillModule } from 'ngx-stickyfill';