I'm trying to implement ngx-stickyfill (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-stickyfill) in an Angular 6 app. The instructions say "Then add the ngxStickyfill module to your app or shared module" but do not specify where to import the module from, as in
import { NgxStickyfillModule } from 'need something here';
I've tried a few guesses but nothing has worked yet.
(Ultimately, I'm trying to find a way to mimic css position:sticky for IE11, which doesn't support it.)
import { NgxStickyfillModule } from 'ngx-stickyfill';
Im trying to create a Minecraft Plugin using Kotlin, I converted the project to kotlin and did all the necessary stuff, I created an event listener but havent figured how to implement the Listener interface.
import org.bukkit.Material
import org.bukkit.entity.Creeper
import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton
import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
import java.net.http.WebSocket.Listener
class MobSpawnEvent : Listener {
that's what I tried but it doesnt seem to work as my Main.class file says "Make MobSpawnEvent implement org.bukkit.listener"
I tried using the " : " operator but it didnt work
You are not importing the good class. java.net.http.WebSocket.Listener isn't from spigot, you should replace it by org.bukkit.listener.
I'm implementing In-App-Purchases in Expo, using RevenueCat.
Everything works fine in a build environment but in ExpoGo I get an exception if I import this library:
import Purchases, { PurchasesOffering } from 'react-native-purchases';
In my code I can detect when running in ExpoGo, so I would like to import this library only and if only running in NOT ExpoGo environment.
I tried this but is not working.
import { IsExpoGo, RevenueCatAPIKeys } from "./lib/constants";
import Purchases, { PurchasesOffering } from 'react-native-purchases';
Any clue?
can try something like this
const MODULE_NAME = !IsExpoGo ? require("react-native-purchases") : require("./lib/constants);
also take some help below link
My main.js contains import "mathjs"; and seems to be working fine within main.js as
> 4.5
median() is however not available outside of main.js, i.e. in components. After reading this answer, I assumed that the simple import should be enough for global availability throughout the vue app?
In general when you are working with modern modules or a bundler like webpack, you have to import mathjs in every module (think file) you want to use it.
What is often done in the vue context, is adding the library to the Vue context itself with a plugin.
See https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/plugins.html#writing-a-plugin
So this should be as easy as:
const mathjsPlugin = {
app.config.globalProperties.$mathjs = mathjs;
const app = createApp(...);
// inside of a component
export default {
I personally think explicitly importing is a cleaner approach, but if mathjs is used in most of the components, this approach can make sense
in main.js import all as math then add it as global property :
import * as math from 'mathjs'
const app=createApp({....})
app.config.globalProperties.$math =math
then in any component you could use it like this.$math.theFunctionName
I am trying to use flow in my current react-native project. After some research, I discovered that all the types I need are in this file, but I have no idea how I am supposed to import these types.
For instance, I need to import the ViewLayoutEvent from there. What am I supposed to write in my file?
I tried the following:
import type { ViewLayoutEvent } from 'react-native';
import type { ViewLayoutEvent } from 'react-native/Libraries/Components/View/ViewPropTypes';
To no avail.
Or maybe it is in this file
I have a question regarding importing an anime.js into my vue project. I am using vue cli. How do I include animejs to my project? I tried it this way:
import anime from 'animejs'
but I get an error in the console that says:
Uncaught TypeError: a.hasOwnProperty is not a function. . .
can you guys help me?
Vue.use() is used only for plugins designed for Vue.js. You can't simply add a library there, it won't work.
My suggestion is that you create that plugin and use it on your project to make anime.js acessible everywhere.
You could do it like this:
import anime from 'animejs';
const VueAnime = {
install (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$animeJS = anime;
export default VueAnime
Then later
import VueAnime from './vue-anime';
Now every Vue component will be able to use anime acessing this.$animeJS.
Or simply -
import Vue from "vue";
import anime from 'animejs/lib/anime.min.js';
Vue.prototype.$anime = anime;
Then this.$anime in all components
#Phiter's answer looked good at first, but I wasn't able to get it to work in my vue-cli 3 environment. The below code worked though, so I think it may work for you. This is just a simple way to install an external library into your Vue app and expose it through a prototype:
// animejs.js
import anime from 'animejs'
const install = (Vue, options) => {
Vue.prototype.$animejs = anime
export default install
// Then, in your main.js (at least for me)
import VueAnime from './animejs'
Now, when you need to access the library, just use this.$animejs in your project.
or simply like this in main.js after npm install:
import anime from 'animejs';
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$anime', { value: anime });
then use this.$anime tu use it.
To use AnimeJS globally in Vue 3 project, just create a plugin (plugins/anime.js):
import anime from 'animejs';
export default {
install(app, options) {
app.config.globalProperties.$anime = anime;
Then include it (main.js or elsewhere):
import VueAnime from './plugins/anime';
And now, it's accessible everywhere by this.$anime.
Please notice that a minor change from the previous version is installing the plugin for Vue 3.