How to implement Background Fetch on React Native | Expo? - react-native

There was a task to make push notifications when the application is completely off.
Need to implement some Background Task Manager that will be at intervals such as a minute to check for new notifications for a specific user. In simple words, make a background fetch.
Previously, I implemented push notifications in the application.But they work only when the application is enabled or simply minimized. When the app is completely off Push does not work.
Has anyone done this before ?
I use Expo for this project.


How to schedule periodic local notifications with dynamic content in React Native using Expo?

I am building a React Native app and would like to add weekly local notifications. The notifications should include dynamic data, such as a screen time increase, which will be calculated right before the notification is sent.
When the user enables the notifications by clicking "Enable Weekly Reports", the scheduleNotificationAsync method is called, taking the title parameter as input. However, the title will change over time.
What is the best way to periodically schedule notifications with dynamic content in React Native using the expo-notifications API?
Note: The BackgroundFetch method only works when the app is in the background, not if the app has been terminated or after a device reboot.
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Disable local notifications on button press in Expo / react-native

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I'd like to know if it's possible to turn them on or off when a button is pressed without losing all the notification data in React-native/Expo?
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I'm hoping to avoid having to store a bunch of data in AsyncStorage for this.
I'm working on handling this all in push notifications (which will solve a lot of headaches) but that's still a way out from being ready.

Run a function periodically in background mode in react native

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Basically, the function should check for internet connection and then get some data from async storage , then make an api call to sync the data with the db.
I'm not familiar with native code.
Can anyone help me with how this can be achieved ? Any suggestions is appreciated.
There is no way to make API calls in the background for iOS devices as Apple Policy restrict developer to run tasks in background iOS.
So, If you are looking to make API calls in the background for Android devices.
Then you can use the below dependency to run API calls in the background.
React Native Background Fetch

Schedule many Push Notifications in React Naitve

I'm building an app where I'm using push notifications with help of Firebase Cloud Messaging and 'react-native-notifications' library. I managed to schedule a push notification in background.
Now I wonder, how can I schedule many push notifications (in background). Let's say, I have an array of strings and I want to make a push notification with a different string every day.
I know how I can make it with local notification but it means that the notification will not appear if the app is closed. Do you have an idea how it can be solved?
As I can see you managed to "show" a push notification when you are focused in the app.
If you want to send push notifications while your app is in the background you would need to use Firebase FCM.
Also if you need to send them in specific intervals I would recommend to use the Firebase callable functions to do so.

React Native: How to make interactive push notifications?

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