Swift 5 AES Encryption/Decryption using CommonCrypto - objective-c

I've been trying to use the CommonCrypto in iOS to do a blockwise decryption of a larger Data object, but I can't get it to work. I've been reading the documentation, and looked at several examples from Objective-C - none of which I managed to get to work in an Objective-C environment. After 3 days of coding this I'm starting to wear out and I need some help.
I can decrypt and encrypt fine using the CCCrypto approach, but since I use rather large files this eats up too much memory for iOS to allow me to use this method. Thus I need to do this more efficiently and I decided to try an approach where I decipher one block at a time and then replace the block I deciphered with the resulting data block. The code runs, it seems to be working except for the fact that the data I get won't decode back to an UTF8 String.
Code for using CCCryptoCreate() with symmetric block deciphering (DataExtension)
mutating func decryptUsingCCCryptoCreate() {
// Get the first 16 bytes as IV
let IV = self.prefix(kCCBlockSizeAES128)
// Get key as array of bytes
let key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSABCDEFGHIJKLM".data(using: .utf8) ?? Data()
// Setup totalSize
let totalSize = self.count
let operation = kCCDecrypt
let algorithm = kCCAlgorithmAES
let options = kCCOptionPKCS7Padding
var cryptorRef: CCCryptorRef?
// Step one is to create the CCCryptor with correct parameters for AES128 decryption
var status = CCCryptorCreate(CCOperation(operation), CCAlgorithm(algorithm), CCOptions(options), key.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress }, key.count, IV.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress }, &cryptorRef)
if status != kCCSuccess {
print("Failed on create: \(status.description)")
var dataOutMoved: size_t = 0 // The actual data moved
var dataInLength: size_t = kCCBlockSizeAES128 // The in size will always be the size of a kCCBlockSizeAES128
var dataOutLength: size_t = CCCryptorGetOutputLength(cryptorRef, dataInLength, false) // DataOutLength is always less than or equal to the dataInLength
var totalLength: size_t = 0 // The actual length of the deciphered data
var filePtr: size_t = 0 // Keeps track of the current position in the deciphering process
var startByte: Int = 0 // Increments each time with the kCCBlockSizeAES128 until we are done
var dataIn = Data() // Buffer to store the encrypted block to be deciphered
var dataOut = Data() // Buffer to store the decrypted block result
// While startByte is less than totalSize we continue to decrypt the next block
while startByte <= totalSize {
if startByte + kCCBlockSizeAES128 > totalSize {
dataInLength = totalSize - startByte
} else {
dataInLength = kCCBlockSizeAES128
// Next block to decrypt
guard let rangeToDecrypt = Range(NSRange(location: startByte, length: dataInLength)) else { return }
dataIn = self.subdata(in: rangeToDecrypt)
// Decipher the block
status = CCCryptorUpdate(cryptorRef, dataIn.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress }, dataInLength, dataOut.withUnsafeMutableBytes { $0.baseAddress }, dataOutLength, &dataOutMoved)
if status != kCCSuccess {
print("Failed on Update: \(status.description)")
// Replace the encrypted block with the decrypted block
let rangeToReplace = Range(NSRange(location: filePtr, length: dataOutMoved))!
self.replaceSubrange(rangeToReplace, with: dataOut.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress! }, count: dataOutMoved)
totalLength += dataOutMoved
filePtr += dataOutMoved
startByte += kCCBlockSizeAES128
// Finalize the deciphering
status = CCCryptorFinal(cryptorRef, dataOut.withUnsafeMutableBytes { $0.baseAddress }, dataOutLength, &dataOutMoved)
totalLength += dataOutMoved
if status != kCCSuccess {
print("Failed on final: \(status.description)")
// We replace the final deciphered block
let decryptedRange = Range(NSRange(location: filePtr, length: dataOutMoved))!
self.replaceSubrange(decryptedRange, with: dataOut.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress! }, count: dataOut.count)
// Since we are using padding the CCCryptorFinal can contain padding which needs to be truncated.
self = self.prefix(totalLength)
// Finish the CCCryptor process
Code for the encryption using CCCrypto()
mutating func encryptUsingCCCrypto() {
let sa = String(data: self, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
print("Before encryption: \(sa)")
let now = Date()
let key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSABCDEFGHIJKLM".data(using: .utf8) ?? Data()
let ivRandomData = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
let blockSize = kCCBlockSizeAES128
let bufferSize = self.count + blockSize
var encryptedSize = 0
let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(UInt32(kCCEncrypt),
key.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress },
ivRandomData.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress },
self.withUnsafeBytes { $0.baseAddress },
self.withUnsafeMutableBytes { $0.baseAddress },
self = self.prefix(encryptedSize)
let s = String(data: self, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
print("Result: \(s)")
I use the code like this:
let string = "1234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234"
var data = string.data(using: .utf8) ?? Data()
data.decryptUsingCCCryptoCreate() // I get a Data object with 112 bytes here
let s = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "" // String is nil, and is provided ""


How to decrypt NodeJS crypto on the client side with a known encryption key?

I am trying to have AES encryption on the server side, and decryption on the client side. I have followed an example where CryptoJS is used on the client side for encryption and SubtleCrypto on the client side as well for decryption, but in my case I have the encryption and decryption separated.
Suppose I have the following encryption function within React Native:
const encrypt = (str: string) => {
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
const myHexToken = "0x...."
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', myHexToken.slice(0,32), iv)
let encrypted = cipher.update(str, 'utf8', 'hex')
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag();
return {
message: encrypted,
tag: tag.toString('hex'),
iv: iv.toString('hex'),
This json is then posted to the client through a webview postMessage.
The client side has the following javascript injected:
var myHexToken = "0x....";
window.addEventListener("message", async function (event) {
var responseData = JSON.parse(event.data);
try {
var decryptedData = await decrypt(responseData.iv, responseData.message, responseData.tag);
} catch (e) {
// ...
How can I decrypt responseData.message within the WebView through SubtleCrypto of the Web Crypto API?
I have tried various things with the following methods, but I keep getting "OperationalError":
function fromHex(hexString) {
return new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)));
function str2ab(str) {
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
function fromBase64(base64String) {
return Uint8Array.from(window.atob(base64String), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
async function importKey(rawKey) {
var key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
["encrypt", "decrypt"]
return key;
async function decrypt(iv, data, tag) {
var rawKey = fromHex(myHexToken.slice(0,32));
var iv = fromHex(iv);
var ciphertext = str2ab(data + tag);
var cryptoKey = await importKey(rawKey)
var decryptedData = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
name: "AES-GCM",
iv: iv
var decoder = new TextDecoder();
var plaintext = decoder.decode(decryptedData);
return plaintext;
UPDATE 1: Added the getAuthTag implementation server side. Changed IV to have length of 12 bytes. Attempt to concatenate ciphertext and tag client side.
I have verified that "myHexToken" is the same both client and server side. Also, the return values of the server side "encrypt()" method are correctly sent to the client.
In the WebCrypto code the key must not be hex decoded with fromHex(), but must be converted to an ArrayBuffer with str2ab().
Also, the concatenation of ciphertext and tag must not be converted to an ArrayBuffer with str2ab(), but must be hex decoded with fromHex().
With these fixes decryption works:
For the test, the following hex encoded key and plaintext are used on the NodeJS side:
const myHexToken = '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0ff0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff';
const plaintext = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
const encryptedData = encrypt(plaintext);
This results e.g. in the following output:
message: 'cc4beae785cda5c9413f49cf9449a6ae17fdc0f7435b9a8fd954602bdb4f4b825793f6b561c0d9a709007c',
tag: '046c8e56bbd13db2faed82d1b19c665e',
iv: '11f87b0eaf006373ae8bc94d'
The ciphertext created this way can be successfully decrypted with the fixed JavaScript code:
(async () => {
function fromHex(hexString) {
return new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)));
function str2ab(str) {
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
async function importKey(rawKey) {
var key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
["encrypt", "decrypt"]
return key;
async function decrypt(iv, data, tag) {
//var rawKey = fromHex(myHexToken.slice(0,32)); // Fix 1
var rawKey = str2ab(myHexToken.slice(0,32));
var iv = fromHex(iv);
//var ciphertext = str2ab(data + tag); // Fix 2
var ciphertext = fromHex(data + tag);
var cryptoKey = await importKey(rawKey)
var decryptedData = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
name: "AES-GCM",
iv: iv
var decoder = new TextDecoder();
var plaintext = decoder.decode(decryptedData);
return plaintext;
var myHexToken = '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0ff0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff'
var data = {
message: 'cc4beae785cda5c9413f49cf9449a6ae17fdc0f7435b9a8fd954602bdb4f4b825793f6b561c0d9a709007c',
tag: '046c8e56bbd13db2faed82d1b19c665e',
iv: '11f87b0eaf006373ae8bc94d'
var plaintext = await decrypt(data.iv, data.message, data.tag);
A remark about the key: In the posted NodeJS code, const myHexToken = "0x...." is set. It's not clear to me if the 0x prefix is just supposed to symbolize a hex encoded string, or is really contained in the string. If the latter, it should actually be removed before the implicit UTF-8 encoding (by createCiperiv()). In case of a hex decoding it must be removed anyway.
In the posted example a valid hex encoded 32 bytes key is used (i.e. without 0x prefix).
With regard to the key encoding, also note the following:
The conversion of the key from a hex encoded string by a UTF-8 (or ASCII) encoding results in only half of the key being considered, in the example: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f. This reduces security, because the value range per byte is reduced from 256 to 16 values.
In order for the entire key to be considered, the correct conversion on the NodeJS side would be: Buffer.from(myHexToken, 'hex') and on the WebCrypto side: var rawKey = fromHex(myHexToken).
Because of its implicit UTF8 encoding crypto.createCipheriv(..., myHexToken.slice(0,32), ...) creates a 32 bytes key and is functionally identical to str2ab(myHexToken.slice(0,32)) only as long as the characters in the substring myHexToken.slice(0,32) correspond to ASCII characters (which is true for a hex encoded string).

ML Kit Barcode Scanner (used in reactnative-camera) cut displayValue after U+0000 / NULL

I am trying to scan ECC Data Matrix code with binary content, but if there is a NULL byte I can only get the string up to there.
Unfortunately, I have no control over these matrix codes, as I have to scan the codes provided.
Does somebody has any idea?
Is it possibly to convert the rawData?
It would be enough if I received the content as a hex value.
The rawData is allready hex, but not as expected, maybe it is also corrupt or in an unknown coding.
Does somebody know encoding of rawdata?
see https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/reference/ios/mlkitbarcodescanning/api/reference/Classes/MLKBarcode#rawdata
I found a solution for me:
Here my Code for React-Native:
import {DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser, ZXingStringEncoding} from "#zxing/library";
const bin2hex = (s)=> {
// discuss at: https://locutus.io/php/bin2hex/
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (https://kvz.io)
// bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (https://twitter.com/onnomarsman)
// bugfixed by: Linuxworld
// improved by: ntoniazzi (https://locutus.io/php/bin2hex:361#comment_177616)
// example 1: bin2hex('Kev')
// returns 1: '4b6576'
// example 2: bin2hex(String.fromCharCode(0x00))
// returns 2: '00'
let i;
let l;
let o = '';
let n;
s += '';
for (i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {
n = s.charCodeAt(i)
o += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n;
return o;
const hex2bin = (s)=> {
// discuss at: https://locutus.io/php/hex2bin/
// original by: Dumitru Uzun (https://duzun.me)
// example 1: hex2bin('44696d61')
// returns 1: 'Dima'
// example 2: hex2bin('00')
// returns 2: '\x00'
// example 3: hex2bin('2f1q')
// returns 3: false
const ret = []
let i = 0
let l
s += ''
for (l = s.length; i < l; i += 2) {
const c = parseInt(s.substr(i, 1), 16);
const k = parseInt(s.substr(i + 1, 1), 16);
if (isNaN(c) || isNaN(k)) return false;
ret.push((c << 4) | k);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, ret);
const fromHexString = hexString => new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)));
const matrixcodeRAW2HEX = raw_hex => {
let data = fromHexString(raw_hex);
try {
global.Buffer = global.Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;
ZXingStringEncoding.customDecoder = (stringContent, encodingName) => {
let encodingName2 = encodingName;
return new Buffer(stringContent).toString(encodingName2);
ZXingStringEncoding.customEncoder = (stringContent, encodingName) => {
let encodingName2 = encodingName;
return new Buffer(stringContent).toString(encodingName2);
let newData = DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser.decode(data);
return bin2hex(newData.getText());
}catch (e) {
My function will return the original data as hex, so there is no problem with NUL, but you can also use hex2bin to get it as a Text if necessary.
I´m using the zxing polyfill for JS => https://github.com/zxing-js/library, cause JS does not Cut String like Objective C do.
I found out in Objective C NUL always will cut a string, so there is no solution yet.

Store object in array in react-native using async-storage

I have generated random Qr code using Guid id and I'm saving lasted generated Qr code to async-storage but how do i store every generated random Guid id to async-storage in term of array.
here is the code to generate random id.
let base64Logo = "..";
function uuidv4() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
AsyncStorage.setItem("id", uuidv4());
Thank you!
Convert your array to a string using JSON.stringify on save and back to an array using JSON.parse on read
let base64Logo = "..";
function uuidv4() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
// save item in array
try {
const myArrayString = await AsyncStorage.getItem('ids');
const myArray = myArrayString !== null?JSON.parse(myArray):[];
await AsyncStorage.setItem('ids', JSON.stringify(myArray));
} catch (error) {
// Error saving data
// when you want to retrieve array
try {
const myArray = await AsyncStorage.getItem('ids');
if (myArray !== null) {
// We have data!!
} catch (error) {
// Error retrieving data

Can't get AudioStreamBasicDescription from capture output

I'm trying to access mSampleRate and mChannelsPerFrame and assign the values to global variables.
func setAudioFormat(format: CMFormatDescriptionRef) {
let asbd: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription> = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription(format)
sampleRate = asbd.memory.mSampleRate // breakpoint
channels = asbd.memory.mChannelsPerFrame
Method Call:
func captureOutput(captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput!, var didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!, fromConnection connection: AVCaptureConnection!) {
let format: CMFormatDescriptionRef = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer)!
am I doing something wrong? is there a better way to get AudioStreamBasicDescription from capture output samplebuffer
format is holding these values:
<CMAudioFormatDescription 0x14516150 [0x346c08a0]> {
mediaSpecific: {
mSampleRate: 44100.000000
mFormatID: 'lpcm'
mFormatFlags: 0xc
mBytesPerPacket: 2
mFramesPerPacket: 1
mBytesPerFrame: 2
mChannelsPerFrame: 1
mBitsPerChannel: 16 }
cookie: {(null)}
ACL: {(null)}
extensions: {(null)}
Once you have a CMFormatDescriptionRef instance, you can use this code (in Objective-C, sorry) to retrieve the ASBD data:
const AudioFormatListItem *audioFormatListItem = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetFormatList(formatDescription, nil);
AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd = audioFormatListItem->mASBD;
float sampleRate = asbd.mSampleRate;

How to forward POST request in Apache HTTP Server

There is a client which is implemented in Nodejs. I wand to send post request to Apache HTTP server and then that request is to be forwarded to back end server(It locates at somewhere else).
So I implemented Node js client and Apache module. Request and response between those two are ok. Now my problem is how to forward this request from Apache HTTP server to back end server.
Nodejs client.js
var request = require('request');
var userDetails={
var optsSingup = {
url: "http://localhost:80/a",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request(optsSingup, function (err, res, body) {
console.log('error', err);
//console.log('status', res.statusCode);
console.log('body', body);
Apache module (I've been following this tutorial http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/developer/modguide.html example mod_example_config.c). Here I will share handler part of my module. Others parts are same as mod_example_config.c.
typedef struct {
const char* key;
const char* value;
} keyValuePair;
static int example_handler(request_rec *r)
formData = readPost(r);
if (formData) {
int i;
for (i = 0; &formData[i]; i++) {
if (formData[i].key && formData[i].value) {
ap_rprintf(r, "%s = %s\n", formData[i].key, formData[i].value);
} else if (formData[i].key) {
ap_rprintf(r, "%s\n", formData[i].key);
} else if (formData[i].value) {
ap_rprintf(r, "= %s\n", formData[i].value);
} else {
return OK;
keyValuePair* readPost(request_rec* r) {
apr_array_header_t *pairs = NULL;
apr_off_t len;
apr_size_t size;
int res;
int i = 0;
char *buffer;
keyValuePair* kvp;
res = ap_parse_form_data(r, NULL, &pairs, -1, HUGE_STRING_LEN);
if (res != OK || !pairs) return NULL;
kvp = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(keyValuePair) * (pairs->nelts + 1));
while (pairs && !apr_is_empty_array(pairs)) {
ap_form_pair_t *pair = (ap_form_pair_t *) apr_array_pop(pairs);
apr_brigade_length(pair->value, 1, &len);
size = (apr_size_t) len;
buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, size + 1);
apr_brigade_flatten(pair->value, buffer, &size);
buffer[len] = 0;
kvp[i].key = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, pair->name);
kvp[i].value = buffer;
return kvp;
Actually this is not the proper way to do this. Please see the answer in this question How to set a Set Handler for proxy request