Does NPM install <pkg> also runs npm start of that pkg? - npm

Does npm i -S <pkg/module> or yarn add <pkg/module> also runs the start script written in the package.json of that specific pkg/module?

No, it just installs the package recursively and add it to your package.json for reference
The script postinstall is run after installation for reference


Why are some npm packages listed in lock-file but not the package.json file?

I ran npm audit and it's warning me to update some of the packages. However the packages its warning me about, such as chokidar, is not listed in my package.json. So what does this mean? How do I perform an update if the package is not listed in the file.
It's not listed in your package.json because it is a nested dependency.
You can update it either by trying npm audit --fix or you use the package npm-force-resolutions.
How to use npm-force-resolutions:
First add a field resolutions with the dependency version you want to fix to your package.json, for example:
"resolutions": {
"hoek": "4.2.1"
Then add npm-force-resolutions to the preinstall script so that it patches the package-lock file before every npm install you run:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions"
Now just run npm install as you would normally do:
npm install
To confirm that the right version was installed, use:
npm ls hoek
If your package-lock changes, you may need to run the steps above again.
You can check which dependency is requiring the package that appears in the lock with npm ls command.
For instance for sqlite3 you can run:
npm ls sqlite3 --json

What is the NPM equivalent of "yarn install --frozen-lockfile"?

I'm using npm as part of me building the production docker image.
I want to make sure the package-lock.json doesn't change and matches.
You can use npm ci.
npm ci bypasses a package’s package.json to install modules from a package’s lockfile. This ensures reproducible builds—you are getting exactly what you expect on every install.

How to solve 'vue-cli-service' is not recognized as an internal or external command?

I am getting an error when trying to run npm run serve. At first I installed node.js then vue as well as vue/cli.
But when I am trying to run server as -> npm run serve at that time I'm getting error like 'vue-cli-service' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I used below codes for installation:
npm install -g vue
npm install -g #vue/cli
can someone guide me what to do to solve this issue ?
I think you are using cmd in windows.
Try deleting the node_modules folder and after that run npm i from the cmd.
Then try running npm run serve again and see if it works this time
Install vue/cli-service globally
npm install #vue/cli-service -g
This will install global npm package.
#vue/cli-service is usully installed as global, because you do not usually copy these types of packages to every project.
If the global npm package gets corrupted, it is not stored in node_modules folder, but rather in other depending on the os. Therefore removing node_modules does not help. Locations for global node_modules folders are
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules (Win10) or
/usr/local/lib/node_modules (Linux),
check this stack overflow post on how to locate global packages.
it will depend on the package manager you are using
delete node_modules
if you are using yarn run yarn or yarn install and then yarn serve
if you are using npm run npm install and then npm run serve
In my case, the package #vue/cli-service is installed in my local node_modules environment, but not my global environment, so it cannot be used as a command. I type .\node_modules\.bin\vue-cli-service serve and it works.
As it is mentioned in terminal that node_modules is missing from your project, so you can't directly use npm run serve, first you have to do npm install then do npm run serve. It will work fine
In my case I ran below commands in GitBash and it worked fine
npm install
npm run serve
If you are using cmd in windows.
deleting the node_modules folder and after that run npm istall from
the cmd.
run npm run serve and see if it works this time
In my case, I have checked the folder of node_modules was missing. I am using Windows. So I run this in cmd.
npm install
npm run serve
Then I check it in localhost like usual.
This issue mostly happens when either #vue/cli is not installed or in most cases,
#vue/cli is already installed and you are currently working on a project and when running
yarn serve or npm run serve.
Most at times, this issue is been caused by broken dependencies.
to fix this issue, simple run
yarn install or npm install
depending on your package manager.
well after trying all the solutions above and it still haven't worked for you then you probably have a stupid space in the full directory of your Vue project like in my case. so remove that that space and it will work from then on.
Remember to set the NODE_ENV=development and run npm install again
Try changing the project path to one without spaces, it worked on windows 10
I had faced the same problem in windows. Then
first I deleted the node_module. then I run npm install.
For Windows you should modify package.json to:
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service.cmd serve",
"build": "vue-cli-service.cmd build",
"lint": "vue-cli-service.cmd lint"
I had the same issue using windows + WSL2 (Ubuntu 20.04). Looking at the logs generated after trying to run npm i I noticed that my WSL2 environment did not have python2 installed. So to solve I ran the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python2
rm -rf node_modules
npm i
npm run serve
I faced the same in Windows. Had to run npm install again. Then it worked perfectly.
Wait, what's the difference between #vue/cli and #vue/cli-service? When you install both, they show different number of packages installed. The latter solved my issue actually but everyone keeps saying install #vue/cli.
try running npm i or npm install and then proceed to run npm i vue after previous installation done. works for me
you need use "npm install" at Command Line
Before running "npm install", try running this command first:
npm set strict-ssl false
Like you, I got the error below when I ran npm run serve from the CMD command line,
'vue-cli-service' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.
I got past this familiar error by using the following command to add the npm folder to the PATH that CMD searches for executables:
where <USERNAME> is your Windows user profile directory name. Only then was I able to run the following commands successfully:
npm install
npm run serve
What solved the issue for me was renaming the directory. I had used the symbol "&" on the folder name and it seems to break things, so changing it to "and" fixed the issue.
This will probably be an incredibly niche thing, but if I help even 1 person it's fine by me.
I have a project, I can run it well on Linux, but i have the same issue on windows, I solve it this way (I hope in your case it works too):
Delete the node_modules
Install it again with npm i

How I can skip installing optional dependencies by 'npm ci'?

How I can skip installing optional dependencies from package-lock.json by npm ci?
You can use npm ci --no-optional .
If npm still installs the optional package. Then try after removing package.lock.json and run the command again.
There was an error in NPM's implementation of npm ci --no-optional. It has been fixed in versions > 6.13.3 - maybe earlier versions as well, but I can only vouch for 6.13.4 and up.
I was facing this issue with CI workflow script and even "--no-optional" was not working
npm ci --no-optional
The above command only worked when I added the optional package as
"optionalDependencies": {
"fsevents": "^2.3.2"
in the package.json file
It's not a proper solution, rather an ugly one, but it helped me out. It looks like npm ci --no-optional doesn't work and probably never worked. But at the same time flag --production works. And if we afford mutating package.json (e.g. in a docker container) then...
So I wrote a simple script that:
reads package.json content
Object.assign(cfg.dependencies, cfg.devDependencies)
delete cfg.devDependencies
overwrites the initial package.json
So finally we have:
dependencies contains both normal & dev dependencies
devDependencies section is empty
optionalDependencies are intact
And when we run npm ci --production we got what we want - no optional dependencies (in my case cypress). Due to the fact that all these steps are performed inside of a docker container we can mutate package.json.
But I'm not sure that it'll help you too.
In order to make npm ci --no-optional skip/ignore an optional pacakge, it's important to understand how npm intracts with package.json and pacakge-lock.json.
npm install --no-optional (is only effective if pacakge-lock.json doesn't exists otherwise it would ignore --no-optional)*
npm ci --no-optional is only effective if pakcage-lock.json was already created with npm install --no-optional**.
* This means if you want to make an already installed package an optional, you can would have to
Add it "optionalDependencies": either manulally or through npm install pacakge-name --save-optional
Delete the pacakge-lock.json.
then run rm -rf node_modules/
Lastly run npm install --no-optional
Add this point npm ci --no-optional isn't suppose to install it.
** TIP: you could debug if a certian package is assigned as optional by running npm ls package-name
Note: This one the reason why its recommended to keep trak pacakge-lock.json with git repo of the project.

What is the difference between yarn run and npm start?

Is yarn run intended to be the equivalent of npm start?
It seems yarn run start is the equivalent of npm start, which runs the script inside the start field of the script field in package.json
Few things to understand:
npm: run command is mandatory to execute user defined scripts.
yarn: run command is not mandatory to execute user defined scripts.
start command is not a user defined script name, so you may not need to specify run command to execute it.
So, all the below commands work similar!
npm start
npm run start
yarn start
yarn run start
If you have a user defined script named 'app':
npm app (Does not work!)
npm run app (Works!)
yarn app (Works!)
yarn run app (Works!)
Note: By default start runs node server.js in case not explicitly defined.
npm start is a shortcut for npm run start
Now in terms of running scripts from package.json, all these are equivalent:
npm run start
npm start
yarn run start
yarn start
npm run myscript
npm myscript this is an error
yarn run myscript
yarn myscript
This is because run is not mandatory command for yarn, but it is for npm.
npr start - OK
npr myscript - OK
Put this file somewhere in PATH, eg. %localappdata%\Programs\Git\cmd
npm run %*
yarn run is similar to npm run, they can be used to run the scripts in package.json.
For npm, you can leave out run when run the npm lifecycle scripts (test, start, restart, and stop), but these scripts maybe have extra effect. For example, npm start will run node server.js if the "scripts" object does not define a "start" property in package.json. see the doc npm run. You can't run script with other name leaving out run.
For yarn, you can leave out run for all the scripts in package.json, but if your script name is same as yarn built-in cli commands, the built-in cli commands will have preference over your scripts. doc yarn run.
So the best way to run scripts in package.json: never leave out run.