How to localize Fabric events text - google-fabric

I am using Fabric events to record some events, the content of event is using other language instead of English, it is displayed as some sort of wrong encoded text from Fabric portal(, unreadable. How can we solve this issue? Thanks a lot.


using .gif image in Active reports .i.e. in pdf it should display

I have a strange requirement , where the client wants a graphical logo which revolves to be printed on the reports. I am completely confused as on PDF can we display a .gif image. i gone through and found this. So, generating reports by active reports9 is it possible. Need assistance guys. If its not we need to inform as early as possible to client. If it possible how. Thanks in advance.
Displaying animated gif images in ActiveReports is not possible as of now.
Gifs could be loaded inside the Picture control in reports as simple images but the animation part for them is not supported currently.

How to create a Tokenizing Control for UWP as known from Outlook when using To, Cc and Bcc

There is a great article about how to write a Tokenizing Control for WPF here: Tokenizing control – convert text to tokens
But how is this accomplished in an UWP App? The Windows 10 UWP Mail client does this just fine, so I know that it is possible. But how?
Tokenizing is super useful for To/CC/BCC input areas, as we know it from Outlook and lately from the Windows 10 UWP Mail client.
I suspect that RichTextBlock or maybe RichEditBox combined with AutoSuggestBox could be part of the answer, but in the WPF example above FlowDocument is used and FlowDocumet is not supported in UWP.
I haven't looked at their code. They likely have a text input control of their own, but you could achieve a fairly similar and possibly acceptable effect by putting (Rich)TextBox and "token" elements in a WrapPanel. You won't be able to easily select all text, but you could get clickable token elements.
Otherwise - you might have a bit of work figuring out completely hand-crafted input and rendering.

SharePoint2010 content editor?

I am building a website that will make heavy use of the content editor webparts to allow for content to be added. The drawback to this is that by default the content editor provides a "Rich Text Editor" which is good for adding data but bad because it has the potential to break styling. I have two solutions :
First is to do some coding to somehow have predefined css styles added to the styles menu of the Rich text editor.
Second which should be quicker is to simply disable the Rich text editor i.e disabling the fonts, styles, etc from the Rich Text editor so that users can only enter data and not mess around with the styling.
For soultion two, is this possble and what would be the quickest way to achieve this?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
The whole point of the rich text editor is to allow the user to enter styled content as they see fit. If you don't want any styling to be applied through the RTE either create style rules in your CSS to overrride anything the user enters or else use content fields based on multiple lines of text rather than rich text.
Core Technology Systems has recently released a how to video on content management on SharePoint 2010. I have included a link to the website which has the link to the video and their YouTube channel.

Reading barcode using code

I need to add barcode reading feature to my application. I donot know how to enable my application to read barcodes.
I mean a scanner should read the barcode and having matched the article no. in database, info should be displayed on the screen.
Any code examples please?
Most barcode scanners act like a keyboard.
There isn't anything special required.
Some scanners can send special key sequences so that you can focus the appropriate text field.

Silverlight 4 RichtTextBox - how do I get the text without the formatting?

How do I get the text out of a Silverlight 4 RichTextBox without the formatting? I know the Xaml property will give me the XAML but I just want the text.
This is a little late, but I will post anyway. There is a trick that involves selecting all the text in code and then accessing the Text propety of the TextSelection object. Like so:
var plainText = myRichTextBox.Selection.Text;
I am using it in my apps and although it is not the prettiest solution, it works. Found it here:
If you just want text, why not use TextBox instead?
There are various third-party components that support this kind of functionality (unfortunately paid). For example, Telerik's RadRichTextBox supports both highlighting and exporting rich text content as plain text, latter trough component called TxtFormatProvider.