iTunes Customer reviews in XML - itunes

I want to view my app's review but I don't know some information like :
Please, Explain to me What is meaning of <im:voteSum> and<im:voteCount>

After parsing the data and looking on iTunes (Music on Catalina) I discovered that it's the helpful votes.
im:voteSum is the number of customers who found the review helpful
im:voteCount is the total number of customers who voted (Yes or No)
You can see a sample Customer Review JSON for the New York Times.
You can see these on any app when using iTunes / Music on the Mac. I don't know if these show elsewhere in the iOS App Store.


Trying to connect "favorite" pages to member profiles

Ok so - I recently started a business and have to be frugal this first year. I reached out to several developers but I just don't have the funds to pay for this at the moment. I'm alright with code - as long as I have a base or snippet to go off of. So this is what I need to build:
I currently have a website built for my students. In it, they have their own personal "member" page. On my website, I have about 300 different pages (with unique URLs) that they use to study content from. What I would like to do is make it to where they can add "favorites" to their member page and it automatically drops the link of that favorited URL into the correct category. For example:
Say a student wants to favorite "Types of Clouds" which is in the category of "Weather Theory" - they can click a button on the "Types of Clouds" page which will automatically add the link of that page to their favorited section of their member page under the correct category of "Weather Theory." It would look something like this once they have a few favorites:
Username Study Guide
Category: Weather Theory
Types of Clouds <--clicking on that would take the student to the saved page
Category: Weather Tools
Winds Aloft
I think I may need to build some sort of database, but I have no idea. Any ideas of where to even begin? Thanks for reading!

ebay GetSellerList retrieve items by multiple specific CategoryID

I am developing a ebay app which is retrieving the users ebay selling items from ebay to my website. I am using a following API call for retrieving users listings which is working fine
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSellerListRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
In current situation above API call only accepting a single category ID for retrieving seller list according to that category.
I am looking for how can I retrieve seller list items with multiple category ID. Is there any way to add multiple category ID to above API call to retrieve items according to multiple categories please help me with this
and thanks in advance
Well this could be achieved using findItemsAdvanced API in the finder API section of eBay
You can add one or more category id to the query. To limit the items are coming from your store only you also should add a Seller filter example
Hope this will solve your problem

Store on Google Shopping, Adwords and Merchant

I'm working on a store (shopify). I want to show my products on google shopping.
I have a feed on Merchant, connected with adwords. I setup a campaign with everything is needed.
The problem is, my store and my products, in categories like I have on store and adwords campaign, not showing the products or the store.
I don't have any ideas, I read all documention of google about it, and the problem continuous.
PS: If is possible, I wanna try add my articles on the showcase on google search (ex.: search by "Smartwatchs")
This may we way too late, but maybe it helps someone.
You said that your categories, as you have them in your store, weren't showing in Google Shopping.
I'd recommend:
A - making sure that you have assigned product types to your products in accordance with your store categories/sections (i.e. Clothing > Men's Clothing > Shirts)
B - clicking the "plus" icon to "subdivide" your product groups based on the product types you assigned.

Apple Music URL Scheme

I need to know the URL Scheme of Apple Music to open a specific song. Up to now I was using the link like this:
That link, was working perfectly in iTunes Store, but now is not working any more. That's because the link is opened by Apple Music, and it seems to work because it opens the album, but not the specific song.
The structure of the links has changed there is now a flag in there for the open method:
Apple music:
Note the app= at the end
There is a link generator here: but I would imaging that you are generating these from your own log of apple ID's yes?
Also you will need to change the store, I am /au/ because I am in australia, these links don't always automatically forward the user and can give "Not available on your store" errors.
To get to a specific track you use this:
Note the change in uo part, I am not sure how this particular part is generated as I got out of the industry a year ago but there is more information here: unfortunately being I no longer work in the industry I am not classed as an affiliate any more.

UPS: Why TimeInTransit for UPS Freight API doesn't work?

Does anyone knows how to get Time In Transit for UPS Freight Shipping. In developers guide I found instructions to specify TimeInTransitIndicator option:
Presence of the tag indicates Time in Transit information is requested
and will be returned.
But there is no any /FreightRateResponse/TimeInTransit tag in UPS' response.
Also there is no such tag <xsd:element name="TimeInTransit" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> in FreightRateWebServiceSchema.xsd file from the UPS' developer's kit in response tag <xsd:element name="FreightRateResponse">
Does anyone know how to get TimeInTransit for Freight API? Would be glad for any help.
I asked UPS support and got the answer:
The < freightRate:TimeInTransit > will only be returned when posting a
request to the production URL.
Your key will need to be approved for production access for the Ground
Freight Rating API before you will be able to post successfully to the
production URL.
The .xsd files and WSDL in the developer tool kit are designed to
deliver this element in production without editing, so what you have
observed with the schema files is by design.
And this is example response with TimeInTransit tag from UPS support