openthread/environment docker rsyslogd: imklog: cannot open kernel log (/proc/kmsg): Operation not permitted - openthread

I am running openthread/environment:latest docker image (as of 2019-06-15)
When starting on a fresh ubuntu 18.04 with docker 18.09 using the command
ubuntu#ip-172-31-37-198:~$ docker run -it --rm openthread/environment bash
I get the following output
Stopping system message bus dbus [ OK ]
Starting system message bus dbus [ OK ]
Starting enhanced syslogd rsyslogd
rsyslogd: imklog: cannot open kernel log (/proc/kmsg): Operation not permitted
rsyslogd: activation of module imklog failed [v8.32.0 try ]
Anyone knows whether this is related to ubuntu setup or the docker container or how to fix.

#Reto's answer will work, but you will be editing that file every time you build your container. Put this in your Dockerfile and you're all set. The edit will be performed automatically while the container is being built.
RUN sed -i '/imklog/s/^/#/' /etc/rsyslog.conf

You will also get rid of this warning if you just comment out the line
inside your Docker container (edit /etc/rsyslog.conf).
I doubt you want to read the kernel messages inside a container ;-)

Try adding the --privileged option.
For example:
docker run -it --rm --privileged openthread/environment bash


Gitlab CI job failed: ERROR the input device is not a TTY

I've registered a GitLab Runner with shell executor installed on Ubuntu 18.04, and also set up a docker container with the command below
docker run -it --gpus '"device=0"' --net=host -v /home/autotest/Desktop/ai_platform:/app --name=ai_platform_system "bash"
Then I tried to execute the following command from the gitlab-ci.yml in Gitlab CI, but I got an error "The input device is not a TTY".
docker attach ai_platform_system
Any clues for this issue except using docker exec? I know docker exec works in Gitlab CI environment but it will create a new session in the container which is not desirable for me. Thanks!
According to this answer (for Jenkins but the same problem) you need to remove the -it flag and the tty.
docker run -T --gpus '"device=0"' --net=host -v /home/autotest/Desktop/ai_platform:/app --name=ai_platform_system "bash"

docker run -v bindmount failing

I am rather new to docker images and am trying to set up a selenium/standalone-firefox image linked to a local folder.
I'm running Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc on Windows 10 and have unsuccessfully tried figuring out the correct working of the docker run -v syntax because it either is unspecific (i.e. too little context for me to make sense of it) or on the wrong platform).
Running docker as admin the the cmd, I used docker run -d -v LOCAL_PATH:C:\Users\Public.
This throws docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: \Users\Public as an error message.
I want to bind the running container to the folder C:\Users\Public (or another folder on the host machine - this is for illustration purposes).
Can someone point me to the (I fear obvious) mistake I'm making? I essentially want to achieve the container's output data (for later scraping) being stored in the host machine's folder C:\Users\Public. The container's output folder should be named myfolder.
** EDIT **
Digging around, I found this (see Volume Mapping).
I have thus tried the following code:
>docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub selenium/hub
>docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome
while the former works fine (it only runs the container), the latter throws the error:
docker: Error response from daemon: Drive has not been shared.
Docker for Windows (and Mac) require you to share drives to be able to volume mount - (Under Shared drives).
You should be able to find it under your Docker Settings > Shared Drives. Ensure your C:\ is selected and restart the daemon. After that, you can run:
docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome
base on the documation:
this path does not exist in container and its linux container.
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\TMP_DOCKERS\firefox selenium/standalone-firefo"

docker container error "Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted"

getting error"Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted" while using systemctl command for restarting service in centos container.
use below command to start the docker container.
docker run -d -it --privileged ContainerId /usr/sbin/init
use docker file from below link for fix this issue. when run the docker image use --privileged.
add these lines to docker file

Docker container immediately exits when started after system reboot

I'm starting my custom docker container (OpenSuse, PHP, Apache, some add-ons) this way:
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=http://user:pwd#ip:port -t prefix/myapp myapp
create --name=myapp --hostname=myapp-p 80:80 -v ${PWD}/myapp:/srv/www/myapp prefix/myapp
docker start myapp
This works perfectly. I can stop and later start the container. However, if I reboot my host system (Windows 10), I'm not able to start the container again. When I try to, the container immediately exits.
How can this be? As stated above, I use the -p and -v flags to map ports and mount a directory.
This is the output of...
docker logs myapp
-> httpd (pid 1) already running
May or may not be your problem (the logs will be telling), but I ran into an issue with docker on windows where the container tries to start before the file system is ready, which causes an error with the volume mounts. I never found a great solution aside from running a task that verifies the volume mount and restarts the container if it failed.

"docker run -dti" with a dumb terminal

updated: added the missing docker attach.
Hi am trying to run a docker container, with -dti. but I cannot access with a terminal set to dumb. is there a way to change this (it is currently set to xterm, even though my ssh client is dumb)
create the container
docker run -dti --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs
cd /my-folder
npm install -g gulp
the last command always contains ascii escape chars to move the cursor.
I have tried "export TERM=dumb" inside the running container, but it does not work.
is there a way to "run" this using the dumb terminal?
I am running this from a script on another computer, via (dumb) ssh.
using the -t which sets this, however removing effects the command prompt (the prompt is not shown)
possible solution 1 remove the -t and keep the -i. To see if the command has completed echo out a known token (ENDENDEND). ie
docker run -di --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs;echo ENDENDEND
cd /my-folder;echo ENDENDEND
npm install -g gulp;echo ENDENDEND
not pretty, but it works (there is no ascii in the results)
Possible solution 2 use the journal, docker can log out to the linux journal, this can be gathered as commands are executed in the container. (I have yet to fully test this one out. however the log seems to be a nicer output of what happened)
Yep -t is the problem.
However if you want to see the entire process when running a command, maybe this way is better:
docker run -di --name test -v/my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker exec -it test /bin/ash
finally you need to kill the container after all jobs finished.
docker run -d means "Run container in background and print container ID"
not start the container as a daemon
I was hitting this issue on OSx running docker, i had to do 2 things to stop the terminal/ascii/ansi escape sequences.
remove the "t" option on the docker run command (from docker run -it ... to docker run -i...)
ensure to force bash or sh shells used on osx when running the command from a script file, not the default zsh
the escape sequences were not always visible on the terminal
even so, they still usually caused content corruption, even with SED brought to bear
they always were shown in my editor